The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 678 Advance to the top 4!

Chapter 678 Advance to the semi-finals!
The prince used the improved EQ magic skill, combined with Rambo's quick return to the city and teleportation routine, and successfully achieved first blood.This scene began to be replayed repeatedly on the big screen of the live broadcast.

The audience watched for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion: Never underestimate that genius!Because even when he made a move that everyone thought was wrong, he would use an unimaginable way to make everyone have a strong feeling that their faces were flushed instantly.

At the moment when he used the prince to throw the military flag just now, everyone thought that Wu Di made a mistake in the operation, and the military flag at that position could not make the prince's EQ fly the opponent twice in a row.The results of it?As a result, someone else used a brand-new technique to successfully knock out two enemy heroes, and created an opportunity for Rambo to return to the city to replenish, and finally got a first blood with a novel routine.

This kind of operation, this kind of thinking, made those fans and players who underestimated Wu Di have to sigh in their hearts.

Yin Xiangtie was a little dazed by the prince's new skills, but he quickly calmed down. The game would not end just because of a blood.His mantis, now that the double buffs have been lost, all he can do is continue to spawn monsters in the wild, hoping to reach level six as soon as possible.

Without double buffs, it hurts morale, but it is not absolute. As long as Mantis can judge and prepare for the prince's next stop, and kill him with his teammates, the disadvantage will be reversed soon.

It is somewhat surprising that after gaining such a big opening advantage, the prince frequently went to the lane to help his teammates gank, but just like Mantis, he kept spawning monsters in the jungle.

Some masters looked at the situation on the field and understood Wu Di's intention: he wanted the prince to reach level six as soon as possible, otherwise, his gank would not be as effective as other junglers!
Time passed minute by minute.A few minutes later, the mantis and the prince had both reached level six, and both sides played smoothly on each route, without any kills.

With the help of the prince, Rambo, who was on the road, already had some advantages, but Jin Qiqi was a newcomer after all, but she didn't use this advantage to suppress the opposite Ryze, but at the same time, Ryze was also very careful not to be too aggressive.The reason is also very simple. He always has a shadow of the prince in his heart. He is deeply afraid that he will be attacked by the prince from behind or from the side during the fight with Rambo.The upper unit is the place where snowballs are most likely to occur, so he is more cautious, because he does not want the opponent to blow up the upper lane.

Wei Xiaoxiao in the middle lane controls the short-armed little murloc, and she still plays steadily, but once the opportunity arises, she will immediately go berserk. In the process of playing wild, the prince deliberately ran to the middle lane and swayed twice, which also made the opponent's mid laner He didn't dare to step forward to suppress the little murloc easily.

The combination of Xia Ninghan and Lu Tian in the bottom lane is also very experienced. Although the bottom lane combination of the KKT team has been famous in Korea for a long time and is quite powerful, Xia Ninghan is determined to focus on defense this time, and did not let the opponent How many offensive opportunities were caught.

The prince and the mantis have reached the sixth level, so naturally they have to do something.Wu Di looked at the situation on the field, and after keeping in mind the positions of the pawn lines of each route, he sent a reminder to Wei Xiaoxiao, asking her to invade the wild with him!

The single hero of the KKT team in this game is a blasting ghost. This bomber needs blue buffs more, and the second blue buff is naturally very important to him.Without this blue buff, he would not be able to compete with the little murloc online.

Therefore, it is natural for the king team to invade the wild area at this time and compete for the blue BUFF.

At the same time, the king team seems to be bound to win the blue BUFF. The little murlocs and the prince have already ambushed behind the bushes, and their bot lane team is also starting to approach here—this is a big move of four people encircling and grabbing the BUFF !

Sensing the opponent's intentions, the KKT team also made an instant decision: this blue BUFF cannot be lost!
As a result, the two sides started a confrontation in the wild area of ​​​​Blue BUFF.All kinds of scouting guards lit up the blue BUFF wild area, and the two teams had a clear view.

Wu Di looked at the opponent's position and said decisively: "Let's fight! Bring the blue BUFF in front of us. If you are lucky, you can block a few skills of the opponent!"

Wu Di's instructions are very correct, because in the blue BUFF wild area, if the two sides form a confrontational situation, then the huge blue BUFF monsters can block some skills of heroes in chaotic battles.

However, this also increases the difficulty for grabbing BUFF monsters.Because the speed and rhythm of one person fighting wild monsters and eight people fighting wild monsters are completely different, if [Punishment] is a little slower, then the blue buff is likely to become the opponent's pocket.

King's team took the lead in launching the blue buff without hesitation, but the bomb boy of KKT team also buried minefields in the opponent's formation very specifically.And as he threw out this skill, all members of the KKT team rushed forward!

They want to fight their opponents in this wild area and firmly control the situation in their own hands.

The two sides fought fiercely, and King's team also gave up their plan to compete for the blue BUFF, and they also fought head-on with their opponents without flinching.However, after this round of fighting, the number of heroes killed by both sides was the same, which was a 2 for 2 ending.

Just when the KKT team thought that the opponent with residual blood would retreat quickly and no longer wanted to fight the blue BUFF, the prince and the little murloc with residual blood suddenly beat up the wild monster with blue BUFF!
The KKT team was left with only a Bomberman with residual blood and an ADC with low HP. After thinking about it, the two decided to continue to guard the blue BUFF!The second blue BUFF must be guarded, otherwise, it will be difficult for Bomberman to suppress the little murloc with the ultimate move online.

Moreover, the blue BUFF boss can also become their best backup at this time, providing some output for their own side. If the opponent insists on fighting, the situation is also quite dangerous.

At this moment... the prince's army flag was thrown, but the place where he threw it was not the blue BUFF, but the bloody bomber!

Li Zairi broke out in a cold sweat, quickly put down a pack of explosives on the ground, and quickly escaped with his W skill, but the prince didn't flash, so his new skill couldn't be used. With this good reaction, Bomberman hid After a catastrophe.

However, to everyone's surprise, at this time, the little murloc made an eye-catching operation with the same principle as the prince's new technique—it jumped on the fishing rod, used the E skill, and immediately landed on the ground. Instantly used [Flash]!
The location where it flashed was exactly where the Bomberman landed. In this way, the damage of the little murloc's E skill took effect, and the blood volume of the Bomberman dropped sharply again!
Then, without any suspense, the little murloc clung to the bloody bomber and beat him violently. Within a few seconds, he fell to the ground and became a corpse.

And the little murloc's operation of using the flash in the process of the E skill also made the audience sigh.

In fact, the principle of this technique is similar to that of the prince's new technique. When using the displacement skill, it is directly connected to the flash. Not only can it make the enemy hero hard to defend, but it can also successfully control the opponent.

So far, all the audience naturally dare not underestimate the mid laner of the King's team!It turns out that her understanding of [Flash] also has its own unique features.And the biggest possibility is that because she is a member of the king team, Wu Di may have taught her the principle and precautions of this technique.

After getting the head of the Bomberman, although the prince and the little murloc lost their skills, the KKT team's remaining blood ADC did not dare to step forward to prevent the opponent from destroying the blue BUFF.In the end, the little murloc and the prince got the blue buff before the opponent's hero came back together!

In this battle to snatch the blue BUFF, the king team made a lot of money.Bomberman without the second blue BUFF will naturally be suppressed by the murlocs in the lane, and the matchup in the middle will naturally benefit the King's team, and the King's team has one more kill than the opponent, and the overall economy is also ahead of the opponent.

Yin Xiangtie frowned, looked at the computer screen and thought for a while, and then gave instructions to start the battle for dragons immediately.

In the early stage of the game, the three things of GANK and anti-squatting, invading the wild area and fighting for BUFF wild monsters, and killing dragons are the three most important things that affect the early stage situation.

In terms of GANK and invading the wild area, the KKT team has already fallen behind. If the last issue of killing the dragon is not handled well, then the KKT team will present a huge disadvantage in the early stage!

That's why Yin Xiangtie couldn't wait to let his teammates rush to the Xiaolong Canyon, ready to take advantage of the time when the prince and the little murlocs returned to the city, and quickly take away the little dragon!The economy of a small dragon is enough to make up for the economic gap that was left behind by the opponent.

The heroes who died in the blue BUFF battle of the KKT team have long been resurrected, so they collectively headed towards Xiaolong Canyon.At this time, the prince and the little murloc had just finished returning to the city. From the perspective of time, the King's team really didn't have time to stop the opponent from fighting the dragon.

Wu Di looked at the screen, pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Change lanes! The bot lane duo has been revived, go directly to the top lane to lead the lane! Rambo cleared a wave of minions with his skills, and then returned to the city to equip and directly teleport to the bottom lane Go! The little murlocs and I went to ambush each other's red BUFF jungle area! Let the dragons go to them! Their equipment is not good and their level is not high. Fighting the dragons will take a lot of damage, and during the time they kill the dragons , the duo quickly pushed the pawn line under the defensive tower on the road, and then... quickly pushed the tower!
They went directly to fight Xiaolong, and there was a time difference when they wanted to fight us, so the red BUFF in their wild area must not have been killed. This is the right time to go! "

(End of this chapter)

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