Chapter 78
While Zhao Yuanguang was in a state of excitement, Lin Yang stepped up and walked towards the pickup truck. A pickup truck driver had already opened the pickup truck compartment, revealing the radiant emeralds of red, yellow and green inside.

All the jadeites in the carriage were of high quality, and there were none of the low-quality ones. It should be Zhao Yuanguang's own decision to not bring those low-quality jadeites that took up space.

Standing in front of the carriage, a strong spiritual energy spread over the surface, causing fluctuations in Lin Yang's eyes.

As long as he picks out enough emeralds, he can form a gas-gathering array in all directions, and then he can condense the gas. With the help of some secret techniques from the past, he can perform some Taoist techniques that are not too demanding, and his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes. .

At that time, he doesn't need to care too much about the official power, and he doesn't need to suppress his arrogant heart of Emperor Ziyang.

'When I condense my energy, I can kill the world, those enmities, those hatreds, will be resolved with harsh methods, and I will no longer be soft. '

After a surge of pride rose in his heart, it slowly fell down again. His eyes were cruising on the emeralds in the carriage again, and he suddenly made a move. He grabbed several high-quality emeralds in succession and placed them on the ground of the purple bamboo forest. full of meaning.

But after a while, he frowned. At the stone betting meeting, he saw the jadeite of the quality in the black rough stone, which was not in the pickup truck. His heart moved and he looked at Zhao Yuanguang.

As a top dignitary in Los Angeles in his forties, Zhao Yuanguang already understood the meaning in his heart when Lin Yang saw it. The box was opened, and a more intense spiritual energy swarmed out from the trunk.

"Mr. Lin, this is the highest and top-grade jadeite among all the rough stones, and the jadeite from the black rough stone you want is also in it."

After opening the trunk, Zhao Yuanguang took a few steps back, stood respectfully beside the Mercedes-Benz, and said to Lin Yang.

The rough stones he bought this time, all the high-quality emeralds he extracted, he did not keep even a tiny bit of them privately, they were all brought here and let Lin Yang choose, because he is also a human being, and he saw Lin Yang's extraordinary through gambling stones , believed his old man's assertion, so even if he dedicated all the emeralds to Lin Yang, as long as he could make the Zhao family rise, he felt that everything was worth it.

This is called investment. The more you invest, the greater your income. As a businessman, he understands it.

Hearing this, Lin Yang turned around gently and came to the trunk of Zhao Yuanguang's Mercedes-Benz. Sure enough, he saw several large pieces of ice jadeite and two basketball-sized pieces of imperial green.He didn't hesitate, and took the jade directly, but he only took the ones he needed, and left half for Zhao Yuanguang.

After being selected as Jade, Lin Yang waved his hand to let Zhao Yuanguang leave.After another moment of silence, he walked towards the forest not far from Hantan.

In the depths of the mountain forest, Jin Tianzhuang, with his upper body bare, punched and kicked a tree with a thick waist. Every time he hit, there was a dull sound, but his breathing rate had a unique rhythm, and his body was even stronger. There are subtle fluctuations of spiritual power spreading out.

Not far from him, there was a pile of ashes, and beside the ashes was a pile of bones with shredded meat. Every meal should be solved by catching wild game.

When Lin Yang appeared, he was holding two thumping pheasants in his hands. As soon as he got close, Jin Tianzhuang noticed it.

"Lin Yang, you kid freed me, didn't you? I almost starved to death. At this time, I still have some conscience and know to come and see me." Jin Tianzhuang stopped punching and kicking the big tree, and wiped his head With sweat on his face, he grinned and yelled at Lin Yang.

While talking, he walked up to Lin Yang, snatched the pheasant, skillfully twisted off the chicken head, peeled off the skin, cleaned it, lit a fire, pierced the pheasant with a tree branch and roasted it on the fire, and the two sat down. Beside the fire, I watched the pheasant meat overflowing with fat and dripping into the fire, making a sizzling sound.

"Don't tell me, practicing the exercises you gave me in this mountain, I really reacted, and I obviously felt my body became stronger. I didn't want to be long, and I could break that thick-waisted tree. carry it back."

Turning the branch in his hand, Jin Tianzhuang said with emotion.

He never thought that one day, he would start another life, a cultivator, a character that only exists in fairy tale novels, but it actually happened around him, and it happened to him.

All of this was given by Lin Yang. No matter how strong he becomes in the future, he must never forget this.

"I'm going to set up a formation around that purple bamboo forest in two days." Lin Yang didn't accept Jin Tianzhuang's exclamation, but was silent for a moment, as if after some consideration, he suddenly said.

"Do you want me to help?" Jin Tianzhuang stopped the branch in his hand and looked up at Lin Yang.

"You can be a coolie." Lin Yang smiled lightly.

He has his own considerations, if Jin Tianzhuang is allowed to follow him in formation, he can learn a lot by the side.It's like an old professor personally doing experiments for students. The experience he saw with his own eyes makes it easier to comprehend the essence of Dao.

Moreover, even though this is a half-desolate star, there are practitioners, and their cultivation levels are generally very low, but sometimes he can't do his best to train Jin Tianzhuang, and he can even rise to the top at critical times.

"Come on." Hearing Lin Yang's meaning, Jin Tianzhuang responded directly with two words, and he agreed.

Lin Yang smiled slightly, and stopped talking. Together with Jin Tianzhuang, he killed a pheasant by himself. Then he got up and left the mountain, leaving Jin Tianzhuang to continue punching and kicking the big tree to exercise his body.

Back at the Zizhu Building, sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor, there was a huge amount of high-quality jadeite in front of him. After a flash of Lin Yang's eyes, he grabbed the football-sized imperial green jadeite with one hand.

The thumb of the other hand slid across the index finger, a smear of blood appeared on the finger, and the finger was like a sword, volleying in the air to outline the rune three inches above the emerald.


Three days later, Lin Yang finally engraved all the emeralds with formation patterns, and the refinement was completed, but his face was a little pale, but his eyes were piercing, with a kind of excited light flickering.

He stood in front of the Purple Bamboo Building, looked through the cold pool water in summer, and looked at the rolling Baigui Mountain.

Beside him, Jin Tianzhuang was bare-chested, his muscles were arched, and his skin was wheat-colored. He was no longer as fat as before, but had grown stronger, and his eyes were even brighter, as if he had been completely reborn.

On Jin Tianzhuang's back, there was also a big package on his back. There was a strong aura overflowing from the package. It was the array jade that Lin Yang spent a lot of painstaking efforts refining.

"Let's go." Taking a deep breath, Lin Yang tilted his head, said something to Jin Tianzhuang beside him, and then he gently lifted his steps and walked towards the mountain beside the cold pool.

When Jin Tianzhuang heard this, he quickly tightened his backpack and followed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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