Immortal is too strong

Chapter 233 Bi Shuran's Female Roommate

Chapter 233 Bi Shuran's Female Roommate (3)

Jiang Shuiyan just laughed: "That's the look, it's so similar to Qing Mochen, but he's much stronger than you, you, just lie down obediently."

After ruthlessly suppressing Xiao Jinlong, Jiang Shuiyan checked him several times to confirm that he had eaten Chixia Xin, and his physical changes were negligible.

Since Chixia Xin is not fake, there is only one reason to explain it.

Jiang Shuiyan raised his voice: "Your little body is not a bottomless pit, is it? How much do you want to eat?"

Xiao Jinlong turned his head away in embarrassment, not looking at Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan stretched out his hand and pushed him away: "If I knew you were so difficult to raise, I would never have hatched you from the beginning! No wonder you urged me to participate in the Dingkang Seven Heroes selection competition, so you wanted me to Give you something to eat!"

Xiao Jinlong was facing Jiang Shiyan and hugged his fat tail.It seemed that Jiang Shuiyan couldn't see him.

Jiang Shuiyan had a terrible headache.Collecting two treasures requires rare materials to advance, hatching a golden dragon is a bottomless pit, and looking at Bai Yu... Well, he is not so expensive, but if the spirit world does not breed small silver fish, he will also I can't afford to feed him!

She was already poor, but with these things, she became even poorer!It feels so bad that even a storage space can't be filled, when will she become a little rich woman.

Being depressed, Jiang Shuiyan listened outside the barrier, and Mo Bingyou said gloomyly: "Jiang Shuiyan, your junior brother has come to look for you."

comfortable?Jiang Shuiyan told Xiao Jinlong and Bai Yu not to go out, and she hurried to see Bi Shuran by herself.

He came here so late, did something happen?
Bi Shuran was standing with his back facing Fuqu Cave Mansion, his back was full of anxiety.

Jiang Shuiyan came in a hurry: "Shu Ran, what's wrong?"

When Bi Shuran heard Jiang Shuiyan's voice, he almost cried when he turned around. He pointed down, which should be where his cave was.

Jiang Shuiyan frowned, angry: "Did your new roommate bully you? Don't be afraid, senior sister will take you to teach him a lesson!"

The more she forbears, the more excited these little brats on Dingkang Cliff will be, right?Are you addicted to bullying my junior?If she doesn't beat him up today, she won't be called Jiang Shuiyan!

Pulling Bi Shuran, Jiang Shuiyan took him to Yujian, and it didn't take long to arrive at the Lotus Cave.

Jiang Shuiyan glanced at the plaque, and said naturally: "This cave looks like a girl's house."

Bi Shuran's face turned red suddenly, and she held Jiang Shuiyan to prevent her from going in: "Senior Sister! Don't go in, my new roommate is a woman!"

"What?" Jiang Shuiyan looked at Bi Shuran suddenly, how was this arranged?
Although they are cultivators, the defense between men and women is not very serious, but Bi Shuran is so young, Jiang Shuiyan didn't think that he would marry a wife and have children now.

Arrange him to live with a girl, and both of them will have bad reputations.

Jiang Shuiyan frowned: "Are you sure it's a girl?"

Bi Shuran burst into tears of shame and anger: "Forget it, I'll take you to see it!"

Afterwards, he pushed Jiang Shuiyan into the cave.If it was a man who would bully him, he wouldn't be so excited, but what's the deal with him and a girl?

He hates Ban Yanran so much now, he really pinched his weakness!At night, the wind on Dingkang Cliff was so strong that he could only rest here.

There was really no other way, so I went to Jiang Shiyan.

While talking, Jiang Shuiyan and Bi Shuran had already entered the Lotus Cave Mansion. This place is different from Fuqu, it is pink and bright everywhere, and it is indeed a girl's residence.

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(End of this chapter)

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