Immortal is too strong

Chapter 119 The Secret Realm Seeker

Chapter 119 The Secret Realm Seeker (4)

As for Bai Yunfei, he can walk out of a secret realm without doing anything, and the most important thing is that the secret realm he opened can only be entered by his cultivation level at that time!
Although, as he said, good things are always taken away by others, but who can open so many secret realms, he is the most precious!

Because of this trait, no matter whether it is a human cultivator or a demon cultivator, he is treated like a treasure, and he is never involved in any battles. He is also prepared for him with maps and spirit stone weapons, so that he can go out for a walk when he has nothing to do.

There are even more cultivators following him, and it is rare for them to return empty-handed.

He is a mobile key to the secret realm. Jiang Shuiyan followed him from afar once in her previous life, and that was when she subdued Shui Xinyan.

If you bring him by your side in this life, will you be able to open the secret realm as soon as possible?It's really great, she is ready for Shui Xinyan to be so rare, she is ready to find another skyfire to replace it.

This Lin Yufei, Jiang Shuiyan must be kept with him, so that he can keep opening secret realms for himself!After making up her mind, she took off her veil and smiled softly: "My name is Jiang Shuiyan."

Lin Yufei was noisy at first, but when he saw Jiang Shuiyan's face, he was stunned.Afterwards, Jiang Shuiyan noticed that he was red all the way from his neck to his ears, and he couldn't speak fluently: "Jiang Jiangjiang... Hello Miss Jiang, please take care of me in the future!"

Even though he was of the same generation, he even saluted Jiang Shiyan and almost fell from the sky.

Seeing him keeping his head down, Jiang Shuiyan didn't dare to look at him, and when he thought of his silly appearance, he thought he was really a pure boy.

She is not a person who likes to chat with people, so she asked a few short words: "I'm going to Anfeng Mountain, are you going in that direction too?"

Lin Yufei said shyly, "I don't have a destination. I don't care where I go. What is there in the place you mentioned? Can I go?"

"I'll go over there to find a partner, you can follow if you want."

Lin Yufei said happily: "Then I want to follow you! Zhengchou is too lonely to be alone! Miss Jiang, you are so kind!"

Jiang Shuiyan smiled, and said in his heart that it was not the time when you thought I was vicious just now.

Lin Yufei asked again: "But Miss Jiang, if I say that I have more spirit stones before those demon cultivators, will you kill me?"

Jiang Shuiyan Mingzhu smiled brightly: "How could it be? I thought those demon cultivators were too bullying, so I killed them." He said in his heart that if you were really quick-talking, you would not be able to see the sun in the sky anymore. Seekers will also end in my hands.

Lin Yufei believed it foolishly: "Let me just say, Miss Jiang, you have a kind face and a good heart."

Jiang Shuiyan tested him: "Then do you really have so many spirit stones?" Foolish, let's lie.

Lin Yufei shook his head: "No, I'm very poor."

Jiang Shuiyan gritted his teeth, feeling itchy at the root of his teeth.She really wanted to ask, has anyone ever told you that your speech is very annoying?
With Lin Yufei by his side, Jiang Shiyan's ears have never been clean on this journey.When he wasn't staring at Jiang Shuiyan's face, he wouldn't be shy, but he would become talkative.

So after traveling for more than ten days, Jiang Shuiyan knew where he was born, why he practiced, what he had experienced, and what he brought with him... Even his family background could be revealed to him casually. Jiang Shuiyan didn't want to call him Lin Yufei, Want to call him an idiot.

Finally, when she couldn't bear it anymore, An Fengshan arrived.

 Uh... Now there are less than 1100 recommendation tickets... I take back what I said yesterday... It feels like 2000 is still far away...

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(End of this chapter)

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