Immortal is too strong

Chapter 109 Only let her in

Chapter 109 Only let her in (2)

At this moment, Jiang Shuiyan and the others had already gone a long way, approaching Yonglin Valley, and the wind and rain were getting heavier. Her red dress was particularly conspicuous in the white snow.

Ban Yanran choked up and said to Ban Yanming: "Daddy, I'm not reconciled! Why can she get what I can't get with all my hard work?"

Regarding Ban Yanran's question, Ban Yanming was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

The way of cultivation is like this. Some people practice hard for thousands of years, but their cultivation is still mediocre. Qing Mochen has such an indifferent personality. Everyone only respects and awes him, and rarely loves him. However, he can cultivate to the stage of transformation in 2000 years.

From ancient times to the present in the Magnolia Realm, it is rumored that only the mighty Wen Jiuming, who has pacified the two races of Renxiu and Moxiu for thousands of years, has ascended to the throne, and then Qing Mochen is the one who is placed with high hopes.

The stage of becoming a god is only one step away from the stage of crossing the catastrophe.Now, Qing Mochen is already the god of Magnolia Realm.

The war between man and devil is coming, and Wan Jianzong still has to rely on Qing Mochen, so Ban Yanming can only let his daughter be wronged.

Ban Yanran sniffed, and finally stopped her tears.She is not too young, and her cultivation base is much stronger than that of Jiang Shiyan. Jiang Shiyan is still engaged, so why should she fight with herself?
Sooner or later, she will prove to everyone that she is the one who is most suitable for Qing Mochen!

After Jiang Shuiyan and his group approached Yonglin Valley, they felt a very heavy pressure. No one dared to fly with a sword, so they could only walk slowly on the snow.

In her previous life, she walked this path many times, but her cultivation base was much higher than now, so she didn't feel so uncomfortable.

The faces of the people around him were very bad, He Xuefei said in a low voice, "I heard that Mochen Immortal is a fire spirit root, how could he cultivate in such a icy and snowy valley?"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't talk to him, and the others naturally didn't know, so He Xuefei had no choice but to shut up resentfully.

After finally getting to the gate of the valley, Jiang Shuiyan, like everyone else, greeted the inside decently, and then Lu Jinyu stepped into the valley first.

As a result, his feet even touched the barrier of the valley, and his body flew out heavily like a kite with a broken string.

Both Jiang Shuiyan had a good impression of Lu Jinyu. Although she probably understood why, she was the first to react and helped Lu Jinyu up: "Brother, are you alright?"

Lu Jinyu's ears were buzzing, and when he touched it, he was already bleeding.The impact of the enchantment made the spiritual power in his body very disordered, and it took some time to recuperate to heal.

He smiled wryly and shook his head: "Not seriously injured." Looking inside the Yonglin Valley, "It seems that Mochen Immortal Venerable doesn't want us to go in."

He Xuefei grimaced, and said disappointedly: "How is that possible! The Immortal has already promised us!"

When Qing Mochen went to the Bell Pingzong before, He Xuefei was taken down for medical treatment due to serious injuries, but she did not see her.

Today Qing Mochen is in the air, the pressure is too heavy, she dare not raise her head.

But the view of his leaving back made He Xuefei unable to recover for a long time.Even the promise he left made He Xuefei's heart flutter.

She thought to herself, would the Immortal Venerable also notice her?After she lives in the Yonglin Valley, she must please the Immortal Venerable. If he can accept herself as a disciple, then she will leave the Bell Bottle Sect immediately.

Lu Jinyu persuaded her now: "The Immortal has agreed, but..." He looked at Jiang Shuiyan, "You go and try?"

 Last week I said that those who voted for the recommendation lost three catties, and then several girls said that they were gaining weight... Huh, it’s time to drop the hatred

  Well, this time, those who voted for recommendation, thin if you want to be thin, and fat if you want to be fat~~haha
  Come to vote and leave a message~~~

(End of this chapter)

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