Immortal is too strong

Chapter 192 The Weak Golden Dragon

Chapter 192 The Weak Golden Dragon (1)

Jiang Shuiyan knew that this "bird egg" was unusual, and had also guessed what was inside.

What she was sure of was that the "Baby Bird's Egg" was definitely stronger than Bai Yu's sixth level, but she never expected that this was actually a dragon!

It’s not because of her lack of imagination, but because creatures like dragons and phoenixes exist in ancient mythology. Wen Jiuming has only disappeared on this continent for thousands of years. When people mention him, they say that it was many years ago Not to mention dragon and phoenix.

In the ancient battlefield, the rise of gods and beasts, human and demonic cultivators are extremely powerful.That was a scene that Jiang Shiyan's generation had never experienced before.

The records about the dragon and phoenix in the current world are only a few words in the book. Jiang Shuiyan has read the related books countless times, so at this moment she was hit by surprise, and she didn't regain consciousness for a long time.

The newly hatched baby dragon is about two feet long including the tail. The baby dragon is very different from the dragons in the portraits. For example, those Jackie Chans, riding the clouds and riding the fog, are majestic and majestic. A casual breath can kill countless powers.

But this young dragon has a chubby body, a chubby and short tail, four short legs on the ground, delicate and cute.

Even people like Jiang Shiyan, who can't be fooled by appearance, fell in love with this little dragon.

Stretching out his hand slowly, Jiang Shuiyan muttered: "Let me check, are you really a dragon?"

The little golden dragon, who was in a daze on the spot, quickly avoided Jiang Shuiyan's hand and glanced at her.

Xiao Jinlong didn't show any happy or joyful emotions, even his expression was indifferent, his two dark eyes were like the most precious pearls.

His tail shook back and forth involuntarily, Jiang Shuiyan stared at his tail and thought, with such a fat tail, I don't know what it would feel like to pinch it.

Unlike Bai Yu who was scared to the ground by the golden dragon, Jiang Shuiyan made a smirk, and stretched out his claws at the little golden dragon again.

This time, she slammed east and west, and Xiao Jinlong couldn't dodge in time, and she caught her tail.

Wow, it's really meaty and hot when you get it!Jiang Shuiyan laughed triumphantly, but Xiao Jinlong pulled the tail out of her hand angrily, then stretched out two front paws, and hugged the fat tail.

Obviously he didn't show any expression, but Jiang Shuiyan could see the anger in his eyes.She asked rather proudly: "Why, are you angry? Then you come to bite me?"

Xiao Jinlong exhaled through his nose, let out a snort, and turned around with his tail in his arms, leaving only her golden and fat tiger's back, obviously not wanting to deal with Jiang Shiyan.

Seeing that she couldn't sneak up on his tail, the woman who wanted to die turned her gaze to his head.

Different from the golden scales on his body, the dragon horns on his head are pink and tender in color, much smaller than his big head, and the shape is also very perfect and beautiful.

Jiang Shuiyan chuckled and stretched out two paws.With a swipe of the ground, two dragon horns were held!Wow, wow, this feel is even better than Dragon Tail!
The little golden dragon was attacked again, and the whole dragon exploded. He jumped far away, then turned around, and bared his teeth at Jiang Shuiyan.

If he was a Jackie Chan with a height of tens of feet, it would be shocking to make such a move, but he is only a little bit big now, and he looks like a kitten with his teeth and claws. Jiang Shuiyan is afraid of him.

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(End of this chapter)

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