Immortal is too strong

Chapter 122 Termite Colony

Chapter 122 Termite Colony (3)

Lin Yufei stood side by side with Jiang Shiyan again, and when he got nervous, he began to babble: "Miss Jiang, what should we do, why don't we go separately, the one who can escape is the one!"

Jiang Shuiyan swears, if he wasn't a secret explorer, she would have left him long ago!
Now she stares at Lin Yufei: "You just stay with me."

Lin Yufei looked at Jiang Shiyan with watery eyes, and began to think again: "You are so kind, it's this time, and you still don't want to abandon me."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't bother to explain, Lin Yufei's eyes could beautify everything.

"Go!" Jiang Shuiyan pushed Lin Yufei hard, and then slashed back!When Lin Yufei was still in the air, he turned his head and saw a huge termite being split open by Jiang Shiyan!She moved so fast he didn't even see what weapon she was using.

Wow...he only cares about opening his mouth, Miss Jiang is really amazing.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't want to fight with the termites, she started to guide Lin Yufei from behind Lin Yufei, telling him to run in the direction she designated.

As for the termite that was split by her just now, the body has been eaten by his companions, and there is nothing left.

Lin Yufei gradually felt that his spiritual power was not enough, but the road ahead was still not over.Jiang Shuiyan was panting slightly, her little face tensed.

Thinking of her bravery, Lin Yufei's brain became hot, and he said to her: "Miss Jiang, if you survive this catastrophe, let me follow you. I want to learn from you!"

Although there was a gap in Jiang Shuiyan's thinking, she did not expect that Lin Yufei would take the initiative to stay.

But now, he has no power to fight back against a fourth-order spirit beast, and Jiang Shuiyan is a burden if he keeps him.

So she said: "I will not keep useless people, unless you prove yourself to me."

Lin Yufei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Jiang Shuiyan to say such cruel words.He was silent, and Jiang Shuiyan didn't explain anything.

These termites are very difficult to deal with, and Jiang Shuiyan has to deal with them after running for a certain distance. She took half of the thousands of spirit stones she collected from Moxiu before in two days.

Lin Yufei basically didn't participate in the battle, and Jiang Shuiyan didn't urge him, let alone ask him to help.

But every time Lin Yufei saw Jiang Shuiyan taking the initiative to stop those termites and looked at her, his eyes became deeper.

Finally, on the third day, Jiang Shuiyan was exhausted, and Lin Yufei took the initiative to stand up: "Ms. Jiang, I thought about it. Instead of me begging you, it is better to let you need me. I will prove my love to you." my own!"

Jiang Shuiyan looked at him silently, with a light in his eyes that he couldn't see through.

After finishing speaking, Lin Yufei rushed towards the termite colony without looking back.Jiang Shuiyan didn't stop him, even though his behavior was almost the same as killing him.

Seeing that he was about to be devoured by the termite colony, he saw a burst of thunder explode from Lin Yufei's body, crackling!Those termites that stalked him were all shocked by him!

In a blink of an eye, termite remains fell on the ground.Jiang Shuiyan was completely stunned. What she saw just now was indeed thunder and lightning?Is this Lin Yufei the rare Lei Lingen in a thousand years?

Thunder spirit roots can be said to be quite a terrifying spiritual root, because the punishment from heaven came to the world in the form of thunder and lightning.

However, there were very few people in Lei Lingen, and Jiang Shuiyan had never seen how these people attacked before.

Now she is thinking, Lin Yufei has such a powerful spiritual root, why didn't he use it early in the morning, was he hiding his clumsiness from himself?
(End of this chapter)

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