Immortal is too strong

Chapter 257 Duel

Chapter 257 Duel (2)

Bi Shuran also came back to his senses at this moment. He was very shocked when he heard Jiang Shuiyan's words: "Senior sister can't!" Her cultivation base is obviously not as high as Deng Jia's. If there is a real duel, she will suffer!
Deng Jia was afraid that Jiang Shuiyan would regret it: "Okay! I can duel with you!"

Jiang Shuiyan ignored his lewd eyes and continued: "If I win, I want you to give me all the points you have now."

Deng Jia's mouth was slightly opened, obviously he didn't expect that Jiang Shiyan's condition was this.

"Points should not be given..." He wanted Jiang Shiyan to change a condition, because this was the more than 200 points he had saved through hard work, and if they were given to Jiang Shiyan, he would lose them.

Jiang Shuiyan reached out and touched Bai Yu standing on her shoulder, the little golden dragon on her chest was always quiet.

"Since points can be obtained through missions, they should also be able to give gifts to each other," she shook her wristband, "and under the surveillance of this thing, you won't be able to play tricks if you want. How do you agree?"

Deng Jia thought for a moment, then nodded heavily.He is so much higher than Jiang Shiyan's cultivation level, he's so cowardly!After winning Jiang Shiyan, he directly turned her into his furnace!Looking at her like this, she must be more useful than the women in Lianhua Palace!

"The time is tomorrow afternoon." After making an appointment with him, Jiang Shuiyan took Bi Shuran away.

Instead of going back to their respective caves, they controlled the flying swords and flew over the Dingkang Cliff for a while, then stopped when they found a protruding cliff.

After Jiang Shuiyan put away her sword, she sat down on it and patted the seat beside her.

Bi Shuran looked at her, and finally flew over to sit down.

Looking from this angle, there are endless mountains and seas of clouds.

Their feet were also hidden in the clouds, and at such a high place, they already had the feeling of becoming immortals.

It's just that the strong wind on Dingkang Cliff, Jiang Shuiyan hugged Bai Yu in his arms and let his white hair be messed up by the wind, but she was still there.

Jiang Shuiyan asked Bi Shuran: "How is it, have you calmed down?"

Bi Shuran said "hmm", "I was too useless just now."

"Let's not talk about this. When I first learned that the Bell Bottle School was destroyed, I was also shocked, but I didn't expect that Yu Yanghong and the others would blame me for their crimes."

Bi Shuran said angrily: "That's right! How much master and master have paid for this mountain protection circle, how can you slander them like this!"

"Are you angry?" Jiang Shuiyan asked.

Bi Shuran said naturally: "Of course!"

"But if you and I are strong enough, do you think those people would dare to frame me like this? I will definitely make them pay the price."

Bi Shuran was a little ashamed, but what Jiang Shiyan said was correct.In front of Ban Yanran today, he couldn't lift his head up.

So Jiang Shuiyan said slowly: "The Bell Pingzong is the home in your heart, so you will always remember his best appearance. I am your family, as long as we are together, the family will not be broken. Whether you want to check To clarify the truth, we still have to teach our enemies a lesson. All we can do now is to continue to practice and improve ourselves. If we become stronger, no one will be able to destroy our home."

After hearing Jiang Shuiyan's words, Bi Shuran felt enlightened.Home is where the family is!

Feeling at ease, Bi Shuran finally felt relieved.There are so many life-threatening revenges in the Bell Pingzong, he wants to avenge, and senior sister, he also wants to protect!

"Senior Sister, are you sure you will win tomorrow's battle with Deng Jia?"

Jiang Shuiyan laughed: "Are you underestimating me?"

Bi Shuran also laughed: "Of course not! I believe my sister will be able to beat him down!"

"Look at it."

 It's been two months since the book was opened, how many of them have you read from the beginning?Report to me~
(End of this chapter)

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