Xixia dead book

Chapter 207 The KGB and the CIA

Chapter 207 The KGB and the CIA (44)
Hearing the huge and heavy sound, Tang Feng and Yelena looked at each other, wondering what happened there?But they all realized what happened in Hall One.

Tang Feng wanted to move on, but Yelena held him back, "No, we have to go back and see, there is our escape route."

"Tear gas..."

"Wait a little longer and you'll be fine."

Tang Feng and Yelena waited for a while. Yelena felt that the gas smell in the bunker was much weaker, so she and Tang Feng went back to Hall No. [-]. Thick smoke was still coming out from behind the red iron gate. Yelena and Tang Feng went over and put The iron door was closed again, and the smell of gas in the hall was still strong. Tang Feng felt extremely uncomfortable, but Yelena still insisted on finding out the reason for the loud noise just now.Suddenly, Yelena waved to Tang Feng, and Tang Feng hurriedly ran over, only to find that the lift had been lifted up by someone, and Tang Feng hurriedly moved the joystick next to it, but Tang Feng tried to move it a few times, and the joystick failed. !
"Tang Feng, don't pull it, the elevator has been destroyed!" Yelena pointed to a broken chain on the ground and said in a low voice.

Tang Feng looked down, and sure enough, the two thick iron chains of the elevator were cut off abruptly, "Damn it, we were tricked by the people above."

"It seems that we can't get out here?"

Tang Feng thought about it quickly, "I can't get out here, so I have to find the gate on the other side of the bunker."

"The gate at the other end? Didn't you find it last time?"

"You have also seen the engineering drawing. According to the engineering drawing, there should be a gate on the east side of the bunker, otherwise many heavy equipment here cannot be transported in." Tang Feng deduced.

"This...it's not certain. Did you find it last time you looked for it? It is very likely that the door was sealed again later." Yelena said worriedly.

"If it's like what you said, then we're game over!" Tang Feng also became anxious.

The two of them summed it up, and there was no other way but to continue to move eastward, and they had to seize the time, so the two walked quickly into the lane, and soon they arrived at Hall No. [-], where Tang Feng was hesitant. Don't go to the corridors on both sides to have a look, maybe there will be new discoveries.

Yelena saw Tang Feng's meaning, "Let's walk quickly."

Tang Feng nodded. They first checked the dormitory-like rooms, which were exactly the same as what they saw yesterday. There was nothing unusual. Tang Feng then checked the gym, leisure and entertainment room, library, and bathroom in turn. Everything was the same as yesterday What I saw was the same, but when Tang Feng checked the restaurant and the infirmary, he still found some small changes.

Under Tang Feng's feet was the dark red floor of the restaurant. He shone the flashlight on the ground, and the spray-like blood stains were clearly visible. Yelena also noticed these blood stains, "It's really strange, this kind of spray-like blood stains can only be seen with a sharp knife. It's what it looks like when it's pierced into a living thing."

"Can you tell if this is human blood or the blood of other animals?" Tang Feng asked.

"Human blood?" Yelena was startled, "This...it's unlikely, if these are all human blood, I really can't estimate how many people were killed here!"

"Yes, I can't believe it either. It's not human blood, what could it be?"

"Didn't the engineering drawings say this is the kitchen?"

"Could it be that they slaughtered livestock here? They even went to the restaurant?" Tang Feng asked back, shaking his head.

"Did you all look in the kitchen last time?" Yelena asked.

"We didn't take a closer look, but just took a look at these stoves."

Yelena walked in front of Tang Feng, and soon Yelena walked to the innermost part of the kitchen. Yelena suddenly found that there was a wooden door in the corner of the kitchen. She turned around and asked Tang Feng, "Have you seen the inside of this door?"

Tang Feng was startled, then shook his head, "No, we only cared about the bloodstains yesterday, and no one noticed that there is a small door inside!"

Yelena stretched out her hand and pushed the wooden door. The wooden door seemed to be locked, but she didn't push it. Yelena took out her gun and shot directly at the door lock. The wooden door opened. Walking behind Yelena, Tang Feng suddenly smelled a strange smell. Thinking back, it was this smell. This was the indescribable smell he smelled in the restaurant yesterday, like a faint smell of blood. The smell inside the door was much stronger than the smell inside the restaurant. Thinking of this, Tang Feng's heart suddenly tangled together.

"What's this smell?" Yelena also smelled the smell.

"It smells like blood, but it's not like it." Tang Feng's answer was ambiguous.

"It's a bloody smell mixed with damp and mildew!" Yelena gave an accurate answer.

"What do you mean?" Tang Feng didn't understand.

"That is the blood that has been covered in dust for many years..."

Yelena, who was walking in front, suddenly lost her voice. Tang Feng found that they had been walking in a narrow alleyway after entering the door. At this moment, the alleyway ended, and when they turned a corner, the front suddenly opened up, and there were many bones in front of them!

The strong light from the two flashlights shone on the bones, making them appear eerie. "There are so many bones here, no wonder there is a bloody smell..." Tang Feng murmured softly.

"It's normal for bones to appear here. This should be the frozen storage room back then, but the refrigeration equipment hasn't been in place yet!" Yelena said looking around.

"Yeah, the refrigeration equipment is not in place yet, so why are there so many bones!"

Yelena walked up to the bones, and picked up a bone casually, "This is not a human bone, it looks like a cow." Yelena picked up another animal skull, "This is also a cow."

"It seems that we made a false alarm!" Tang Feng also found that the bones in front of him were all animal bones.

"No, not exactly." Yelena suddenly picked up a bone, "Although most of these bones are from cattle and sheep, there are also some very strange bones, such as this one."

"Strange bones?" Tang Feng was puzzled.

"These bones shouldn't appear here... For example, they should be the bones of a black bear!" Yelena frowned when she said this.

"Bone of a black bear? This... How is this possible? You are right!"

"No, no, when we were in the KGB school, we went to Siberia for field survival training and encountered a black bear. We killed the black bear and... and ate its meat."

"But why do black bears appear here? This is the Gobi Desert!"

"And this bone should be a wolf's bone!" Yelena picked up another bone.

"Wolf?" Tang Feng was startled.

"In short, there are many bones that shouldn't be here! I think the blood stains outside are left by these animals." Yelena judged.

"This...it's not like a kitchen or dining room, but...it's like an arena!" Tang Feng said in amazement.

Yelena turned her head, looked at Tang Feng, and nodded slightly. Tang Feng felt shudder all over. The two couldn't bear the smell here anymore, so they had to leave the storage room first.

Tang Feng looked at the door of the infirmary, and felt a little apprehensive, but he still walked into the dark infirmary. Everything here was in order, but it was covered with dust.Tang Feng stopped, and stood quietly in the corridor leading to the inner room of the infirmary. He was thinking, thinking about the original appearance of this place, what happened here?
At this time, Yelena had already pushed open the door of the inner room, and the row of cabinets with a strange metallic luster still stood upright in the narrow space in the inner room.Tang Feng also followed Yelena into the morgue-like room inside. Yelena took a flashlight around and murmured, "There's everything here!"

After Yelena finished speaking, she turned around and walked out, but Tang Feng grabbed Yelena, "Wait!"

Yelena didn't understand what Tang Feng meant, she stared at Tang Feng, Tang Feng took two quick steps, and came to one of the rows of morgues, "Yelena, it seems that someone has moved here, I mean it wasn't like this yesterday."

"Are you sure?" Yelena instinctively shook the gun in her hand upon hearing this.

"I'm sure, this cabinet is obviously sticking out compared to what I saw yesterday." Tang Feng said with certainty.

"Oh!" Yelena walked to the cabinet and looked at the row of mortuary cabinets, "Who will touch this cabinet?"

Tang Feng stood in front of the cabinet in a daze, suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, and the leg flashing past under the rolling shutter appeared before his eyes again, "Could it be..." Thinking of this, Tang Feng trembled all over, He stretched out his hand, pulled out the morgue again, and leaned over to look inside.

"What did you think of?" Yelena asked.

There was nothing in the morgue except some dust. Judging from the thickness of the dust, the morgue should have been airtight, but it was pulled open recently, "Yelena, do you still remember what I told you yesterday in the I found that there were still people in the bunker."

"But you didn't find it later..." Yelena immediately understood what Tang Feng meant when she said this, "Do you suspect that someone is hiding here?"

"Who could it be?" Tang Feng fell into deep thought, "If it was the group who kidnapped Han Jiang, it would be terrible."

"This shows that they have been lurking here for a long time, and they have known the secret of the bunker from the very beginning." Yelena shuddered when she thought of this, "But is this possible? They have a large number of people, if you rushed in yesterday, they could definitely Exterminate you, and there are so many of them, why didn't you find them in the bunker yesterday?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too much." Tang Feng set his eyes on the morgue again, and he checked the morgue carefully with a flashlight. Suddenly, he saw some scattered and fine particles on the thin dust. Tang Feng couldn't figure out what it was for the black substance. He gently picked up a small piece with his hand, but before he picked it up, the black substance turned into a ball of black powder between his fingers.

Tang Feng brought the remaining black powder to his nose and sniffed it. There was no smell. He showed it to Yelena. Yelena couldn't tell what kind of substance it was.She sniffed the black powder on Tang Feng's finger, shook her head, "It looks like charcoal, but it doesn't smell anything."

"Maybe it wasn't left recently!" Tang Feng brushed off the black powder on his hands, and didn't go any further.

"Now our top priority is to find Han Jiang and the others. According to the engineering drawings, we haven't found any traces of them in the core area or the living area, so they must be in the security area." Yelena analyzed.

"Maybe they found the gate on the east side and went out from there." Tang Feng said worriedly.

"No, if they go out from there, why would they bring Han Jiang and the others in?" Yelena denied Tang Feng's worries.

"I also can't figure out why the general's people brought Han Jiang and the others here."

"Maybe it's just to draw us both in."

Yelena's words made Tang Feng feel that danger was approaching them. The two returned to Hall No. [-], then dispersed, and rushed to Hall No. [-] from both sides of the wide alleyway.

Tang Feng and Yelena quickly rushed to the dark hall No. [-].Tang Feng discerned what he found here yesterday in the dark. Suddenly, a crisp sound came from behind one of the rolling shutter doors. Tang Feng and Yelena were startled. Tang Feng quickly judged that it was coming from the ammunition depot. sound.

Tang Feng listened attentively, there was still some vague noise inside, Tang Feng pointed to the ammunition depot, and whispered to Yelena, "This is the original ammunition depot."

Yelena nodded, and the two tiptoed to the rolling shutter door of the ammunition depot. Tang Feng didn't dare to go in rashly. He tried his best to recall what he saw inside the ammunition depot yesterday. Was there really a big bang here?

Tang Feng was thinking wildly, and there was another clear sound from the ammunition depot. The sound was not loud, like the sound of metal hitting the ground. Yelena also heard this sound. She winked at Tang Feng, and the two decided not to Wait, to rush in and take a look.

Yelena picked up a small piece of gravel from the corner and threw it in from under the rolling shutter door. She wanted to test the reaction inside, but no bullets flew out. Yelena was slightly relieved, and the sound came from inside again, and there were some rustling sounds.

Yelena and Tang Feng rolled sideways into the rolling door, and the gravel on the ground made Tang Feng hurt, but as soon as Tang Feng entered the ammunition depot, he immediately realized that there was someone inside!Just... right in the middle of this huge space.

Tang Feng and Yelena instinctively pointed their guns at the center of the ammunition depot. In the darkness, they heard a bigger movement. Yelena decisively pushed the flashlight away, and Tang Feng also pushed the flashlight away. Two beams of strong light shone in the darkness. In the center of the ammunition depot, they saw three people tied behind their backs in the middle of the ammunition depot. It was Han Jiang, Makarov and Liang Yuan!

"Ah——" Tang Feng screamed, and was about to go up to rescue Han Jiang and the others, but was grabbed by Yelena. Yelena quickly irradiated the surrounding area with a flashlight. She didn't see anyone or find any danger, but she Only to find a door looming on the innermost wall of the ammunition depot.

"Then why is there a door?" Yelena was still staring at the half-opened door vigilantly.

"Yeah! I didn't notice there was another door there yesterday." Tang Feng was also surprised.

"The key is that there is no door on the engineering drawing!"

"Never mind that there are too many of them, the most important thing is to save people!" Tang Feng ran to the three of Han Jiang and saw that the three of them were tied behind their backs and their mouths were sealed with tape. Husband and Han Jiang were a little confused. Tang Feng noticed that their guns and weapons were thrown out of their reach, but there was a golden bullet under Liang Yuan's feet. Tang Feng understood, the one just now The sound came from Liang Yuan's constant fiddling with the bullet with her feet.

Tang Feng loosened the ropes for the three of them, and Liang Yuan cried out, "Tang Feng, then...there are explosives in that room, full of explosives!"

"What? Tell me slowly, how did you get tied up here? Who did it?"

"It's... the general's people, that group... that group of men in black used something to fascinate us, and then brought us here..." Liang Yuan said intermittently, Tang Feng and Yelena already roughly understood what was going on.

"Tang...Tang Feng, come...it's too late...it's too late...the explosives are enough to blow up the whole...the entire bunker, they have...already installed a time bomb..." Makarov weakly Said.

"What? Time bomb!" Yelena and Tang Feng exclaimed in shock.

At this moment, Han Jiang seemed to have regained his composure, shook his head vigorously, and said to Tang Feng and Yelena, "The men in black tied us here, if... if you two weren't here, I'm afraid... I'm afraid we're dead, they took us hostage, lured you... you two, trapped us all here, and planted... a ticking time bomb that... had enough explosives in it to blow up the entire bunker!"

"It seems that they knew the existence of the bunker from the very beginning!" Tang Feng muttered to himself.

"Tang Feng, don't think about it now, we are going to die..." Liang Yuan cried.

"No, we won't end." Yelena quickly analyzed the situation, "Han Jiang is right! They know we will find this place, they want to blow us up here, even if they don't kill us, they will trap us to death Here. After we got off the lift at the training base just now, the lift was destroyed, and it is impossible for us to go back from there."

"Ah?! Then...then what should we do?" Liang Yuan cried more and more sadly, and hugged Tang Feng tightly.

"Now there are two urgent tasks. One is to see if the time bomb installed by those people can be dismantled, and the other is to find the east gate shown on the engineering drawing and go out through the east gate." Yelena said firmly.

"Yes, dismantling the bomb is a temporary solution. Finding the gate on the east side is the root cause. Let's divide the work. Liang Yuan, follow me to find the gate on the east side. Team Han, you and Yelena will dismantle the bomb." Tang Feng decisively assigned up the task.

"Boy, when is it your turn to assign tasks?!" Han Jiang joked.

"Isn't this an emergency? How long have those people been away?" Tang Feng asked anxiously.

"They left not long ago, about seven or eight minutes!" Han Jiang said.

"The bomb won't explode until they go far. We still have some time."

"No, we don't... we don't have much time..." Makarov said suddenly, "I heard... one of those people said in Russian that it would explode in 10 minutes!"

"Two 10 minutes?!" Everyone was astonished, "Then we only have more than ten minutes!" Tang Feng's heart was beating wildly.

Tang Feng tried his best to calm himself down, "Okay, just do as I said, whether we are dead or alive, we must make the last effort." Everyone nodded, so they started to split up.

(End of this chapter)

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