Chapter 685 Replacement
The audience saw Wei Xiaoxiao's 0:3, so they also began to discuss the strength of this beautiful player.

"That foreign aid from Team Raging Fire is so fierce! If you hit the mid laner, you'll blow up the opponent right away!"

"Yeah, I heard that the mid laner of Team Kings is one of the best mid laners in China, and he was so easily beaten by that foreigner. Is this a difference in strength? Or a difference in status?"

"I think it's the difference in status... because the Kings are leading by a large score now, and they only need to win one more game to enter the finals, so their players are more or less proud and complacent."

"I don't think so! I think it's the difference in strength between the two sides that led to such a consequence! You see, the foreign players of the Raging Fire team played calmly, while the beautiful mid laner of the Kings team was already frowning." There are a lot of them. Judging from the expression, I think this is a gap in strength!"

"Damn! Are you a physicist who is proficient in gossip and Zhouyi? You can see the strength gap between the two by looking at their faces? Don't be ridiculous.

But, having said that, it seems that the beautiful contestant is really no match for the blond boy.Three solo kills, such a phenomenon, is very abnormal in such a competition! "

"The first two times were really solo-killed, and the third time was when a jungler came to the tower to force-kill her. But it was precisely because she was solo-killed the first two times that she was killed this third time. Zhong The order was obviously crushed, and it took less than 10 minutes to fight...

And have you found out that the mid laner and jungler of the two teams are a combination, and the king's mid laner is blown up, so their combination will naturally not be able to play as easily as their opponents.

In short, the game of the King's team is probably more ominous than good. "

The last audience member who spoke was a retired professional player. Although he was not very famous at the beginning, his opinion was recognized by the audience.

And the game did develop as he said. After Wei Xiaoxiao's mid laner was suppressed, Wu Di was also unable to do anything alone, and couldn't better contain the combination of Danqing and Zhao Yindi.In this way, the rhythm of the game will naturally be quickly controlled by the opponent.

The game ended quite quickly. When the game lasted for more than 20 minutes, the King's team had already lost the game. The players fought hard for a while, and finally their main base was blown up by the opponent 10 minutes ago. .

1:2, the Agni team regained a victory!
However, compared to Team Agni winning the next round, Wu Di paid more attention to the opponent's routine.

Rambo is indeed a powerful hero who can destroy the opponent's formation in the early and middle stages, and the opponent's jungler is Zhao Yindi. He took care of the top lane in the early stage of the last game, so that Rambo can have a good There is room for development, but the mid laner Danqing suddenly broke out, and he "taught" Huaxia's well-known mid laner Wei Xiaoxiao by himself...

Where is the problem?Is it Rambo's appearance?Is Zhao Yindi only taking care of the top lane?Or did Wei Xiaoxiao have a problem with her own mentality, and that's why she was solo-killed by Danqing twice in a row, resulting in a disadvantage in the middle lane?
Wu Di was thinking blankly, and before the fourth game, he reminded his teammates:
"How about this, let's play according to the lineup just now, just ban Rambo first, lest they play that routine. This time, Xiaoxiao will take a more stable mid-laner hero and develop steadily. If the opportunity is not good, don't waste it As long as we hold them back, we can still find our rhythm."

Therefore, the Kings team decisively banned Rambo in the fourth game, and it was still Wu Di playing the jungler and Wei Xiaoxiao playing the mid laner.

The lineups of the two sides have not changed much except that the Agni team replaced Rambo with Daomei.

Under the expectation of the audience, the fourth game officially started.

What's worth mentioning is that Wei Xiaoxiao has learned from the past, so she naturally dare not confront Danqing boldly again. She firmly guards the middle lane, does not easily cross the river to make up the knife, and even hits on both sides of the river. Scout the guards to guard against Zhao Yindi's GANK.

In the early stage of this match, although Wei Xiaoxiao held her ground, she was not overwhelmed by Danqing, and she was not pulled down by him too much in the last knife, but even she herself felt a strange feeling.She always felt that the opponent deliberately didn't play as aggressively as on the field.

And Wu Di also had the same feeling.In the early stage, Zhao Yindi only made a fuss about the top lane, and never went to the mid lane or bottom lane!Because of this, Wu Di had to fight Zhao Yindi on the road to ensure the safety of the road.

And just 10 minutes after the game, Zhao Yindi and Danqing quickly joined forces, and then launched a wave of offensive on the bottom lane.

The two are controlling familiar heroes, and the cooperation is completely different from the second match!They fought against each other's towers, and successfully killed the King's team's support, forced Xia Ninghan's ADC away, and then began to kill the first little dragon.

In this wave, they immediately made an economic gap close to 2000!
Wu Di originally wanted to grab Xiaolong, but because the assistant died and his vision was not enough, he finally gave up this plan.

Team Agni, on the other hand, has gradually taken the initiative of the game into their own hands since this time of encirclement and suppression in the bottom lane. Although Wu Di and Wei Xiaoxiao resisted with all their strength, after 25 minutes passed, Team Agni has already lost in the overall economy. Leading by six thousand!

Afterwards, the fire team's morale was like a rainbow, and they took advantage of their equipment to start team battles one after another. Although the king team avoided it as much as possible, Zhao Yindi and Danqing found the opportunity and took advantage of the team battle.

After 45 minutes passed, the Kings team lost again, and the Agni team successfully tied the total score at 2:2!
After the fourth game, the morale of the members of the Wang Zhan team was a little low. They didn't understand why they lost two games in a row.In the first two games, it was as if the opponent had changed a team, and the rhythm of the game was always in their hands.

And the score of 2:2 brought them back to reality.If you can't win the fifth game, then everything is nothing!
Wu Di sat quietly in the game room, carefully thinking about the reasons for the failure of the first two games, and finally he had a flash of inspiration and found the key to the problem!

Danqing, it's Danqing!It was his mid laner that created this situation!
Rambo in the third game and the bot lane encirclement and suppression in the fourth game were the superficial reasons for the team's defeat, but the deeper reason was that Danqing played the mid laner!Moreover, not only did he successfully suppress Wei Xiaoxiao's performance, but he also took advantage of the overall situation beyond the opponent's view to lead the rhythm of the game into his own hands time and time again!

It seems that...the team's lineup must be adjusted.At the same time, Wei Xiaoxiao also saw that she was not as good as Danqing, and when Wu Di was thinking about how to speak, she herself said:

"Captain, replace me, you play the mid laner, let Xia Jie take the jungle position!"

(End of this chapter)

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