Xixia dead book

Chapter 111 The Lost 1964

Chapter 111 The Lost 1964 (48)
"Ha! Ha!——" Brenning suddenly burst out laughing, and the laughter made Yelena feel a chill down her back in front of the warm fireplace. Could it be related to your case too?"

"Dead? You mean Stenov and Isakov are dead?"

Breining didn't answer Yelena's words, but stared at Yelena for a long time. Yelena was very uncomfortable being watched by Breining. She didn't know what this weird old man was looking at?Finally, Brenning spoke again: "Girl, I wasn't going to continue this conversation with you, but...but since it involves business, I can still answer some of your questions. Of course, part of the reason is because Makarov, he's a good guy, he saved my life in Afghanistan."

Yelena finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Breening's tone softened, "I just want to know about the situation of Stenov and Isakov. Some people say you know. Are they really all dead?"

"Isakov died a long time ago. He died in Afghanistan more than 20 years ago. He died in the line of duty. I don't know how many years have passed. What kind of case can he be related to when he is dead?"

"And what about Stenov?"

"Him? He committed a serious crime. It is said that he has been locked in prison for a long time, and he will never come out in this life. What do you think is the difference between a person like him and a dead person?"

"Ah—?!" Yelena didn't expect that Isakov and Stenov would die together. She felt a little disappointed, but she still didn't give up, and asked Brenning: "Then can you introduce me some details?" Are these two people?"

"Well, I'll just talk about these two people. Isakov's full name is Vasily Alekseevich Isakov. This man is very strong. He is almost as tall as Peter the Great. Almost Standing two meters tall, Isakov is particularly good at close-range combat. Although he is tall and burly, he is not clumsy at all. He once fought a black bear with his bare hands, but his luck was not very good. During the war in Afghanistan, we all went to Afghanistan, but Isakov never came back."

"Never came back? Where's his body?"

"Yes, his body was brought back, but what's the use of it? He's already dead, poor Isakov..." Braining seemed a little sad when he said this.

"Do you know his tomb?"

"Isakov's tomb is in a cemetery in the suburbs."

"Can you provide some more witnesses? I mean witnesses who can confirm that Isakov is indeed dead."

"What? You don't believe me?"

"No! Just to check, you should have a good idea of ​​how we work."

Hearing what Yelena said, Breining nodded slightly, and then reported the names of several people, and said, "You don't have to doubt that many people can testify about the death of Isakov, including those from the KGB and the army. At that time, one of their teams was attacked by guerrillas, as his leader, surviving comrades, and the doctor who rescued him can all testify.”

"Okay, I'll confirm it, let's talk about Stenov." Yelena turned the topic to Stenov.

"Stenov? His full name is Nikolai Dmitmievich Stenov, but we usually don't call him by his real name, but by his nickname, so you mentioned it at the beginning. When I got to him, I was stunned."

"What's his nickname?" Yelena asked curiously.


"What? Stechkin!" Yelena immediately thought of the name of a gun.

"Yes, we called him 'Stechkin' at the time, the name of the famous pistol, because he had scored a hit in one operation with a loaded 20-round Stechkin. A brilliant record of 21 goals."

Yelena's heart trembled suddenly, what a sharpshooter!Yelena knew that the Stechkin pistol was an assault pistol designed by the famous Soviet firearms designer Stechkin in the early 50s. It was widely equipped in the Soviet Army, KGB, Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies. It is far more than the pistols generally used for self-defense, and it is because of this that the Stechkin pistol is bulky, heavy, and inconvenient to carry. The Soviet army gradually withdrew this pistol in the 20s, but the KGB and some special forces But I still have a soft spot for the Stech Gold pistol, especially when performing tasks, I like to use this pistol, but 70 bullets hit 20 targets, how is this possible?

Breining saw Yelena's doubts, snorted softly, and said, "That's right, 20 bullets hit 21 targets, to be precise, 21 people, and two targets were shot by Stechkin. The 9mm bullet pierced through at the same time."

"21 people?" Yelena was even more puzzled. Unless it was a state of war, how could it be possible to kill 21 people at one time in peacetime.

"It's 21 people, 21 American troops!"

"21 American troops?" Yelena asked in surprise.

"It was a top-secret operation. Stechkin and I were sent to Vietnam. Under the cover of the North Vietnamese army, we successfully completed the mission. Fortunately, we did not encounter the American or South Vietnamese troops, but we retreated. On the way, heavy rain poured down, and Stechkin got separated from us in the dense rainforest, and he didn't bring a compass, food or water with him, only a loaded Stechkin pistol. As a result, he went farther and farther in the opposite direction, and was finally discovered by the U.S. military. Two helicopters and a group of U.S. troops surrounded him. Stechkin used the jungle as cover and killed 20 people with 21 rounds of bullets in the pistol. The U.S. military, including four helicopter pilots, wanted to fly the helicopter back, but the helicopter was damaged, so he blew up the helicopter, taking only a compass and an M16 from the U.S. military. Rifle, trekking in the rainforest for four days before returning to safety."

"Unbelievable!" Yelena shook her head, "Are you sure? After all, no one was there at the time."

"Hehe, the battle report of the US military is the best proof. Of course we will not just believe Stechkin's account. The US military later confirmed that 21 US soldiers were killed and two helicopters were destroyed near a village in southern Vietnam. It was attributed to the North Vietnamese Army, but they couldn't explain why all the American soldiers who were killed had 9mm gunshot wounds, which is the caliber of the pistol, not the caliber of the assault rifle."

"Yes, the general army uses assault rifles in firefights, and pistols are only used for close-range self-defense. In this way, this Stechkin is really good, a sharpshooter, but why was he thrown into prison later? "

Brenning frowned, and slowly recalled: "That was later. Stechkin was younger than Isakov and I, so his mind was much more flexible than ours. He didn't get along well later. Not good, full of skills, but not promoted, he was full of resentment, so, in the tide of reform in the late 80s, he first started the business of selling intelligence, after the Dongchuang incident, he was fired by the KGB, but Stech Jin was not sad at all, and he started a bigger business. During the period after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, everyone was confused, but Stechkin was very prosperous at that time, not only selling information, but also working with people in the army Some retired military officers have started to smuggle arms. As you know, there will inevitably be conflicts of interest in this line of business. Stechkin has done a lot of things like killing people and stealing goods. The last time I saw him was in his luxurious villa. I persuaded him not to do these things again, but he refused to listen and advised me to join them, and finally everyone broke up. As a result, Stechkin's business grew bigger and bigger, and finally after a merger with the Mafia, He was taken to his lair by the police, and I heard that the final indictment against him was more than 200 pages thick, and there were more than 30 ghosts recorded in his name, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment."

"Where is he being held now?"

"Originally he was imprisoned in an ordinary prison, but because of the skills he learned in the KGB and the cooperation of some of his buddies, Stechkin escaped from prison three times. Although he was arrested soon, but There were several more lives in his hands. Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs asked the Federal Security Service to take over Stechkin. After all, Stechkin was also trained by the KGB. The Federal Security Service was helpless. Although it was unwilling, it had to Stephkin took over and, it is said, Stephkin was later imprisoned in Ponotska Prison near Lake Onega."

"Ponotska prison? Is it the prison where the KGB used to hold important prisoners?"

"Yes, you should know there. That is Ponotska, which was once daunting to countless people. In the 30s, according to Beria's order, tens of thousands of laborers were used to build it for five years. It was so time-consuming It’s laborious, not to say that the prison is so big and magnificent. In fact, Ponotska Prison is not big, but because it is close to the Arctic Circle and surrounded by a large swamp by Lake Onega, it is too difficult to build, and it is impossible to construct in winter. In summer, the swamp is impassable at all, and it took tens of thousands of laborers more than two years to repair a road entering there. I once went to Ponotska, and the scene was unforgettable for me, surrounded by endless wilderness and swamps, Prisoners locked there will never be able to escape from prison. If they escape from there, they will either freeze to death or starve to death on the ice field in winter. In summer, the endless and dizzying swamp will devour you mercilessly. Highway, and no prisoner has ever escaped from it."

"Isn't Stechkin supposed to be honest?"

"Well, I haven't heard anything about him since then."

"Looks like I'll have to go to Ponotska too."

"Why..." Brenning was a little surprised when he heard that Yelena was going to Ponotska, "I don't understand any case that would have something to do with these two people. Zika?"

Yelena smiled at Brenin, but did not answer. She looked at the sky outside, it was getting late, and she had to rush back to Petersburg before dark, so he asked the last question: "Can you tell me , how did you meet Isakov and Stechkin?"

After listening to Yelena's question, Breining frowned again. Yelena noticed that Breinin's brows were getting more and more tightly wrinkled, and finally became completely entangled. Yelena tried her best to speculate on Breining's psychology. It's very easy to deal with it casually, for example, I met when I was working in a certain department of the KGB, or when I was performing a certain task, but Brainin's answer shocked Yelena.

"It's all because of a man named Misha."

"Oh?" Yelena was shocked, but she still pretended to be nonchalant on the surface. He didn't expect that Brainin would mention Misha, but Brainin actually mentioned it himself... "Who is this Misha? It looks like someone's." Nick name?"

"No! I can't say, it's also a secret mission. Of course, it's a very boring secret mission. It's not bloody, nor thrilling. It's boring, but it's also very relaxing."

Yelena quickly judged every sentence that came out of Breining's mouth, and she didn't hear any flaws, "So, you two met during this mission?"

"Yes, and later performed several missions together, and worked together in the same department, so we gradually became familiar with each other."

Yelena still couldn't detect the slightest flaw, she stared at the fading fire in the fireplace in a daze, until Brenning interrupted her thoughts: "Girl, what else do you want to ask?"

"No...no more!" Yelena came back to her senses, looked out of the window, hurriedly stood up, and said goodbye to Breining, who glanced out of the window and said, "Girl, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back to the city at this time .”

"Can't make it back to the city?" Yelena began to worry, if she got lost in the big forest... Yelena didn't dare to think about it anymore, she looked at Brainin, and cast a look at Brainin for help.

Brenning thought for a while, and finally suggested to Yelena: "I think so, you stay with me tonight, and go back to the city tomorrow morning."

"Live here?" Yelena, who always thought she was brave, hesitated. When she thought of living in such a place, and with this eccentric old man in front of her, she couldn't help but feel worried. Yelena subconsciously touched The pistol on his waist.

None of this escaped Brenning's eyes. He laughed dryly and said, "Girl, as an agent, are you afraid?"

"No!...No!" Yelena herself could hear the lack of confidence in her words.

"Don't try to lie to me, I can see it. Don't worry, I'm safe here, and you don't have to worry about me. My rank is higher than yours. I assure you as a general, Major Yelena! No matter what happens Dangerous, don’t you still have a gun? I don’t have any weapons here except an old-fashioned shotgun.” Brenning said, staring at Yelena.

Yelena withdrew her hand back, and she also stared at Brenning. The two looked at each other for a long time before Yelena said: "Since I dare to come here alone to look for you, I'm not afraid to spend the night here, but this will disturb you. General Brenning."

Some smiles finally appeared on Brenning's face. He arranged the room for Yelena, and then went into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

After dinner, Brenning tidied up and went back to his room. Yelena didn't know what he was doing in the room alone. Anyway, this night was hard enough for her.There is no TV, no computer, and no one to talk to. Yelena had to go back to her room and read a novel alone on the bed. It was a detective novel by Marina that she brought with her. Yelena always liked to carry it with her. A detective novel for reading when bored. Marina is her favorite writer. She is very envious of the goddess detective Nastya who can solve all kinds of difficult and difficult cases in Marina's office. She often thinks Well, if only I were Nastya, I wouldn't have to weather the wind and rain and worry about it like now, but this can't be done!
After reading the detective novel quickly, Yelena didn't feel sleepy yet, maybe she didn't want to sleep, maybe she didn't dare to sleep!Yelena lifted the thick curtains and looked out of the window. It was pitch black. In the forest, apart from the occasional cry of some unknown animal, there was no other sound.

Yelena gently opened the door. She didn't know why she came to the living room. She held up a piece of white wax and looked around the living room. The fire in the fireplace had been extinguished. Everything was as she saw in the afternoon, but... Yelena Suddenly, I found a few photo frames on the fireplace, "Why didn't I notice this afternoon? Maybe I was too nervous, or maybe I just listened to what Brainin had to say..." Thinking, Yelena walked slowly to the fireplace , she raised her right hand holding the candle, and the faint candlelight illuminated the picture frame above the fireplace.

There are five photo frames on the fireplace, one is inlaid with gold edging, the workmanship is very exquisite, and it is located in the center. In the photo frame is an old yellow photo of a mother holding a baby in her arms. "This photo is old. Maybe it's a photo of Brening when he was a child!" Yelena thought, and looked at the two silver-framed photo frames on the left hand side of the gold-framed photo frame. One of the black-and-white photos was a young man and woman, looking at how they were dressed, Yelena reckoned that the photo on the photo The young men and women should be Brenning and his deceased wife when they were young. The photo in another silver frame is a color photo of a family portrait. Looking at the background, it seems that it was taken outside this villa.

(End of this chapter)

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