Immortal is too strong

Chapter 162 Conquer the spirit weapon, it's over!

Chapter 162 Conquer the spirit weapon, it's over! (1)

"Even if you don't believe me, you still have to trust Lin Yufei who is walking with me, right? The unicorn in your space, you rely on the soul to recognize him as the master."

The spirit world gradually stopped talking, and Jiang Shuiyan continued his efforts: "Although we always thought this place was a secret place, we didn't destroy the spirit grass and spirit beasts here while exploring. It was you who treated us as nourishment, so we tried our best to get out."

At first, Jiang Shuiyan was almost succeeded by her because she had no defense against this magic weapon. Now, her soul has gradually stabilized, and the balance of victory is tilting towards her.

"I don't know how tens of thousands of years you have been in this state, but you are already exhausted. Are you sure you can completely devour my primordial spirit, and you are not afraid of any heresy? You have been here for so many years, and finally It’s time to wait, shouldn’t we cherish this opportunity?”

While Jiang Shuiyan was trying to persuade it, he was also increasing his control over the formation. If he didn't cooperate, he would have to be tough!

The spirit world was slowly shaken, but it wasn't because of what she said, but because of the current situation, which was very unfavorable to it.

Jiang Shuiyan's guess was right. If it missed a hit, it was tantamount to a failure.Should he return to Shunjiang Shisha completely, or talk to her about the conditions?

Soon, the spirit world made a decision: "How can I believe that what you said is true?"

"I can swear by the demon." For a cultivator, the demon is very terrifying. If the demon is born and is not cut off, it is absolutely impossible to ascend to heaven.

The spirit world gradually became less irritable, and he said resignedly, "Okay, you swear, I recognize you as master."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled, and swore to the sky: "I, Jiang Shuiyan, will definitely do my best to help the spirit world get revenge. If I violate this oath, the law of heaven will not tolerate it!"

Just as she finished saying the heart demon oath, the surrounding space was quickly compressed, the scenery slowly faded, and an object wrapped in complexion and light fell into her hands, and then entered her sea of ​​consciousness.

The original voice in the spirit world was indistinguishable, but now it was much gentler, and it sounded in her mind: "You guys have come out."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't have time to examine what the newly obtained space magic weapon looked like, she looked down at her feet, and suddenly found that she was actually in the air!And because she didn't have the support of spiritual power, she quickly fell down!

It was Bai Yu's body that suddenly grew bigger, catching Jiang Shuiyan, followed by his precious bird egg.

When he went to pick up Lin Yufei, he was a step slower, but fortunately, he quickly sacrificed the magic weapon to stabilize his figure.

When Hejiang Shisha was floating in the air, he asked a little scared: "What is this place?"

Jiang Shuiyan felt that there were many powerful auras in the air, and even though these great powers had left, it still made her terrified.

Bai Yu's eggs were at her feet, she stepped on Bai Yu's back and looked down, and found that they were still on Anfeng Mountain.

It is also a blessing not to be teleported to other places.

Bai Yu hovered and fell, and Jiang Shuiyan felt her breathing was unstable as soon as she stood on the ground. Her elixir had been used up in the spirit world, and now she could only meditate and adjust her breath.

These few people can be said to have escaped, Bai Yu happily shouted around the lake, and even Lin Yufei smiled.

But when he thought that the unicorn had only one horn left, he couldn't laugh.Now that place has disappeared, can he still find her?

(End of this chapter)

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