Reborn 1980 The Farmer's Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 854 This is treated differently.

Chapter 854 This is treated differently.

Guan Chaochu knew what Comrade Lao Guan meant, and that he was using the old aunt of the Guan family to beat up the relatives of the Guan family.

When the days are good and people's hearts fluctuate, it is easy for all kinds of monsters to come out.

This era is not as indifferent as the future. Relatives are very particular about helping each other. Aunt Guan’s behavior makes people gain knowledge, but when the Guan family is in trouble, no matter whether it is the old uncle of the Guan family or other relatives, hate is disgust, alienation is Alienation, but more or less helped, and it is impossible to break the relationship just because of this.

Guan Chaochu contacted Lei He, and said simply, "Check out the employees of Maizhen, and anyone who is related to Jiang's family will be compensated and fired. In the future, Maizhen will recruit all employees. Need not."

Guan Chaochu likes to have one-on-one, but the Jiang family has repeatedly challenged her bottom line. Since the opposite party is so shameless, Guan Chaochu doesn't intend to be soft-hearted.

Lei He didn't ask too much, there happened to be two employees under Maizhen who were related to Jiang's family, either they were immediate relatives, or they were related.

Lei He asked Guan Chaochu if he wanted to drive like this?
Guan Chaochu said, "Open."

Then the two employees were dismissed just like that, and then, rumors were released about Maizhen's subordinates, and no one with a relationship with the Jiang family would be allowed.

As soon as the news came out, Mai Town was shocked.

Boss Hua and others were puzzled and asked Lei He what happened to the Jiang family.
Some even came to persuade them to do such a thing, but Lei He didn't care. It was naturally inappropriate to dismiss employees at will, but he knew that the boss was not someone who didn't talk about reasons.

The one surnamed Jiang was fired, and he was very unconvinced. After returning home, the elders went to the neighborhood committee to reason.

The captain's heart skipped a beat, because he recommended the Jiang surnames to enter Mai Town. What happened, he went to ask Mayor Ning.

Mayor Ning really knew about the news, and asked, "Have you participated in Jiang's performance?"

The captain slowly put out a question mark, "What's wrong with him, what's the matter?"

Seeing that he didn't know, Mayor Ning said, "It's good that you don't know..." However, as soon as the words fell, the captain's expression became strange. He remembered something. About a week ago, Jiang Yan called to find He said he wanted to repair the relationship with the Guan family, asked the captain to help, and asked the Jiang family to send over expensive tea and cigarettes.

Can the captain agree?
It must be impossible!
"Could it be..." he said in surprise, "It's this matter, but I didn't participate in this matter!" He was wronged.

"If you didn't participate, then the actions of the Guan family must not be aimed at you." Mayor Ning said, "If I were you, I would quickly call and ask what happened."

The captain thought to himself, but does it seem that he is too impatient?

However, when another piece of news came, he ignored it...

The Nongjiale donated a new batch of books to the library. When everyone was happily going to read the books, the children of the Jiang family were once again kept away from the door, and the neighborhood committee came to cry.

The team leader had a headache and contacted Ning Xuan, and then contacted Guan Chaochu, "Grandma, let me admit that Jiang Yan approached me and asked me to help repair your relationship, but I didn't agree."

Guan Chaochu was inexplicable for a moment, then he understood, "Captain, what I did was not aimed at you."

Of course the captain knew that he wasn't targeting him, what he wanted to know was why, "I understand that you have a grudge with the Jiang family, but no matter what, it's between you and Jiang Yan. It's Du Qinghua's mother and daughter, and if you talk about it, you can add Jiang Mei, the second daughter-in-law of the Cao family, but now you are targeting everyone with the surname Jiang, and the town's discussion..."

What are you talking about?
Is talking about the Guan family too petty?

Guan Chaochu had already considered this point before deciding to do it, and she asked, "Does the captain know what the Jiang family has done?"

The team leader wanted to persuade him that no matter what he did, he wouldn't be in the same seat, and now everyone surnamed Jiang was in trouble.

Guan Chaochu said, "Jiang Yan pushed my sister-in-law who was pregnant in February, and almost had a miscarriage."

With this sentence, the captain swallowed all the words he wanted to persuade.

What do you advise?

This is no longer a simple contradiction, it has risen to revenge for killing a son!

Guan Chaochu's tone was flat, but was her mood as flat as her tone?of course not…

The members of Jiang's family have hurt her relatives, Guan Chaochu is still afraid of what others say and insists on the behavior of a gentleman with them, that is simply too nonsense.

"I see." The captain stopped persuading.

"What should I say, the people from the Jiang family are making trouble again." Director Jing said.

"What's the trouble? Let them go back. Forget it. I'll tell it myself..." The captain said with a complicated mood. Let me explain, but who called their surname Jiang, and although Guan Chaochu dismissed him, the compensation he gave back was in place, and he did not owe wages.

"Captain!" The cousin surnamed Jiang stood up quickly, "Have you talked to the Guan family? Did they agree that my daughter should go back and do it?"

"What to do..." The captain said angrily, "In the future, if you surnamed Jiang see people from the Guan family, you should take a detour."

"What, what's the matter? They still dare to beat people."

The team leader said blankly, "I think I dare."

"Jiang Yan of your Jiang family dared to push a pregnant woman who was two months pregnant to cause a near miscarriage. The Guan family just cut off your life. To be honest, I think it's normal to beat you on the road."

The cousin surnamed Jiang was stunned, and Jiang Yan almost had a miscarriage after pushing someone?Is this kid crazy?She wants to say that we can't blame us for that, but think about it, if her daughter-in-law is pushed to have a miscarriage, how can she be okay? No, she must wish to beat her to death. Thinking about it this way, Would she still dare to let her children stay and work in Mai Town? If she didn't dare, what if she was retaliated against?

Thinking about it this way, I dare not make trouble anymore.

Jiang Yan spread the word about Lu Xia's miscarriage.

The Guan family became angry, and Mai Zhen resigned all those who were related to the Jiang surname. Not only that, all the libraries in the town funded by Guan Chaochu prevented the Jiang family from entering.

No matter how the town talks about Guan Chaochu, she is not the kind of person who would wrong her family because of other people's words.

The old uncle of the Guan family also got the news that Jiang Yan pushed the person, and Jiang Yan was brought over by the old aunt of the Guan family.

When the old uncle of the Guan family brought the news, the second old uncle Guan was stunned. The two elders hurried to the S City Hospital. When Guan Chaochu saw the old uncle of the Guan family, he smiled and called out to the old uncle. Started, in a very light tone, "Second old uncle."

The second old uncle's heart skipped a beat, look, this is treated differently.

"Chaochu, this old uncle doesn't know about it." The second old uncle couldn't help but said.

"I know." Guan Chaochu said, "That's why I call you uncle now."

In other words, if you know the truth, then don't shout.

(End of this chapter)

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