Chapter 670 Against KKT!
A few days later, the group stage was all over.

King's team swept all the opponents in the group and ranked first with a record of complete victories!This also made the world's e-sports fans once again see the power of Wu Di and King's team!When they thought Wu Di was just a passing player, he had already led the Kings team to become the strongest contender for the championship of this year's finals.

At the same time, the top eight list has also been produced. They are the king team and YY team in group A; the bright team and myth team in group B;

It is worth mentioning that the three representative teams from China and South Korea finally entered the quarterfinals, occupying more than half of the quarterfinals, and the two traditional giants in Europe also advanced naturally. Judging from the list of the quarterfinals , the e-sports world of League of Legends, three pillars stand together!

In addition, the Agni team in Group C also had a moderate upset in the group stage.They defeated the KKT team that eliminated them in the last season in the group stage, and made great strides all the way, winning consecutive victories. It seems that they have the strength to hit the championship...

And another point that is talked about by fans is that the competitiveness of China and South Korea seems to exceed that of European powers in terms of quantity.The combined teams of these two countries occupied six seats in the quarterfinals.

The legendary team has achieved six consecutive championships. This time, all e-sports fans and professional e-sports commentators believe that they will encounter the most powerful challenge in history!
Among them, of course, the king team led by Wu Di is the most interesting and challenging.As we all know, Wu Di was forced to withdraw from the e-sports world a few years ago because of his final match with the legendary team.

After the list of the top eight teams was released, e-sports media from all over the world conducted exclusive interviews with these eight teams.

Jones of the legendary team still calmly analyzed the situation of this year's finals, and then smiled and told reporters that he was still looking forward to the match with Wu Di, but judging from the schedule, if both teams can pass all the way, then They will meet in the final.

When the Kings team, which is the focus of the media, was interviewed by reporters, none of their other members attended the press conference, and only Wu Di sat on the stage with a smiling face to answer questions from the reporters.When reporters asked about his goal for this year, his answer was very simple, with only two words—championship; and when reporters asked him how to overcome difficulties and return to the e-sports field, his answer was only two words --persist in.

Next, reporters from major e-sports media also conducted exclusive interviews with the other six teams in the quarterfinals, and these six teams clearly expressed their determination—that is, to come for the world championship!

However, when interviewing the Agni team, Dan Qing, who had recently joined the team and had never played in the World Series, pointed the finger at Jones and Wu Di.He said that everyone wants to be a world champion, but there is only one, so there is only one winner.And to become a world champion, one must defeat all opponents. In his eyes, only Wu Di and Jones can be called "opponents"!
These words immediately aroused the resentment of the other team members, and they were all ready to use all their strength to teach this arrogant rookie a lesson in the match against the Agni team.

After a short rest and adjustment, the quarter-finals finally officially kicked off under the eager anticipation of hundreds of millions of viewers!
The list of the quarterfinals is as follows:

Team King vs. KKT, Team YY vs. Team Flame, Team Bright vs. Team SOS, Team Legend vs. Team Myth!
The legendary team and the mythical team, this pair of opponents in the finals of last season met in the quarterfinals!
This result still surprised all fans and professional staff.But the fact is that one of the two teams will leave the stage of the finals early, so everyone has to accept the reality.

And after the host recounted the situation of the quarter-finals match to everyone, both sides of the first quarter-finals match entered the room together.

KKT team VS king team!
As soon as they entered the game room, the captains of the two teams also began to encourage their players.And in the KKT team, there are two old acquaintances who have a close relationship with Wu Di, they are Yoon Sang-tie and Lee Jae-il.

Li Zairi came to Quancheng more than a year ago and once played against Wu Di.In the battle of focus in the underground black market, although he and Wu Di did not face each other in the same position, his "United Nations Team" was finally defeated by Wu Di's Brilliant Team, and eventually lost both people and money. .

Therefore, his hatred for Wu Di also grew with the end of that match.This time, their KKT team and King's team will face off in the knockout round of the quarterfinals, which also gave him the hope of revenge.

And another Korean star player, Yoon Sang-chul, Wu Di had a 3V3 match with Wu Di after he regained his health when he went to study in the e-sports department of Chung-Ang University in order to restore his memory.In that game, he led two amateur players (Mu Piaopiao and Lulu) who were not too strong, and defeated the three Korean professional players led by him. [Disgraceful] defeat.

Therefore, after Yin Xiangtie met Wu Di again in the world arena, he naturally made every effort to avenge the past.

As for the two Korean players, obviously the bigger player is Yin Sangtie, and he must be playing in the jungle position. Therefore, Wu Di replaced Xia Jie in King's lineup for this game.He will personally have a direct dialogue with this top Korean jungler again!

At this time, when Yin Xiangtie and Li Zairi were cheering and cheering for their players, Wu Di was calmly admonishing everyone in his game room:

"It's not easy for King's team to get to where it is today. But all the hardships and hardships have passed. We have met the strongest opponent so far. Will we be afraid? Of course we will not be afraid of them, because our goal is the final world champion , so they are just a stumbling block on our way forward. All we have to do is to kick them away and not hinder us from moving forward.

Well... this is what the great Mao Zedong said [strategically despise the enemy], then the next step is [tactically attach importance to the opponent].According to the analysis of tactical analyst Xiao Li, we will start to make a fuss about them in the banning link.

In the professional league in South Korea this season, the heroes that the South Korean team likes to use most are the bull head chief, the tree man, the old man of time, the dark head, the leopard girl, the blaster Yasuo, the blind monk, the praying mantis, the spider, the prince, and the poodle , Cannon, Paladin, Mouse, Tide Caller, Nami, Thresh, and Wind Girl.

Xiao Li has analyzed that the KKT team's favorite routines are bull head or prince in the top lane, Yasuo or the old man in the middle lane, the jungler tends to use blind monks and poodles, and they like to use small cannons in the bottom lane A combination with Summoning Shame.

And there are only three heroes that we can disable.How to suppress their strongest lineup to the greatest extent, Xiao Li has already given the answer-ban the old man Time, summon Tide Shaker and Yasuo!

Our lineup, when the time comes, see how they choose, and then make a decision! "

After the arrangement was completed, the Kings team took the lead in banning these heroes, and the KKT team was obviously prepared, and they also banned the blind monk, the tauren chief and the Thresh.

Later, since the first game was the KKT team's first ban, they grabbed the most popular top laner hero in the current version-Treeman in the first choice.

"Take the Dark Head and Ryze!" Wu Di said decisively, and his teammates had already snatched these two heroes.

Although the Dark Head is slightly reduced in this version, her strong suppression is still a popular candidate for the mid laner. After she is selected, no matter which hero the opponent chooses, she can play [-]-[-], or even suppress the opponent!

In order to deal with treants, Ryze, a long-range mage hero, is obviously a suitable choice.Although he lacks mana, as long as he is given a certain amount of time to develop, Ryze will become a big killer in team battles after he grows up, and he will not suffer much when dealing with treants online.

After the king team took out two heroes in a targeted manner, the KKT team hesitated for a moment and took the lead in coming up with their own bottom lane combination-Pao Niang and Feng Nu.Then the king team thought for a while, and snatched the mouse and the goddess of dawn!

Although Pao Niang is a super late ADC hero, Mouse's oppressive force and wretched style of play in the early stage will definitely make her suffer. Overwhelm opponents online!
In the end, the KKT team chose Mantis as the jungle hero, Clockwork Demon as the mid laner hero, and the king team took out the poodle and used it as the jungle hero!

The lineups of the two sides have been settled. The king team is Ryze, the dark head, the mouse, the goddess of dawn, and the poodle; the KKT team is the tree man, the clockwork monster, the cannon girl, the wind girl, and the mantis.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see in an instant that if they want to control the rhythm of the early stage of the game, the poodle controlled by Wu Di and the mantis controlled by Yin Xiangtie will be the most critical figures in determining the trend of the early stage of the game!

Although Wu Di played a superb performance in the group stage and won back the hearts of most fans, professional e-sports people still think that he and the Kings team have not encountered any challenges, and the opponents in the group stage are still too strong. Weak, and only the knockout is the critical moment to test whether he still has dominance!

(End of this chapter)

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