The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 676 The Prince's New Technique

Chapter 676 The Prince's New Technique
In the third match, Team King released its [ultimate move].With the cooperation of Judgment Angel and Gravedigger's ultimate moves, Dazui obtained an unparalleled output environment.Whether the opponent wants to kill Da Zui first, or the Angel of Judgment without the invincible ult, Da Zui has done enough output in all team battles!

At first, the KKT team was able to take advantage of the opportunity when Dazui's equipment was not formed, and played a good head-changing performance in team battles. The characteristics of the lineup made the KKT team suffer a lot.Although after each battle between the two sides, there are only one or two heroes left on the field, but the king team can always have one more player than the opponent in every team battle.

It is the advantage played in the team battle that allows the king team to push the tower to get the dragon unscrupulously after the team battle. Gradually, the economic gap between the two sides is also widening.

In the end, the crucial battle of Tianwang Mountain was won by King's team.The total score is 2:1!The king team is only half a step away from advancing to the semi-finals!
At this time, there was no sound in the KKT team's game room, and everyone was silent.They originally wanted to deliberately "put water" on the opponent in the first game, so that the rookies in the opponent's lineup would think that they were not strong enough, so they would feel proud and complacent, and then they went all out to catch up and won the second and third consecutive games In three games, they ended up leading their opponents by a large margin both in terms of momentum and situation.

What surprised them was that the Kings team used exactly the same tactics as them, voluntarily gave up the second game, and then continued to go all out in the third game, and even came up with a killer tactic, which succeeded. He took the initiative in his own hands.As long as they make persistent efforts and win another game, then the KKT team will go home.

Yin Xiangtie was silent for a while, as the captain, he was the first to calm down.

"Okay, forget about the total score, and concentrate on playing the fourth game! Don't pay too much attention to the result. As long as we play normally, the king team will not have much chance of winning. As for the game they used in the third game That big move is also very simple, we only need to grab a Judgment Angel to break their tactical routine.

Remember, don't think too much, fight as you want, don't have psychological pressure! "

Although Yin Xiangtie fulfilled the duties of the captain and calmed down the emotions of the team members, the professional e-sports players are generally relatively young. When these young people are playing well, they can be crazier than anyone else, but the ones who can really stabilize their mentality in the face of adversity There are very few players.Although these Korean professional players handled it well in terms of mentality, they still showed a bit of worry when facing the fourth game of life and death.

King's team game room.

After winning the third game, the members of King's Team also boosted their morale, and everyone was a little excited.And Wu Di still looked calm, looking at his computer screen intently.He then gave instructions for the fourth game.

"In the fourth game, we can no longer use that big move. Any move can only be used once in the professional arena. If you use it too much, or use it continuously, the opponent will definitely take precautions.

Everyone, keep a calm mind. Although we can't use the big move in that lineup, our tactics can still be changed.In this game, we will focus on the guest and play an offensive formation!

Top laner Rambo, mid laner murloc, ADC holy gun ranger or cannon girl, assist you to choose your opponents, and I will use the prince in the jungle. This time, show them the offensive ability of our king team! "

Afterwards, the fourth game officially started soon. After the two sides conducted the same bans as the previous games, they entered the selection process.

When the king team took the little murloc first, the KKT team knew that the opponent would definitely not be able to use the previous routine, so they still took out their favorite lineup. Finally, after the selection of the two sides, the audience also Got quiet and started to appreciate this fourth game.

The two sides still did not break out into a first-level team, nor did they change lanes, and they still played normally. In this way, the junglers of both sides will still be an important factor that dominates the early stage of the game.

In this game, Wu Di used the prince, and Yin Xiangtie used the mantis. From the point of view of the single output ability, the mantis has the upper hand, but from the perspective of the team, the prince with EQ flying skills is more dominant. .

After the BUFF monsters were refreshed, the two sides did not invade each other's wild area, but brushed their own wild monsters in a regular manner, until the junglers of both sides reached the third level at the same time!
At this time, both the prince and the mantis did the same thing—they began to rush towards the road!

After arriving on the top road, the prince hid behind his side's line and refused to show up for a long time, while the mantis sneaked directly into the grass on his top road, and was not easy to take the lead.

In such a situation, people with a discerning eye can quickly see that these two top professional players have seen each other's jungler's intentions!They must have known that the first stop of the opponent's gank was in the top lane, so they came to the top lane at the same time, and they were reluctant to do it because they knew that back squatting must be more threatening than the first gank!

However, some top experts have seen a little difference in the positions of these two junglers.

The mantis is lurking in the grass, as long as Rambo gets near the grass, he will walk into the attack range of the mantis, and the mantis can attack immediately, and instantly maim Rambo; and the position of the prince is obvious. Very far back, far away from the Lambo.That is to say, even if the top laners of Mantis and KKT saw the opportunity and attacked decisively, although the prince possessed the EQ combo, it would be difficult to enter the battlefield in the first place to help his teammates fight back.

The masters who saw this clue were of course puzzled in their hearts: According to common sense, it is impossible for Wu Di not to know these truths. His prince position is obviously too far back. If the opponent seizes the opportunity to fight, then Rambo will definitely not die and is half disabled, and it is very likely that after the flash is handed in, the opponent will follow up with the flash and give him a fatal blow!
Why is the prince standing so far back?What was he thinking about?Could it be that he deliberately gave the opponent a chance to make the first move?But it is difficult for him to support his teammates in time in his position!
While the spectators were thinking about Wu Di's position, Yin Xiangtie shouted to his teammates in the earphone:

"Get ready! Rambo's position is very forward, the prince must be behind the line of soldiers, but we can beat Rambo to crippled, maimed, or even killed before he comes to the battlefield!

Next time, when Lambo walks near the grass where I am, you will go decisively! "

The top laner of the KKT team is Ryze, who has super explosive power and a single-target control skill, so teaming up with the explosive Mantis is enough to deal a fatal blow to Rambo in a short time.

And Rambo didn't know why, so he took another step towards the grass where the praying mantis was!And this step just brought him into the attacking range of the praying mantis!

Yin Xiangtie gave a cold shout, and the mantis assumed a flying posture, and quickly came to Rambo's eyes, and quickly played a Q skill and a basic attack.Because of the red BUFF on the mantis, Rambo was also hit with a deceleration effect.

However, Rambo's W skill can not only provide himself with a shield, but also increase his movement speed a lot. After seeing the enemy suddenly attacking him, he quickly activated this skill and made himself retreat.

And Ryze obviously wouldn't let go of this excellent opportunity, he walked over quickly and directly set Rambo in the field!
Then, the three skills of QWE were launched at the same time, and Rambo's blood volume was bottomed out in an instant!At this time, under the attack of the two enemy heroes, Rambo only had more than 100 health points left!
As long as Praying Mantis and Ryze use their skills or basic attacks twice, Rambo will surrender a blood!

The audience from God's perspective naturally thought of his jungle teammate Prince when Rambo's life was hanging by a thread.So they hurriedly used the corners of their eyes to hold back the position of the prince, only to find that the prince was about to walk into the battlefield after the opponent finished playing a set!
This movement speed... is obviously too late, it seems that Rambo will definitely be buried here...

flash!Rambo surrendered his last means of life-saving, trying to escape the enemy's pursuit.Since the top laner heroes in the game usually carry teleportation to support teammates on the whole map, in order to ensure that Rambo is killed by their own side, Mantis and Ryze both used flash!At the same time, after the mantis landed, he also hit Rambo with the W skill, and Ryze also played a basic attack, which caused Rambo's health to drop again.At this time, as long as Mantis and Ryze touch casually, Rambo will fall to the ground!

And at this critical moment, a military flag suddenly appeared in front of Ryze and Mantis!Yin Xiangtie and his teammates were taken aback for a moment, and then sneered in their hearts—the military flag of the prince was placed in front of the heroes they controlled, not behind them!If this military flag was placed behind him, then Ryze and Mantis might be picked up by the prince's EQ two times, and finally Rambo escaped from under his nose, but this military flag was placed in front of the hero!That is to say, even if the prince used the EQ second company, it would be of no avail, not to mention that he would not be able to save Rambo at all, and he might also get himself into the attack range of his own hero.Even if you can't beat the prince to death, you can still beat him to a half!
The audience discovered this at the same time, and they were also surprised.How could this former World No. [-] genius make such a mistake?Is this the rhythm of selling teammates and giving yourself double buffs?This genius made a fatal mistake!

(End of this chapter)

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