Chapter 67

Since Qin Botong received the training of military cadets, he has become different from the old masters in the past, and half of the maids in the house have been fired.

Moreover, he would get up and run every morning, and even take a bath with cold water from his own well once a day, which made his concubine Ji very puzzled, why his master was a different person if he didn't go home for just a month.

He likes to gamble and even gave away his agate dice that he has collected for many years.

Just like him, Chang Yanlingui is the son of the Hou family, and he is also a person who stretches out his clothes to eat and opens his mouth.

But now he insists on dressing himself, and eats much faster than before. Once it takes more than half an hour, he will definitely put down his chopsticks.

Fu Dahai simply applied the method that Zhu Youxiao and Lu Xiangsheng trained him to his younger brothers, and led them to fight every day, hoping that they would also win glory for Daming one day.

"Very good," Zhu Youxiao couldn't help affirming the follow-up investigation of the [-] military cadets obtained from Dongchang, and immediately ordered Lu Xiangsheng to be summoned.

As soon as Lu Xiangsheng arrived, Zhu Youxiao hurriedly asked him how he was preparing for the training of the Imperial Guards. According to the plan, the Imperial Guards will train more than 500 people this time, and they will be temporarily organized into seven reorganized battalions, each with [-] people. about.

Because the overall formation training and physical training must be carried out first, each battalion is temporarily organized as a training battalion, without distinguishing which battalion is an infantry battalion and which battalion is a cavalry battalion.

Chang Yanling, Fu Dahai, Aobai, Qin Botong, and Lu Jiayu served as the commanders of the seven reorganized battalions respectively.

The other 21 people served as commanders of each battalion. Like the commanders, they were all the instructors of this training.

And Lu Xiangsheng continued to serve as the chief instructor.

Liu Ruyu continues to be in charge of life and material management.

Xu Guangqi was appointed as the person in charge of ordnance equipment.

Tang Ruowang was Xu Guangqi's assistant before taking charge of artillery training.

For the other two officers, Tang Fusheng was awarded by Zhu Youxiao as the commander of Jinyiwei (vacant position) to act as the law enforcement officer of the Imperial Guard because of his stubborn, upright character and strong discipline.

And Liu Bin was appointed as Lu Xiangsheng's adjutant to assist Lu Xiangsheng because he used to be a supervisor, had a good memory and was somewhat talented, but at the same time, he could also report directly to Zhu Youxiao.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the 430 soldiers of the Imperial Guard, except for the actual number of 430 and [-] in the seventh battalion, have been allocated according to about [-] per battalion. According to their original official positions and literacy levels, temporary lower-level officers Your Majesty's appointment has been completed, please take a look at it."

After Lu Xiangsheng said, he handed the booklet, which was two inches long, to Zhu Youxiao.

While looking at the appointment quota on the booklet, Zhu Youxiao asked Liu Ruyu, who was also staying aside, the palm seal of the Imperial Horse Supervisor:

"The military uniforms and military shoes of more than 1 officers and soldiers have been prepared. In addition, whether the dormitories have been built, whether the auxiliary living facilities of the dormitories such as latrines have been dug, whether the drainage system has been arranged, and where will the officers and soldiers wash their hands? Where to eat, whether the daily food for the soldiers has been prepared properly, how many doctors are on duty in the garrison camp..."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the military uniforms and military shoes are under the joint responsibility of the Underwear Supervisor and the Needlework Bureau together with the officials of the Ministry of Industry. According to what Your Majesty said, we must learn to introduce a competitive mechanism, so we have handed them over to the eight textile workshops in the capital. So far, the tasks have been completed. ;
The [-] houses on the original site of the Beijing Camp School have also been built, a total of [-] houses, and the arrangement has been completed according to six people per room.

Small huts have been built between each building, and places for washing have also been built. The water is drawn from the Hanji ditch not far away, and then discharged into the moat of the capital.

In addition, fifteen Xinglin masters have been recruited from the court and the people, and most of them are people who are good at surgery or excellent medical skills. According to the arrangement, three doctors are on duty every day, every five days. "

Liu Ruyu gave the drawings to Zhu Youxiao as he spoke.

"Add two more washrooms at the restaurant and the latrine. According to the health regulations, it is necessary to wash your hands before meals. Two washstands should also be set up in these two places to remind these officers and soldiers.

In addition, set up a few more basketball courts. As for what basketball is, I will tell you when I have time. You first build the venue and equipment for me. The principle is very simple.”

As Zhu Youxiao said, he picked up a pen and began to draw on the booklet: "A wooden stake like this, with an iron ring on it, understand?"


Liu Ruyu hurriedly took Zhu Youxiao's instructions to make improvements overnight.

At this time, Zhu Youxiao asked Xu Guangqi again: "How many Tianqi-style flintlock guns have been manufactured now, and how is the development of bayonets stuck on them?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we have now urgently trained [-] artisans transferred from Jinling and Border Towns. With overtime work, we have now completed [-] pieces. In addition, the bayonet your Majesty mentioned needs good steel, and the flint The flintlock is also not hard and flexible enough, and it is still not as good as a big knife for fighting. Therefore, Wei Chen boldly suggested that before the Royal Academy of Engineering develops good steel and improves the material of the barrel of the flintlock, the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Guard should be equipped with flintlocks. At the same time, they are also equipped with broadswords, and at the same time the flintlock guns are not enough, you can also use spears instead for assassination training.”

Xu Guangqi bowed to Zhu Youxiao as he spoke.

Big knives are still useful even in the Anti-Japanese War era, no matter what, seeing Xu Guangqi's sad face, Zhu Youxiao also knew that he might be too anxious, so he said: "How many big knives and spears have you made?"

"The Ordnance Department and the Bingzheng Bureau are speeding up the production, and [-] have been completed so far."

"It's too slow, double the salary of the craftsmen, and let them rush out overnight. In addition, the [-] flintlock guns that have been built will be tested immediately, and they will be distributed to some officers and soldiers of the Imperial Guard immediately after completion. If you are not familiar with new guns, how will you fight when the time comes.”

As Zhu Youxiao spoke, he asked Tang Ruo again, "How is the artillery improved?"

"Your Majesty, just like flintlock guns, the current steel cannot meet the requirements of large-scale cannon-making. It is too slow to rely on a few skilled craftsmen to make good steel, and the material is not good. Too much gunpowder will easily explode and deform the chamber."

Tang Ruowang lowered his head as he spoke, fearing that Zhu Youxiao would be angry.

"Pass the decree to Song Yingxing. Now the guns and artillery are waiting for him. Let's put the matter of making glass and soap aside. The technology of steel smelting must be improved immediately. In addition, I will ask him about the development of the flower bomb that was agreed. Has it come out yet, if I give him 10 taels of silver, it won’t be in vain again.”

Zhu Youxiao got up and looked at the important ministers in front of him and said:

"Whether the development of firearms is limited or the improvement of artillery is limited, none of these can prevent the training of the Imperial Guard three days later. Xu Shilang is right. You can replace it with other cold weapons first, but you can't relax at all. Don't wait until If you can’t break through next year, then you don’t even want to take money from me next year.”

(End of this chapter)

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