Chapter 666
Wu Shuang stared blankly at Wu Di's back, and then saw him leading the King's team to the front of all the fans, bowing down respectfully, the fans naturally gave even warmer applause to him. them.

"Wu Di, remember you promised our world champion!"

"Wu Di, we want the world champion! If we can't get it back this year, I'll decide to stay at your house!"

"Wu Di, take back the world championship, and I will form a beautiful fan cheerleading team for you!"

With the fan's joke, the atmosphere of the audience suddenly became more joyful.

But Wu Di couldn't help feeling that his eyes were moist.He turned his back, adjusted his emotions, and then said to his teammates: "Okay, everyone is happy, but don't get too complacent. We just achieved the first goal. Starting today, our task Even more difficult, we will face the world's top teams in the future!"

Wu Di's words naturally made everyone calm down a lot.Indeed, as he said, the championship of the Super League is just their entrance ticket to the world stage, where there are still a lot of terrible opponents waiting for them.

According to the competition system of China's e-sports circle, they also need to participate in the trials for the World Club Finals.Just because they won the championship, they have some advantages in terms of grouping and competition system.

After bidding farewell to the e-sports fans of Team Brilliant, Wu Di and Team King hurriedly left the e-sports venue...

At the same time, in the last game of this season, the Kings team won the game with their overall excellent performance, and finally won the league championship of this season. hot topic in the world.

The major e-sports media immediately carried out in-depth reports on the Kings team, and the most mentioned name was naturally Wu Di.

Wu Di fell quickly because of a final three years ago. Three years later, he led a brand-new grassroots team to stand on the top of China's e-sports again. Such a feat, of course, deserves their unsparing publicity.

After Wu Di's short-lived fall in China's e-sports circle, he was no longer able to challenge for the world championship. Although there have emerged such geniuses as Lu Li and Zhao Yindi, they still fell short in the end and failed to stand out among the world's powerful players.

And Wu Di and his king team won the championship of the Super League, which naturally let everyone see the hope of Huaxia e-sports comeback!They hope that Wu Di can continue the myth of the year and complete the unfinished business!

Wu Di's dialogue with fans in the Brilliant Team e-sports venue was made into an exquisite video, which was eagerly reposted on the Internet.

The brilliant e-sports fans, the e-sports fans in Quancheng, and the e-sports fans in Huaxia all believe that Wu Di can fulfill his promise and regain the world championship owed to everyone!

Wu Di's relatives and friends also expressed their heartfelt congratulations to him immediately.Especially several of his roommates went to the airport in Tianfu City to meet Wu Di in person.

When they found that there were so many beauties around Wu Di, they even sighed that there is no comparison between people!

However, when they saw that Her Majesty Xia Ninghan was listening to their chat with hostility, the big boys suddenly fell silent, and hurriedly pulled Wu Di's sleeve and whispered in a low voice: "Great genius, although You have a lot of good luck, but with Her Majesty's [precepts and deeds], I think you can only become a Russian in the future!"

"What Russian?" Wu Di was puzzled.

"Scratching ears cowardly!" several bad friends said in unison, so that Wu Di couldn't help but shot and left a green bag on everyone's head.

In the end, Wu Di had no choice but to take them back to the e-sports base in Yangcheng after several indoor trials and tribulations, and let these guys have a good look around.

Afterwards, these guys pushed forward and suggested: "Since you want to build a Disneyland in the e-sports world, you must need a lot of manpower. So, the work of the brothers has been implemented! Don't talk about it! As a high-level person, at least you can come here and get a high-paying job."

Wu Di's teammates were dumbfounded by his roommates. After visiting around and paying homage to the top of the mountain, these guys surrounded Wei Xiaoxiao like a group of chirping sparrows.

"Miss Wei, I am your most loyal fan! I like you far more than I like Wu Di! I want to take a photo with you!"

"Sister Xiaoxiao, I know everyone in the world likes to call you by this name, so... I want to shake hands with you!"

"You all go away, who doesn't know that you are all lolicon? I am the real queen and elder sister! So, sister Xiaoxiao, please date!"

Wei Xiaoxiao was a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the roommates. In the end, Wu Di rushed over to drag them away and went to the cafeteria to have a big meal, which dispelled most of their enthusiasm.

After spending two days and two nights at Team King's e-sports base, these guys finally wanted to leave reluctantly.

Before leaving, several roommates surrounded Wu Di, and under his inexplicable eyes, touched his shoulder and muttered.

"Okay, our prayers and our own strength have been lent to you! Now you are sure to win the world championship.

Remember, after winning the championship, you must come back!We have already boasted Haikou in front of our classmates, saying that we will definitely invite you to the celebration banquet! "

Of course Wu Di was very moved.He nodded and replied, "Don't worry, I will definitely win the world championship back!"


In the following week, all the major e-sports media in China, and even foreign reporters, flocked to the e-sports base of Team Kings, wanting to have a personal interview with Wu Di, but he refused them one by one.

The current him knows that winning the Super League championship is just a start, so there is no room for any slack!

Then, the King's team retreated for training again, preparing for the trials.Uncle's devil training program is not something that can be eaten casually.

One month later, there is still half a month before the official start of the World Club Champions League.And Huaxia has passed the selection competition, and finally decided three representative teams that can represent Huaxia to participate in the World Club Championship Finals!
They are Team King, Team Brilliant and Team Raging Fire!

All Huaxia e-sports fans expressed their blessings to these three teams before they set off, hoping that they can sweep away the haze of the Huaxia team in the World Series and win back a world championship trophy for everyone!

However, Wu Di and King's team were not as excited as the fans after the result came out.Because, they were very puzzled: Why did the Fengyun team led by Danqing fail to stand out and get the right to represent in the end?

The Fengyun team has achieved No.3 results in the Super League. In terms of strength, there are really not many teams in Huaxia that can really shake them.However, why were they eliminated as if they had voluntarily given up the trials?
Wu Di was very puzzled by this point, but after a big news was released three days later, he suddenly understood.

Three days later, the Fire Team released a blockbuster trade news.In the form of free transfer, they took Danqing and Tang Hao, two powerful fighters, under their command!Moreover, Danqing injected capital into Team Agni in his own name and became a minority shareholder of the team!

Once this news was released, it also attracted speculation and heated discussions from all parties.But Wu Di saw Danqing's helplessness.

Because of the destruction of the [Organization], Dan Qing was also helpless.His father, the biggest figure named BOSS is also missing.But Danqing himself is very interested in e-sports. In order to prove himself, he decided to disband the Fengyun team in this way, and then let himself have a chance to become the world champion!

Based on Wu Di's understanding of Danqing, he naturally knows that this kid is also a guy who refuses to admit defeat, and since he can continue to realize his dream, then he will definitely prove himself in his own way!
In this way, Wu Di and Danqing will meet again in the world arena.For this result, Wu Di couldn't say how excited he was, but he knew that deep down in his heart, there was still an inexplicable expectation!

Between him and Danqing, in fact, there is no winner yet!
After Danqing and Tang Hao joined the Agni team, of course, their strength has improved a lot. On the same day, they announced their main lineup and the goal of this World Champions League finals - to win the championship!
In the last season, only Zhao Yindi was an All-Star player in Team Agni, and they had already won the top eight results in the world. Now that Dan Qing and Tang Hao have joined, they naturally have the confidence and reason to set their goals. Higher!
In the e-sports world, the champion is supreme, without a champion, everything is out of the question!
After feeling the strong pressure, the King's team did not train hard again. Now that the Champions League is about to start, all they have to do is adjust their mentality so that they can face it with a normal heart!
Wu Di invited Chen Linlin, a hypnotist who once helped him, and asked her to offer psychological counseling and counseling classes for everyone, so that everyone can maintain a calm heart at any time during the fierce competition...

A week later, when the Kings came to Los Angeles, USA, where the current Champions League was held, Wu Di couldn't help but return to the night when he had an accident a few years ago.

Because the venue of the competition this time is still arranged in the [King] e-sports arena!
Revisiting the old place, Wu Di can't say whether his mood is good or bad at this time.And Xia Ninghan was by his side, aware of Wu Di's complicated mood.

"Don't think too much, the past is over. Since the Champions League is arranged here again this time, it must be God's will. It seems that God also wants you to regain everything you lost here. .”

"Hehe, Sister Ninghan, I reluctantly accept this statement. But it's up to people to plan things and God to make things happen. I have to work harder. Since God has given me a chance, I can't waste it!"

(End of this chapter)

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