The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 659 The key battle!

Chapter 659 The Crucial Battle!
With the end of the training camp, the king team finally determined the main lineup!

Mid laner: Wei Xiaoxiao, first substitute is Ye Wuhen; ADC: Xia Ninghan, first substitute is Lin Xiaoxiao, support: Lu Tian, ​​first substitute is Gao Shou; jungler: Xia Jie, first substitute is Li Xiangyuan ; Top order: Jin Qiqi, the first substitute is Ye Qi.

When the main lineup and the first substitute lineup were released, the players suddenly discovered that Wu Di's name was not among them!
But the uncle gave everyone the best explanation:

In order to win the league championship, your captain Wu Di must pick up his previous style of play again!

What was Wu Di's previous style of play?Of course it's his famous finisher style of play!In the game, firmly restrict the performance of the opponent's ace player, and constantly contain the opponent's performance in online and team battles, this is the essence of the finishing style of play.

Therefore, Wu Di will appear in any position according to the opponent's situation. At that time, the original main player will become the first substitute, and the first substitute will become the second substitute.

This is the biggest peculiarity of the team with Wu Di.Wu Di will be the deadly bullet that goes straight into the opponent and helps the team win the game.

A few days later, when the Kings team had finished their run-in, the second stage of the Super League officially rekindled the battle.

The order of the Kings team is exactly the same as in the first half of the season, except that the home and away games will be swapped.After the seventh round, the brand-new Kings won consecutive victories and won seven consecutive victories in the second half of the season. They even defeated the Brilliant Team with a total score of 2:0 in the extremely small home stadium. This biggest competitor!

After this result was reported by the majority of e-sports media, people realized that those "big words" that Wu Di said when the Kings team landed in the Super League have gradually become reality step by step!

Not only have their league points tied with the Bright team, they are neck and neck with them, tied for first place, and most importantly, they are now unstoppable in the entire league!
In these seven rounds of the league, Wu Di has resumed the finishing style of play, choosing the same position as the opponent's star player in each game, and then firmly restricting the performance of the opponent's biggest player in the game.Such a scene reminds people of Wu Di's most familiar title before he left the arena - Terminator.

To end all heroes who become famous and masters are resistant to becoming famous, this is what Wu Di will do in every game.And it was under his leadership that King's Team made great strides all the way and achieved such an impressive record.

Various e-sports media wanted to interview him, but he refused them one by one. The answer he gave was simple: before winning the world championship, Team King and I will not stop, and I will refuse all personal interviews !
All of a sudden, Wu Di and King's team announced with unstoppable momentum that they would be the most powerful contenders in the Super League this season, overshadowing all the teams in the limelight!

At the same time, the major teams began to conduct special research on Wu Di personally, but they failed to find a suitable method to restrain his performance. Compared with three years ago, this Wu Di is obviously more terrifying, more mature, and better understands the team's goals. important!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that when Wu Di led the Kings team to set off a storm in the Super League, the security departments of various countries also found the dens of the [Organization] and jointly attacked them, although they could not be eradicated. , but also rewarding.At the same time, a group of victims, including Wei Xiaoxiao's younger brother, were sent back to various countries in time, and the evil [organization] gradually disappeared from the world.

However, as a derivative product of the organization, the Fengyun team was not affected by the attack on the organization. They continued to play steadily in the Super League of China, and achieved a good record. They are still ranked first in the standings now. Three, and maintained a very small gap with the top two Kings and Brilliant teams.

After Wei Xiaoxiao welcomed her younger brother back, it was as if she was a different person. Excited, she regained the fearsome [demon fox] demeanor of the past, and she performed extremely well in the competition.

With her sudden outburst, King's team will go all the way in the next game, meeting gods and gods, meeting Buddhas and Buddhas, and when this season's league is about to end, King's team is already one victory ahead of Bright team field points!

As long as the King's team does not lose completely to any opponent in the next game, then they will win the Super League championship and become the first team in the history of China's e-sports to perform miracles!

And when this season reaches the last three rounds, the Kings still have two tough battles to fight, the first being the home game against the Fire Team.The Agni team is now ranked fourth, but if they can defeat strong enemies in the last three rounds, they can theoretically hit the league championship, so there is no room for loss in this game.

Everyone knows that the result of the match between the Blazing Team and the King's Team will largely determine the ownership of the league champion. Therefore, before the match between the two teams, the very small stadium of the King's Team is already crowded with people, okay? lively.

More than 1000 people were crammed into a venue that could only accommodate 2000 spectators. This shows how crowded the venue is.

In this crucial game, the Kings team carried an irresistible momentum, which made the Agni team completely exhausted.

Although Wu Di did not have an obvious advantage in the confrontation with Zhao Yindi, but because he completely restrained Zhao Yindi in the wild area, he had no time to take care of other routes, so the Kings team relied on their online advantage. Gradually turn it into a winning trend!

2:0!The Kings defeated a strong opponent at home, which not only cut off the hope of the Agni team, but also made themselves one step away from reaching the top of the Super League champion!
In the penultimate round of the league, Team King once again defeated a team in the middle and lower reaches of the league, allowing them to touch the league championship with half their hands!However, the Brilliant team refused to let go of any chance, and still won consecutive victories to gain points, and was biting the King's team tightly behind.

However, when the Super League is in the final round, as long as the Kings don't lose 0:2 to the Brilliant Team, then they will make history and win the Super League championship trophy!
Can Team Brilliant come from behind and complete a shocking reversal?Can Team King create a new era of e-sports and become a legendary team?All answers are in the last round!
The battle between the king team and the brilliant team will determine the league champion!
(End of this chapter)

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