Immortal is too strong

Chapter 190 Hatching a Dragon [Additional Chapter]

Chapter 190 Hatching a Dragon (2) [Additional Chapter]

Jiang Shuiyan said coldly: "I don't use his things." If he said that he is at odds with him, there is no possibility of reconciliation.

She puts interests first, but she doesn't care about everything about Qing Mochen.

If she hated Qing Mochen while talking about using what he gave without shy away, then what would she become?

Does Qing Mochen still feel that she is just joking when she wants to kill him?

Yun Jingxuan was also a little embarrassed, neither stretching out his hand nor putting it down.

Jiang Shuiyan repeated: "If you can't help me with this job, then we will find an opportunity to leave Wanjianzong. The world is big, and I can always find the weapon I want."

Yun Jingxuan had no choice but to send weapons and fire over. "This weapon fire is very common. Wan Jianzong disciples can get it by just doing some sect tasks. You can keep it. When you find a better weapon fire later, you can replace it."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't show any courtesy, so he fired his weapons at his subordinates and asked Yun Jingxuan, "What do you want?"

Yun Jingxuan asked back: "What kind of magic weapon do you want?"

"Leather armor."

He really didn't like the leather armor made by a foundation-building disciple, but Jiang Shuiyan was stubborn, and she would definitely remember this favor if she didn't return it. Yun Jingxuan told her: "If the material used to make the cloth armor If there is anything left, just give me whatever you want.”

"Okay." Jiang Shuiyan agreed neatly.

Yun Jingxuan still had things to deal with, so he gave Jiang Shuiyan his messenger talisman, and asked her to contact him if she had anything to do.

After he left, Bi Shuran brought Bai Yu over.Now Bai Yu seems to be Bi Shuran's contract beast, and he is not very close to Jiang Shuiyan, and only thinks of the little silver fish in the spirit world when he is hungry.

Bi Shuran asked Jiang Shiyan: "Have you got the firearm?"

"Yes." Jiang Shuiyan said, "I'm going to start refining the weapon tonight."

"Do you want me to protect you?" Bi Shuran finished speaking and emphasized, "But you are not allowed to escape like you are in the Bell Bottle School."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled: "No." It was purely kidnapped by Qing Mochen without anyone noticing that time.

When mentioning the Lingping sect, Jiang Shuiyan looked at Bi Shuran, hesitant to speak.

He asked a little unnaturally: "What's the matter? Looking at me like this?"

Jiang Shuiyan really wanted to tell him about the Bell Pingzong, but was worried that Bi Shuran would not be able to accept it.Unlike her who has lived for a thousand years and is indifferent to the world, Bi Shuran still has a lot of affection for the Lingping School.

So Jiang Shuiyan lowered his head slowly: "I was just thinking about what kind of style to make your cloth armor."

"That kind of thing, whatever. Anyway, I wear it underneath. I'm a boy, and I don't care if it looks good or not."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled, "But elder sister is like a mother, I always want to give you the best."

I don't know what happened, but Bi Shuran got angry all of a sudden, and said seriously: "What elder sister is like a mother? You are too good at putting money on your face, right?"

"Huh?" Jiang Shuiyan looked up in confusion, seeing that Bi Shuran's entire face had turned cold.

"But I'm your senior sister..."

"How many years older than me are you going to be my mother? Can you stop treating me like a child!" Bi Shuran looked at Jiang Shuiyan angrily, not wanting to hear more from her, turned her head and ran away.

Jiang Shuiyan froze in place, touching his face.Xin said, is it because I'm too tender that he doesn't admit it?

Bai Yu wanted to go to Bi Shuran and comfort him. Jiang Shuiyan and him were connected, and just about to agree, she sensed movement in the sea of ​​consciousness.

 This chapter is an update of 2 favorites, and the next update will be commented at 1700 ~ Come on and leave a message, now there are more than 1600 ~ Remember to vote~
  Hey, guess what's going on in the sea?
(End of this chapter)

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