Chapter 120 Li Nan (first update)
Walking out of the villa, I felt that the air in the manor was filled with the smell of blood.

Among the three Lin Yang.

Lin Yang walked slowly in front, with a calm expression, as if he didn't take life and death in today's ring in his heart.

Gao Fei and the two followed Lin Yang.

However, they felt very anxious. The closer they got to the manor square, the more their bodies shook, and the horror in their eyes became more intense.

However, no matter how slow the speed was, he finally saw the two-meter-high log arena, and there were still four weeks away, and there were many gangsters from the Jianghu who had already gathered in advance.

The turmoil that occurred in the manor last night had already spread among the various bigwigs.

And this morning, they gathered here in advance, just to know the latest progress of the matter and who will take over the vacated site.

The appearance of Lin Yang's three people instantly attracted the attention of the bosses around the ring, making the surroundings of the ring become stagnant for an instant.

"What happened last night was so tragic! There are only three of them left in Los Angeles."

"I heard that Tan Tongsheng and Wen Delu are both dead."

"Then Du Xiongfang also died under the knife of Mr. Zhang."

"Why bother? If you lose the land, you can wash your hands in a golden basin, become a rich man, and risk your life. Wouldn't it be nothing in the end?"


Many shook their heads and sighed.

Fighting in the rivers and lakes is commonplace for them, but it is still rare to see such a large scale as last night.

At the same time, they were also deeply shocked. Zhang Shiping was too terrifying, and the premeditated chaos did not succeed in the end. Instead, he was double-killed.

Now, the only ones who can survive are the three who came.


The three of Lin Yang walked into their seats under the ring, sat in chairs, and waited for today's conference to officially start.

The bosses around didn't come up close and asked for more details. After taking a look from a distance, they sat silently in their seats, thinking about how to get more benefits in the future. .

I don't know how long.

From the direction of the gate of the manor, just like yesterday, there was a commotion, and many well-dressed men, women and children rushed in, including Yang Zhen and three of them.

There is also a beautiful girl who stands out from the crowd.

This girl was slender, fair-skinned, and had a pair of heroic eyes. When she walked, she was powerful and powerful. It seemed that every step she took was calculated for the distance, not more than one centimeter, not less than one centimeter.

She is Li Nan, following the order of her grandfather, to follow Lin Yang and help Lin Yang deal with unnecessary troubles from the government.

At the same time, she also brought Lin Yang's general star and certificate.

It's just that at this time, she doesn't intend to show up immediately, she wants to see what is unique about Lin Yang who has won a general star at only 17 years old, she is not convinced.

She is 23 this year, has been in the army for four years, and has a strong background, but she hasn't gotten into a second lieutenant yet. Why does Lin Yang get a general star for a brat?

He took out the photo of Lin Yang obtained from the college entrance examination database, took a closer look, and then looked up and searched under the ring. Unfortunately, after looking around, he couldn't find Lin Yang, except for the unidentified ones with their backs to her.

'Strange, isn't that kid here, it's impossible. '

Li Nan couldn't help frowning, his handsome appearance made people love and sympathize.

The latest news she got was that Lin Yang came here to participate in that kind of martial arts conference.

Ordinarily, this news has been confirmed by all parties, and there is no possibility of mistakes. Lin Yang should be in this manor, but she hasn't discovered it for a while.

With this thought in her mind, she didn't think too much, instead she looked towards the ring, with curiosity about this so-called martial arts in her eyes.

But at this moment, the three Yang Zhen in the crowd noticed Li Nan.

Li Nan's unique sassy temperament is very different from that of the high school student who just graduated, but it is even more attractive.

There was a strange light in the eyes of the three of them, almost as if they had a tacit understanding. They looked at each other, then moved their steps, and approached Li Nan in three directions.

"Beauty, you didn't come here yesterday, you missed a lot of wonderful things."

Yang Zhen squeezed to Li Nan's side, looking at that delicate cheek, his heart was extremely agitated.

He didn't hesitate to strike up a conversation, if he could take this woman down and have a one-night fling, that would be great.

"Oh? You came yesterday?"

Li Nan felt a little displeased when she heard this frivolous voice, but she seemed to think of something, so she suddenly became interested and asked.

Yang Zhen didn't expect to succeed in striking up a conversation, and his spirit was lifted for a while, so he almost patted his chest and said:

"Of course, yesterday was a life-and-death fight in the arena, and several people died. It is impossible for ordinary people to see these scenes."

He spoke eloquently and tried to express himself.

In the other two positions, Cai Guojun and Cai Guojun also helped to speak.

The three of them were originally academic elites, and their family backgrounds were not comparable to those of ordinary families. They had a lot of experience, and they also had a lot of ways to flirt with girls.

If an ordinary girl were here, she might be fascinated. Even if she opened a room with four people, she might succeed.

It's a pity that the person in front of them is Li Nan. When it comes to family background, Yang Zhen and the other three can't keep up.I don't know how many times I have seen the dude, this kind of method of teasing girls is totally out of the ordinary.

"You mean, someone died in the ring yesterday?"

Hearing this, Li Nan didn't care about the so-called demeanor of the three of Yang Zhen, but his heart tightened suddenly.

Then Lin Yang must know how to cook, so he died in the ring, right?

If so, where can she be found here today.

"Yes, several died."

Yang Zhen raised his chest and smiled proudly, thinking that his demeanor had attracted Li Nan, so he couldn't help adding fuel to the scene, making the scene yesterday even more miraculous.

Li Nan's face was serious, and he became more and more restless.

She came to help Lin Yang and protect Lin Yang. If the person she protected died, her responsibility would be great.

Immediately, without hesitation, he took out the photo he had just viewed from his pocket and showed it to Yang Zhen and the others.

"Among the people who died in the ring yesterday, do you know if there is such a person?"

Li Nan asked nervously.

As soon as these words came out, the three of Yang Zhen looked towards the photo. The three of them, who were still in high spirits just now, seemed to have stepped on their tails, their faces turned livid, and their eyes almost burst into anger.

Lin Yang, Lin Yang again?
They felt that Lin Yang seemed to be haunted, and every time they had a good mood, they were directly destroyed by Lin Yang.

This time is no exception.

The three of them all ran to the provincial capital to participate in this donation conference where the entry fee was only one million yuan, but they didn't expect that the people from Lin Yang didn't show up, but the photos came instead. Was it to make them depressed to death?
Their eyes couldn't help being a little bit ruthless, and after glancing at Li Nan's pretty face, they became even more ruthless.

'Could it be that this girl is Lin Yang's other good friend? '

'Why is the cabbage so good that the pigs gave it to him? '

'Damn Lin Yang, you are absolutely damned. '

'Okay, since this is your girlfriend, let's keep doing it to make your hair green. '

They gritted their teeth and roared in their hearts.

Especially Yang Zhen, thinking of Hu Xiaoqian, thinking of being one step short in Baigui Mountain, his heart hurts and his cheeks twist.

(End of this chapter)

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