Immortal is too strong

Chapter 229 Trials

Chapter 229 Trials (2)

Rao Jiang Shuiyan had achieved countless more powerful achievements than this in his previous life, and this kind of pure joy has not appeared for a long time.

She walked to the front, took the box that Mei Ran handed over, and walked back slowly under the envious eyes of other disciples.

After that, Mei Ran spent a quarter of an hour criticizing these disciples' deficiencies in the battle in detail.Although Jiang Shuiyan felt that Mei Ran was hostile to her, he still had no doubts about her ability and listened very carefully.

The best performer Jiang Shuiyan was like this, and the other disciples didn't dare to make mistakes.What's more, what Mei Ran said is reasonable, only a fool would dismiss it.

Mei Ran finally said coldly: "With such weak swordsmanship, do you still want to take practical lessons?"

No disciple dared to make a sound, Jiang Shuiyan lowered her head, and put away the box containing Chixia's heart. The little golden dragon moved back and forth on her chest, seeming a little anxious.

She touched him lightly, telling him not to worry, when he got back, Chixia's whole heart was his.

Mei Ran changed the subject, and said again: "The punishment I set up today, if you can't defeat the fierce skeleton, then the actual combat class will be postponed for a year, but you have passed the test. It happens to be the selection of Dingkang Qijie. Announce something."

Rao Jiang Shuiyan raised his head suddenly when he heard the words Dingkang Qijie, let alone other people.

Only Bi Shuran was in a daze, and asked Jiang Shuiyan in a low voice: "What are the Seven Heroes of Dingkang?"

Jiang Shuiyan replied: "They are the seven most outstanding people on Dingkang Cliff. They have a high status in Wanjianzong. Even if they walk in the Magnolia Realm in the future, they will have a great reputation."

Bi Shuran nodded, expressing that he understood that the so-called Dingkang Qijie is the first step to becoming famous.

The eyes of the other disciples are shining, those seven positions are the dreams of all of them!It's a pity that there has been no re-selection for five years!They are gearing up, secretly deciding in their hearts that they want to be among the Seven Elites of Dingkang... No, they must be number one!

"From now on, for a period of one year, the sect will assign various tasks. After you complete the tasks, you will earn points. Those with the top [-] total points will enter the selection of Dingkang Seven Heroes. These tasks , some of them can be chosen by oneself or not, and some are compulsory tasks of the sect. If you complete them, you will be rewarded, and if you fail to complete them, you will be punished."

Mei Ran waved her hand, and suddenly a brilliant formation appeared on the cliff outside the sword practice field.After the halo of the formation disappeared, there was a ranking on it.

The names of all the disciples are engraved on the cliff, and some numbers are hung after the names.

At this moment, Jiang Shiyan's name was on the top, showing that there were already [-] points.The other disciples followed closely behind, with varying scores.

Mei Ran waved again, and a knot-like thing appeared on the wrists of all the disciples. With their current strength, there was no way to untie it.

"This knot is a small formation. It will only monitor you when you are doing tasks. It will not have any impact on you at other times, so don't worry about your little secrets being leaked."

Jiang Shuiyan lowered his head to check the knots. This formation is quite difficult to untie, but it is not impossible to untie it with hard work.

There are not a few disciples who have the same idea as her. Mei Ran warned everyone: "Once I find out that the formation has changed, the disciples who wear knots will immediately lose their qualifications to participate in the selection."

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(End of this chapter)

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