Immortal is too strong

Chapter 223 Fierce Skeleton

Chapter 223 Fierce Skeleton (2)

Do you think this hairstyle is normal?It's even scarier, okay?She would rather have all her hair down!
After hanging upside down for so long, she didn't complain about anything, and said angrily at this moment: "Is the wind on Dingkang Cliff crazy? What is it blowing!"

Xiao Jinlong was still struggling to breathe, but when he heard this, his breath became unstable and he almost fell off her shoulders.

He glanced at Jiang Shuiyan lightly, pretending he didn't know anything, flew to Bai Yu's side, and got under his wings.

Bai Yu replaced Bi Shuran with his paws, and comforted Xiao Jinlong: "Don't worry, son, Daddy will protect you!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Jinlong gave him a paw, and Bai Yu almost couldn't let go of Bi Shuran because of the pain!
The students who were listening to the class were all quiet, but there was also a commotion at this moment.

"Did you notice it just now? The wind on Dingkang Cliff turned in one direction!"

"I noticed it. I heard from seniors that this is a situation that only happens when a swordsman is born!"

Because the sword hearts of geniuses are too strong, countless sword winds will move at will.It's just that this situation hasn't happened for a long time.

Who just activated the sword energy?No!

Mei Ran interrupted their conversation in dissatisfaction: "Silence!" Immediately, no one dared to say anything.

She went on to say: "Start now, practice basic skills for an hour."

Some disciples were not very happy: "Are you still practicing basic skills? Why do you learn such simple things every day?"

"That's right, isn't Wan Jian Gui Yi a very powerful sword array? Why didn't you teach it to us?"

"If this continues, when will we be able to reach the top of Dingkang Cliff?"

Mei Ran sneered: "If you don't want to learn, jump off Dingkang Cliff now, there will be no waste here."

The students immediately fell silent, well, now that Mei Ran is the biggest, they had no choice but to obey obediently.

The gang wind on Dingkang Cliff became chaotic again, Jiang Shuiyan didn't care about her hair anymore, and decided to do something to divert her attention.

So she said to Bi Shuran: "Try to observe how these disciples practice swords."

"it is good."

The spiritual consciousness of the two people can still be mobilized, but after observing for a while, Bi Shuran said: "This is indeed the most basic sword move. After the disciples of the Bell Bottle Sect have passed the fifth level of Qi refining, no one will practice it."

"Yeah." What Bi Shuran can find out, Jiang Shuiyan can also see.

She roughly judged the cultivation of these disciples, and they were basically above the second floor of foundation establishment, and a few had already entered the late stage of foundation establishment...all were better than her.

But those with high cultivation bases practice the basic skills and work extra hard, while those with weak cultivation bases have unstable foundations and are always complaining.

Two people hanging upside down and thousands of people practicing basic skills constitute a strange picture.

After finally relying on Bai Yu to survive for three hours, they recovered their spiritual power and jumped onto the sword training ground.

Two disciples came over with their clothes in their hands, and said coldly, "This is Wan Jianzong's uniform for disciples, please put it on."

Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran took the clothes and were about to ask if there were no other classes today, when they heard a few disciples not far away laughing and discussing: "What are you going to do later? I'm drawing talismans recently, do you want to go?" have a look?"

"I heard that the flowers in the back mountain are blooming, so I want to go and see them."

"I want to invite two people to compete."

Accompanied by their voices, Meiran said indifferently: "Take a break, and continue with the kendo class in the next session."

 Meiran: Students, the physical education teacher is taking leave of absence for this class, and attends my class

  It’s Monday, update earlier today, ask for a recommendation ticket~ 2000 recommendation tickets will be added this week!Come on~

(End of this chapter)

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