Immortal is too strong

Chapter 210 Ghost Woman

Chapter 210 Ghost Woman (1)

Other people's caves, not to mention the spring breeze, are also warm and warm. Why is it chilly here?Jiang Shuiyan didn't dare to use his consciousness rashly.

Besides, this phenomenon of being able to stick to one's spiritual consciousness... She always felt a little familiar.

It was pitch black, and she couldn't see the person above her head, but she heard that person's laughter first.She was obviously a girl, but she was sinister, and when she laughed, her teeth were chattering up and down.

"Hehehe... It seems that a very interesting little guy has come... Don't be afraid, tell Senior Sister, what's your name..."

Jiang Shuiyan heard the voice coming from behind her, turned her head suddenly, and saw an upside-down bluish-white face, her black hair was all hanging down, and her collar was also pale.

Even though Jiang Shuiyan had seen too many scary scenes, she was shocked by her sudden appearance like a female ghost.

"Who are you, stand up and talk well." Jiang Shuiyan quickly calmed down, and looked straight at her expressionlessly.

Mo Bingyou was very disappointed when she didn't see the Huarong as she imagined, and she didn't want to follow the water smoke: "I'm practicing sword, don't disturb me."

Even if ordinary people heard her talk like this, they would definitely ask what was going on with this cave. Who knew that Jiang Shuiyan just said "Oh" and said, "Where is my room?"

Mo Bingyou stretched out her arms, and the wide sleeves almost covered her entire hand, only a piece of bluish-white fingertips were exposed at the moment. When she spoke, her voice trembled as if her throat was pinched. Trembling: "Over there."

"En." Immediately, Jiang Shuiyan walked towards his room as if he didn't care about her at all.

Seeing her leaving just like that, Mo Bingyou couldn't hold back anymore, and jumped down with a plop. She was originally hanging on the cave, but now there was still dust, and it fell down with her movements.

"Little guy, you just left? I don't know your name yet."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't stop walking, and said coldly: "Jiang Shuiyan."

Mo Bingyou chased after her, and as she walked, the originally dark cave finally had a little light.

Because Dingkang Cliff is very wide and vast, if it is flat, it may be larger than some medium-sized sects.

Therefore, the caves of these disciples are also unique.

With the help of the slight light, Jiang Shuiyan found that she was standing in a place similar to a hall, and there were unknown objects on the ground, all of which were covered with white cloth. At first glance, she thought they were corpses .

Mo Bingyou stretched out her hand and patted Jiang Shuiyan's shoulder lightly. Her fingertips were as cold as a walking dead.

Before Mo Bingyou could speak, Jiang Shuiyan twisted her hand behind her back, and she said indifferently, "Don't touch me casually."

I don't know how Jiang Shuiyan poked Mo Bingyou, but she actually yelled: "Little girl, why are you so irritable...Speak up if you have something to say..."

Jiang Shuiyan let her go and straightened her dress.Mo Bingyou turned around, looked at Jiang Shuiyan with a smile, and introduced himself: "My name is Mo Bingyou, and welcome to the dark fuqu hell, Jiang Shuiyan."

Dark fuqu hell?What the hell is this name?

Mo Bingyou waited for a while, but Jiang Shuiyan didn't answer, she said flatteredly: "How is it, are you scared? Don't be afraid, although you are in the early stage of foundation establishment, how can I bear to tempt you..."

 Gaggenha on Sunday
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(End of this chapter)

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