Immortal is too strong

Chapter 255 Unqualified

Chapter 255 Unqualified (4)

So Jiang Shuiyan said coldly: "Have you forgotten what Elder Yun said when he left?"

Ban Yanran pursed her lips and said, "I didn't intend to kill you."

After that, she turned her hands into claws, and grabbed Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan first shook Bi Shuran away with spiritual power, and at the same time dodged Ban Yanran's attack.

Ban Yanran was furious: "You still don't obey discipline!"

Jiang Shuiyan said in his heart, if I am caught by you, will I still survive?
Bi Shuran originally wanted to save Jiang Shuiyan, but unfortunately his strength was too weak, he couldn't even get close to Ban Yanran, so he could only look at Jiang Shuiyan with red eyes: "Senior Sister!"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't bother to answer Bi Shuran's words. Ban Yanran sacrificed silk this time. After being infused with spiritual energy, the silk could be stretched freely. Obviously, she wanted to use this magic weapon to bind Jiang Shuiyan.

As for the other people on Dingkang Cliff, they all watched this scene coldly, and none of them extended a helping hand to Jiang Shuiyan.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't count on them at all, she took the sword under her feet into her hand, soared into the clouds, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and slashed down with a high sword!
Ban Yanran was bound to win, but after feeling Jiang Shuiyan's sword intent, she shivered suddenly.

She can also use a sword?And judging from the sword moves, it turned out to be the sword technique that Mu Jin used in the Penglai Illusion!

Although the silk silk was nimble, Jiang Shuiyan's sword aura was straighter. Whether it was bound or cut off was hard to say.

Just when the silk and the sword were about to meet, a colder sword intent, like a plum blossom, separated the two.

Although this breath is not as terrifying and powerful, it still makes people unable to move.

Ban Yanran looked at the person in surprise, it turned out to be Mei Ran, the teacher on Dingkang Cliff.

Facing the senior, Ban Yanran naturally did not dare to act rashly, she saluted Mei Ran: "Teacher Mei."

Jiang Shuiyan also bent down to salute, but the hand holding the sword never relaxed.

After Meiran noticed the movement here, she rushed over and heard what Jiang Shuiyan and Ban Yanran said.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Mei Ran made a move.

She first glanced at Jiang Shuiyan with deep eyes.Then facing Ban Yanran: "You and Mu Jin go back."

Ban Yanran froze for a moment, what does this mean?Don't let yourself catch Jiang Shiyan and Bi Shuran?
Of course she disagreed, and wanted to fight for it: "Teacher Mei, these two people are likely to be in collusion with Moxiu! Don't take it lightly!"

Mei Ran asked coldly: "Am I the teacher on Dingkang Cliff, or are you?"

Ban Yanran: " are."

Mei Ran said again: "What Jiang Shuiyan said just now makes sense. You don't have any evidence that she led the Bell Bottle Sect. She has now participated in the points competition. To a certain extent, Wan Jianzong also needs to protect her." Her safety is in danger, so you go back, don't come to trouble Jiang Shiyan because of the Bell Bottle Sect.

Ban Yanran was very angry and felt aggrieved.Because Mei Ran has watched her grow up since she was a child, and has always been partial to her.

In addition, the Ten Thousand Sword Formation was carried forward by the head of the class and Mei Ran together. How can others compare to the friendship between the two?

Arranging Ban Yanran in Dingkang Cliff was also a little bit of Ban Yanran's careful thought.She felt that Meiran would definitely teach Jiang Shiyan a lesson for herself.

Now Ban Yanran is disappointed. After Meiran became the teacher of Dingkangya's disciples, she no longer takes her as the head daughter!
 Let me think about how to set the rules for the next addition?

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(End of this chapter)

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