Xixia dead book

Chapter 116 The Decisive Battle at the Peak of Helan

Chapter 116 The Decisive Battle at the Peak of Helan (1)
[The mystery of a photo in the first section]

Tang Feng and Han Jiang stood in front of Professor Chen Zijian's laboratory again, because just an hour ago, they had just received a call from Professor Chen's assistant, Xiao Lu, that the skull brought back from St. Petersburg was actually in the safe It was gone.

"What the hell!" Xiao Lu yelled as soon as he saw Tang Feng and Han Jiang.

"Speak slowly, what's going on?" Han Jiang was anxious in his heart, but remained calm on the surface.

"I... I don't know where to start. Just... the last time Professor Chen died here, you asked me to lock that skull and the portrait made by Professor Chen in the safe, without your order, No one is allowed to touch it. I locked those things in the safe as you said. No one has touched the safe these days. But this morning, when I opened the safe to get a file, I found that... The skull just disappeared."

"Take us to see." Han Jiang said in a commanding tone.

"There are only two keys in this safe, one for Professor Chen and one for me. After Professor Chen died, his key was also kept with me. How could it be lost?"

Xiao Lu muttered, and brought Tang Feng and Han Jiang to the safe in the corner of the laboratory.Tang Feng looked at the safe carefully, and said to Han Jiang: "It doesn't look like it has been pried!"

Han Jiang nodded slightly, then turned to Xiao Lu.Xiao Lu hurriedly took out two bunches of keys, and argued, "Both keys are with me..."

"Has anyone else used it?" Han Jiang interrupted Xiao Lu.

"Absolutely not!" Xiao Lu replied simply.

"Absolutely not?" Han Jiang stared at Xiao Lu suspiciously.

Xiao Lu was stared at by Han Jiang: "You doubt me? I want those broken bones for a fart?"

Han Jiang patted Xiao Lu on the shoulder: "I didn't doubt you, I was wondering who would want that skull?"

After carefully inspecting the doors and windows of the laboratory, no signs of being pried were found. Han Jiang was even more puzzled: "It's a hell."

"Could it be that the skull is really the ghost that didn't hide the queen, and ran away with long legs?" Tang Feng muttered to himself.

"how can that be?"

"Then how to explain Professor Chen's death?"

Han Jiang was silent.Tang Feng's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't figure it out. It was clearly noon, but he felt a deep chill.

The two were speechless all the way, silently thinking about the whereabouts of the skull.Back at the headquarters, the guard in front of the gate reported to Han Jiang: "A woman was looking for you just now."

Han Jiang was taken aback, and the guard laughed softly, "She's still a beautiful foreign girl."

Tang Feng immediately guessed who it was.Han Jiang also thought of someone, but he still said seriously: "Be serious!"

Han Jiang hurriedly opened the door, and that familiar and beautiful face appeared in front of him, and it was Yelena who came. "Why did you come to China? Did you make another important discovery?" Han Jiang asked.

"Aside from business, can I not come?" Yelena asked him back.

Han Jiang was momentarily at a loss for words.Tang Feng was about to leave, but Yelena stopped him: "Tang Feng, don't go, I have made important discoveries this time."

"Oh?" Tang Feng and Han Jiang said in surprise at the same time.

Yelena took an enlarged photo from her bag and handed it to them.Tang Feng stared at the photo for a while, and found that the photo was taken in the wild, with rolling mountains in the background, and a foreign man nearby, with gray hair and dressed as a traveler. His age was about 60 years old, but His body was straight, his eyes were like lightning, and he was staring straight ahead.

"Who is this person?" Tang Feng asked.

Yelena didn't answer Tang Feng's question directly, but instead asked, "Have you read all the emails I sent you?"

"I've seen it." Tang Feng and Han Jiang nodded.

"The man in the picture is Stechkin."

"Stechkin?" Tang Feng quickly searched in his mind.

"Is that the murderous demon you mentioned?" Han Jiang asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's that demon Stechkin."

"In your second email, you said that Stechkin escaped from prison, and Brenin was burned alive. Did you all investigate it afterward?" Han Jiang asked eagerly.

Under Han Jiang's questioning, Yelena's eyes reappeared the terrifying scene when she went to Ponotska Prison for the last time...

Yelena was driving alone on the road leading to Ponotska, and outside the car window was the silent wasteland.Going to the gloomy Ponotska is depressing, but the sky looks good today, with no rain, snow, or strong wind. Although the scenery outside the window is not beautiful, it is like a peaceful landscape painting, presented under the rising sun .

At noon, Yelena finally arrived at Ponotska.She jumped out of the car and found that the sun, which was still hanging in the sky just now, had disappeared at this moment, and a large dark cloud moved quickly from the west, and finally, it enveloped the black Ponotska sky.

As the sky darkened, Yelena was secretly surprised.She looked at Ponotska's black door again, and felt a chill in her heart. She walked to the door and pressed the red electric bell on the door.The electric bell went directly to the duty room inside the door, but she pressed the electric bell and waited for a while, but there was no response.She pressed it again, and after 2 minutes, there was still no response.

Yelena became alert. She took a few steps back and looked towards the black door. The surveillance camera on the door was facing the door, and everything seemed normal.But...But she suddenly found that the small door on the black door shook slightly. She was startled, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the small door again. Yes, the small door moved slightly again.She took a few steps to the small door, her heart hanging.She pulled out her pistol, pushed it slightly sideways, and the small door opened.

Yelena stepped into the small door in a flash.Inside the small gate is the duty room, and there are two gates in front of it.She glanced at the duty room, which was empty. "Could it be that the guard left his post without permission?" Yelena thought to herself, "No! No! No matter what, the gate shouldn't be left open like this!"

Just thinking of this, Elena heard a muffled shot from inside Ponotska, followed by another shot.Yelena secretly thought it was wrong, and ran into the duty room quickly, and found a guard lying on the ground, already dead!She hurried towards the second gate, and the second gate was pushed open, followed by the third...

At this time, there was a loud gunshot in Ponotscane, and Yelena already understood what happened to her.Before coming here, she had prepared for the worst, but she still didn't expect it to happen so quickly!All the doors of Ponotska were opened, and she had to rush to the main control room first, where... Yelena didn't dare to think about it.

Entering the third gate, the gunfire stopped suddenly.Yelena stood behind the third gate, looking at the patio-style courtyard surrounded by corridors in the center of Ponotska.There was no one, and there was a dead silence all around, as if nothing had happened, but the sky was even more gloomy!
Suddenly, Yelena heard a roar of an engine. The sound came from the playground in the cell next door. The large playground was used for the prisoners to relax.The sound was deafening and seemed to be right above her head.What is this sound?Yelena looked up and saw a Mi-8 helicopter slowly rising from the playground in the next cell... She understood, everything was understood, and she ran along the corridor to the next cell recklessly.She pushed open a heavy iron door, and another.When she rushed into the playground in the cell, what appeared in front of her were corpses that were still bleeding.Yelena didn't care so much, raised her gun and shot at the helicopter hovering in midair, bang!boom! ...One of the shots hit the glass on the side of the helicopter, and the people on the helicopter immediately responded, Da!clatter!clatter! … M4 assault rifle bullets rained down beside her.Yelena had no choice but to retreat.The helicopter rose higher and higher, and she couldn't see the people in the helicopter clearly.Suddenly, a terrifying face was printed on the helicopter porthole glass, Stechkin? !Yelena was stunned for a moment, and when she looked again, the helicopter had already flown away!
Yelena bent down in despair and looked at the corpses on the playground. There were guards and prisoners in prison uniforms. None of them survived, and almost all of them were killed by a single shot.The direction of everyone lying down is facing the place where the helicopter just took off. What do they want to do?The guards shot at the jailbreakers, so what about the prisoners?There is only one possibility, they also wanted to escape by helicopter, but they were mercilessly shot dead by the people on the helicopter!
Yelena took out her mobile phone tremblingly. She wanted to dial Ilyukin's number, but her hands trembled so badly that she dialed the wrong number several times.Finally, she dialed the correct number, but there was a busy tone on the phone. "Damn it! There's no signal!" Yelena cursed, and hurried to the cell in the prison area, wanting to see if there were any survivors inside.

Stechkin's terrifying face flashed through Yelena's mind quickly, that perverted murderer Stechkin!Until now, she was still not sure that it was all because of that Stechkin!But besides him, who else would it be for?

The cell was pitch black, and the original dim light was gone. Yelena walked cautiously along the corridor of the cell. With a "squeak" sound, she pushed open an iron fence door. She didn't know if this was the door she had walked through last time, and she turned on the only lighting device on her body-the mobile phone.

Under the faint light of the mobile phone, Yelena could tell that there were prison cells on both sides of the corridor.Slowly approaching a cell, she clearly felt her heart beating wildly, not knowing what would happen next.

Han Jiang's face suddenly flashed before Yelena's eyes, "Damn!" Yelena cursed secretly, she needs to concentrate now.Yelena walked to the door of the cell, which was surrounded by a row of small bars.She held her mobile phone close to the small fence, trying to see the scene inside the cell.However, just as she pointed the light at the row of small fences, with a "snap", a creepy face was pressed against the small fences.Yelena screamed and took a few steps back in fright, and the phone fell to the ground.

The light of the mobile phone went out in the corridor. Yelena, who was still in shock, squatted on the ground and fumbled for her mobile phone, but she touched something soft.She suddenly felt sticky and wet on her hands, what is that?At the same time, she smelled a strong smell of blood.Her heart sank suddenly, and she quickly retracted her hand. It was a blood-stained face!

In the darkness, Yelena finally found her mobile phone.She looked at her phone, the battery was running low... She wanted to go out, but there seemed to be a force attracting her and pushing her to move on.She made up her mind, closed her phone, stepped over the corpse on the ground in the dark, and continued walking forward.

The deeper the corridor went, the thicker the smell of blood became.Yelena was thinking wildly as she walked, who is the person who robbed the prison?Who has such a great ability to successfully rob the prison?Who did they save again?Only Stechkin? —Could it all have something to do with my interrogation of Stechkin a few days ago?Yelena shuddered, if so, it would be terrible!

Just when she felt strange, suddenly, something on the ground touched her ankle.Yelena instinctively backed away, but the thing grabbed her tightly.She wanted to break free, but was dragged by that thing and leaned against the wall beside the corridor.She couldn't take it any longer and screamed.At this moment, she is no longer Agent Ace, but just a terrified girl, and she has a complete breakdown!

Yelena's screams echoed through the dark, empty corridor.After slowly calming down, she seemed to hear a voice, like a person muttering to herself.

Yelena felt terrified, as if hearing voices from hell.She leaned against the cold wall, panting heavily, her chest heaving violently.She switched the gun to her left hand, took out her cell phone with her trembling right hand, and a ray of light lit up in the dark corridor.She carefully shone at her feet, and with the light from her mobile phone, she finally saw clearly that it was a bloody arm that was holding her ankle.Continuing to look along this arm, a person is lying at her feet.Yelena pointed the phone light at the man's face, and then recognized that the man was Lieutenant Igor who received her last time. "Igor, what's the matter?" Yelena threw herself on Igor and asked loudly, but Igor had already passed out at this time.

Yelena stood up again, feeling dizzy in her brain, unable to stand steadily, so she had to lean against the cold wall.She tried to call Ilyukin again, but this time there was a signal and the call was connected, but the other end was cut off. "Damn Ilyukin!" Yelena cursed.

Yelena held up her mobile phone and took another photo forward, but the faint light could not illuminate very far, and the long dark corridor seemed to have no end.Her heart was pounding wildly, she was desperate, she didn't dare to move forward, but she also didn't want to quit.Her mind was full of terrifying scenes, only Han Jiang's figure could give her a moment of peace, but at this moment, Han Jiang could not appear beside her.

Just when Yelena was caught in a dilemma, her cell phone rang suddenly, and the ringing rang throughout the corridor, looking excited and weird.

In Ilyukin's office in Petersburg, Ilyukin was at the desk with his arms around the new female secretary, and of course he had no time to answer Yelena's phone call.But when he found out that the number displayed on the screen was actually Yelena's phone number, he immediately came to the rescue and called Yelena's phone back.The female secretary who was hurt by the fall stared at Ilyukin very dissatisfied, and murmured: "What important call, it can't be your Newdmira mistress?"

Ilyukin waved his hand in displeasure, and the female secretary left Ilyukin's office resentfully, and Yelena's panicked voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hurry up and bring someone to Po... Ponotska, here's a... ...something has happened. Stechkin has been robbed...all the guards and...and the prisoners are dead, and...maybe there are survivors. Hurry up! Hurry up...too...terrible I, I..." Ilyukin has never seen Yelena so flustered, and after listening to her intermittent narration, a cold air rose behind her, and the lust that was provoked by the female secretary just now was also poured by that cold air. Went out.

After Yelena made the phone call, she sat quietly beside Igor, waiting for reinforcements to arrive.It was almost dark when the nearest police and agents rushed to the place.Instead of cooperating with their statement, she walked straight out of Ponotska, jumped into her car, and drove off into the endless wilderness.

Yelena slammed on the accelerator and galloped crazily on the road.There was no light outside the car window. Ilyukin had warned her not to take this road at night, because there were no people around and it was full of dangers. In case the car broke down, in case the car ran out of the road... But at this time, she She can't care about these anymore, because she knows that there are more important things waiting for her ahead.

Fortunately, she didn't get lost, and fortunately, there was no accident. When Yelena drove through the forest, it was almost dawn.But the moment she drove out of the forest, her eyes widened suddenly, and a sky-high red light flashed in her eyes, which reflected the entire forest red.

Yelena's hands trembled violently again, she had to stop the car quickly, and dialed Ilyukin's phone with both hands: "You... you bring someone to Brenning's villa! His villa is on fire! I guessed right, something happened to Stechkin, and something must have happened to Brynin."

Yelena stood in front of Brenning's small villa in a daze, watching the fire demon devour the entire villa and everything around it bit by bit, the plastic shed, the garage, the grass... The fire seemed to have burned before she came. a long time.About 20 minutes later, the fire gradually extinguished. Regardless of the danger, Yelena immediately walked into the ruined villa.

Soon, a charred corpse appeared before Yelena's eyes.She covered her mouth and knelt down to examine it carefully.This should be the location of Brenning's bedroom. The body had been burnt beyond recognition, and she couldn't tell whether this person was Brenning.

It seemed that she was one step late again, and Yelena regretted it secretly.She stood up, looked around the ruins, and finally stopped at the living room.She looked around, she had been here a few days ago, and it was in this living room that Brenning narrated the past decades to herself. Unexpectedly, after only a few days... Yelena suddenly found out Next to an unburned wooden beam, there was a black rectangle.She bent down and picked it up. It was a picture frame, a black picture frame.She gently wiped off the thick ashes on the photo frame, and found that the photo in the photo frame was exactly the photo of the young man having a snowball fight that had been placed on the fireplace in the living room, but because of the fire, the photo frame was burned and deformed, and the part on the right was completely disfigured. was burned.

Yelena held the burnt and deformed photo frame and looked around. The dark forest was silent, but she felt that there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes looking at her in the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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