Immortal is too strong

Chapter 101 Foundation Establishment Again! [Notice of listing]

Chapter 101 Foundation Establishment Again! (2) [Notice of listing]

At first, the head of the class didn't figure out what was going on, thinking that this demon cultivator was crazy, and they had coexisted peacefully for thousands of years, how could they just break up when they broke up?
Now he also figured it out, this was a premeditated killing!The magic cultivator is coming menacingly!

Many sects with many demon cultivators controlled all the Renxiu in the sect after the premeditated plan started. Now that the demon cultivators and Renxiu declared war, they directly gave Renxiu to Jijian!

Things are going in a direction that no one can control, and they are going away!

Jiang Shiyan now only feels comfortable physically and mentally, haha!The hypocrisy will finally be torn off!Break it, kill it, fight it!Once she is reborn, she just wants to turn this world upside down!
Ban Yanran's lips were pale, she stared blankly at the head of the sect, waiting for him to make a decision.

Wan Jianzong had to make a statement, this battle was beyond their control.

He said coldly: "Wan Jianzong represents the sword sects in the world, and he was the first to break with the demon cultivator! From now on, if the demon cultivator invades, I, Wan Jianzong, will kill them all!"

"Hahaha!" Sun Tao was so happy, he glanced at Jiang Shuiyan approvingly, this woman has the aura of a demon cultivator!So before leaving, he persuaded him to surrender, "Jiang Shuiyan, you are always welcome to the Demon Realm! What is there to cherish in the Human Realm? The Demon Realm is your good place to belong!"

Jiang Shuiyan just smiled calmly and didn't answer.

Sun Tao left just like that, Ban Yanran looked at Jiang Shuiyan for a while, and scolded: "You are making an enemy of the entire Wan Jianzong! The humiliation I received today, I must get back ten times and a hundred times in the future!"

Qing Mochen pierced her eyes, and with a single movement of her mind, she was about to chop her primordial spirit to pieces.

It was Mu Jin who rushed out, stopped her, knelt down and begged Qing Mochen for mercy: "Immortal Venerable! Now that the demon cultivator is about to attack, Wan Jianzong should be united!"

Qing Mochen still wanted to attack, Jiang Shuiyan sent a voice transmission to him alone: ​​You don't need to kill.

Ban Yanran is her enemy, and when her cultivation level improves, she will personally deal with her, just like how she dealt with He Xuefei in her previous life.

Only then did Qing Mochen stop, and released the restraints on the members of the Bell Ping Sect.

He Xuefei sat weakly on the ground, her eyes were full of tears because of fear.

It's over, it's over, Wan Jianzong's disciples look at her in the wrong way!The Bell Bottle Sect will be wiped out!
Yu Yuanfan was also very scared, even if Jiang Shiyan was the best furnace, the Bell Pingzong couldn't keep this scourge!
He Xuefei didn't dare to scold Ban Yanran, so she pointed at Jiang Shuiyan: "You will immediately confess your mistake to Wan Jianzong and destroy your own bones! Bell Pingzong really can't keep you!"

Jiang Shuiyan asked lightly: "In what capacity are you ordering me?"

"I am your senior sister! You should listen to me!"

"Senior Sister?" Jiang Shuiyan smiled mockingly. Originally, she had absorbed enough spiritual power in the Eternal Landing Valley and the secret realm, and her cultivation had improved a lot.

Now she was sitting on the ground, a spiritual vortex formed above her head, and the surging breath told everyone that she was going to build a foundation on the spot again!
He Xuefei murmured in disbelief: "You still want to build a foundation? No pills, no spiritual treasures for body protection?" She was split into the Qi refining stage, isn't it because her realm is unstable?

Jiang Shuiyan didn't respond to her, but the spiritual vortex of Foundation Establishment was getting stronger and stronger.Counting the previous life, this is already the third time she has built a foundation, and she is familiar with the road, and it didn't take long for her to succeed.

After the foundation was established, Jiang Shiyan was younger and more beautiful than before, her eyes opened like a sea of ​​stars!
He Xuefei was paralyzed on the ground, what to do, Jiang Shuiyan seemed to have a higher level of cultivation than her, so she was still a senior sister!
With the establishment of the foundation came, although there were rolling thunder and calamity, Jiang Shuiyan was no longer afraid.

She smiled coldly towards the sky: "Do you think I will obediently let you chop?"


The author's words:
Classmates, the book Xianzun will be available tomorrow (January 1th) for a fee, so order it only.

It has been free for more than four months, with nearly 50 words.I write eight hours a day, like many people who go to work.

You get a day's salary for a day's work, but I don't.I was equivalent to playing a white job for four months.

When we write a book, we also pay labor, especially as I am a full-time author. If I have no money to make, I can only drink the northwest wind.

If the author can't even guarantee the most basic food and clothing, what energy will he have to write a book?

In the early morning, I will directly update 50 chapters. This is the manuscript I have saved day and night, and your subscription is the driving force for my writing.

Everyone has also seen that books like Xianxia are not very popular in Yunqi, but it's not that no one likes to read them.Why are there not many authors writing on this topic?Because it is thankless and there is no money to be made.

If we all can't make money, then this subject will eventually decline, and students who like to read Xianxia will have no books to read.

So I sincerely hope that if you think the book is good, please read and support the original version on QQ, so that everyone can save a few dollars every month, enjoy reading it, and I will be motivated to continue writing.

Your subscription is very important to me, please support me all the time, thank you.

If you don't want to support me anymore, please leave silently, don't scold me, I will really be chilled.

(End of this chapter)

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