Immortal is too strong

Chapter 226 Weaknesses

Chapter 226 Weaknesses (2)

She finally figured out what Chixia Xin is!This is a good treasure to improve one's cultivation!It's just his effect, like opening a treasure chest.

People with unlucky luck can directly raise a big realm, and those with bad luck can also increase their cultivation base a little.

People have a fluke mentality, thinking that if they get this Chixia heart, they will definitely have the good luck to advance to a great realm.

The people who were still holding a wait-and-see attitude just now were all gearing up and rushed towards the fierce skeleton.

Seeing Xiao Jinlong lying on her neckline, Jiang Shuiyan pushed his little head down, so he sank into those soft lumps of flesh...

Xiao Jinlong was stunned for a moment, Jiang Shuiyan didn't care too much, after all, he just broke his shell, and she is not of the same species yet.

She just asked softly: "Do you want Chixia Xin?"

Xiao Jinlong nodded.Jiang Shuiyan smiled: "Then I'll help you win it back."

Mei Ran was still mocking these disciples: "Reckless! Use your brains more, your swords will be more powerful!"

Jiang Shuiyan raised his sword and said to Bi Shuran, "Do it!"

Bi Shuran was much more responsive than Lin Yufei, following Jiang Shiyan.

The two flew to the side of the fierce skull, only to find that he absorbed more sword intent, and none of these disciples could get close to him.

He slashed twice with his sword, and before the sword energy reached the fierce skull, he swung it away.

Jiang Shuiyan looked around, and found that some disciples hadn't done anything for a long time, such as Mo Bingyou, who was in the same room as her.

She also saw Jiang Shuiyan, brushed her loose hair, smiled, her teeth were gloomy, and asked Jiang Shuiyan: "Do you need my help?"

Jiang Shuiyan knew that those who did not move were all the best on Dingkang Cliff.The reason why they didn't do anything was not that they were unsure, but that they had too much confidence in themselves, thinking that if they made a move, they would definitely be able to kill the murderous skeleton.

Is it arrogant?No, they really have this ability!

Smiling at Mo Bingyou, Jiang Shuiyan said: "No need."

You just wait and see, I will use the fastest speed to defeat this fierce skeleton and get the reward!

It's a pity that this is an illusion made with spiritual power. If he was a spirit beast, Jiang Shuiyan would probably have scared him to the ground by shaking the little golden dragon in front of him.

Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran raised their swords at the same time. They were dressed in the indigo uniforms of Wanjianzong disciples, and because of the gusts of sword wind, they were full of fairy air.

Bi Shuran made the first move, interweaving Lihen swordsmanship into a net, and attacked the fierce skull's heart!
Jiang Shuiyan integrated the Biqing Jue into the sword, stepped on it, and stepped into the air, where her toes touched, green grass grew!

Numerous sword lights shrouded them too, Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran's sword energy was faster and fiercer, shocking the other disciples of Wan Jianzong!
Although the cultivation base of these two people is not high, but their swordsmanship has begun to take shape, it is really powerful!

Just this is not enough!The sword energy of thousands of people intertwined, still did not injure the fierce skeleton!

Jiang Shuiyan stepped back after probing, and communicated with Bi Shuran: "His defense is too strong, and he must use a method to dispel the sword energy surrounding him."

"Let me try."

Bi Shuran stood the sword in front of him, and with a slash of the sword, the mighty sword intent could indeed be scattered for a moment, but it would be gathered again soon.

His face was ugly, but Jiang Shuiyan saw hope in it!

(End of this chapter)

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