Chapter 670 The Name Wu Yuzhu

Why did she give birth to three children, but Wu Yuzhu was not named?Isn't it said that he is also a child of the Wu family?

Wei Hong knew this, and said to her, "Chao Chu, Wu Yuzhu also belongs to the Wu family, but unlike the other three, she was born to Wu Feng's ex-wife. will tell you."

Hu Jiu also remembered...

"The name Wu Yuzhu is a taboo in the Chu family, as well as in the Wu family. Almost no one in the imperial capital dares to mention it."

"Why is my grandma's name taboo?" Guan Chaochu didn't understand. According to Lao Guan, mother, and elder brother, grandma is a very kind person.

What she did would be taboo!

As for whether it will be the same name, Guan Chaochu feels that repeated coincidences are impossible. Nine out of ten grandma is the eldest sister Wu Zhen found before, but one of the two parties lied.

Feng Qing looked at Wei Hong, Wei Hong looked at Hu Jiu, Hu Jiu thought for a while, and finally answered, "Wu Yuzhu seems to have done something in the early years to disturb the Chu family's house? Mrs. Chu said harsh words to the outside world. Whoever has a relationship with Wu Yuzhu is the enemy of the Chu family, and at the same time issued an order like this, and there are many families who had good relations with the Chu family at that time. It seems that there are Chu, Yan, and Yi families. Sir, therefore, few people in the imperial capital mention this name, but they vaguely know that it has something to do with feelings."

Lao Hu was puzzled again, "Didn't you say it's taboo, then how do you know it so clearly?"

Before Hu Jiu answered, Feng Qing took it for granted that it was taboo in other places, "but not on Lu Ge's side! For the Chu family, the Yan family and the Yi family, Wu Yuzhu is a taboo, and for the imperial capital, Lu Brother is even more taboo."

Hu Jiu: "Cough cough cough cough!"

Feng Qing gave him a disgusted look, "Hu Jiu, why have you stayed here for a long time, you don't care about things anymore, don't cough and stay away, and don't pay attention to hygiene!"

Hu Jiu gave him a desperate look. Is my cough the point, isn't it?

Feng Qing glanced at him puzzled, turned to look at Guan Chaochu and reminded, "If your grandma is really the Wu Yuzhu I know, then when you go to the imperial capital, it's best not to mention it, because you won't be able to gain fame. "Wu's family in the imperial capital may enjoy the scenery, but...

Only people in the imperial capital know what the current situation of the Wu family is. Of course, no matter how difficult the situation is, if it is compared with the current situation of Guan Chaochu, it is still much better.

Guan Chaochu felt a faint pressure, "What I'm afraid of is not that I won't get the light, what I'm afraid of is that even if I don't cause trouble, the trouble will come to me by itself." I don't know why she has such a feeling in her heart, Though hopefully that feeling isn't real.

But she still called home and mentioned this matter to Ms. Wu Hong.

"Mom, tell your aunt that if outsiders come to you in the future, don't mention grandma's name, and tell your younger sisters not to mention grandma's name outside."

Wu Hong didn't expect her mother to have anything to do with the emperor!And it seemed to be a very troublesome relationship, and he said with some discomfort in his heart, "Chaochu, your grandma is a very good mother."

"Mom, I believe." Guan Chaochu firmly believed in this point. If grandma was not good, how could she have such an open-minded and good personality as Ms. Wu Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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