Immortal is too strong

Chapter 266 Opening the Treasure Chest

Chapter 266 Opening the Treasure Chest (3)

"This Ten Thousand Swordsman..." No one with such a playful person!You promised ten boxes, but they were empty?Then why did she have an enmity with Duan Mo Ning just now?Just give him all these broken boxes!
Bai Yu and Qing Mochen also saw what was going on inside, and the former tweeted at Jiang Shuiyan in great disappointment: "Why isn't there food inside?"

Qing Mochen said to Jiang Shuiyan in dragon language: "Wan Jianzong would not do such a thing, they must have given you something..." With a flash of inspiration, he and Jiang Shuiyan looked at each other, and said in unison, "Knot!"

Because they have always communicated in dragon language, Bi Shuran and Bai Yu couldn't understand it at all. The young man asked in a daze, "Senior sister, can you speak snake language?"

Jiang Shuiyan smiled dryly: "Well, a little bit."

Undoing the knot, she checked her points, which now stood at 470.In other words, opening a box gave her ten points!

Well, not much, but better than nothing.

Jiang Shuiyan put down this box, picked the second most gorgeous one, and said to himself: "Give me my treasure...I want my treasure!"

Just as the box was opened through a gap, Jiang Shuiyan saw the shining light. After she opened it all in surprise, her expression changed again and again.

It's not surprise, it's anger!Inside this box, there are only middle-grade spirit stones!What is the use of this thing on Dingkang Cliff?All the brains are stuffed into the spirit world, let him absorb it.

A few more boxes were opened one after another, either some spirit stones that were not too high in grade, or some elixir that Jiang Shuiyan didn't need. Every time she opened one, she felt a bit lost, and finally there were three boxes left. At that time, she didn't even bother to drive.

Looking at Jiang Shiyan's expression, Bi Shuran also knew that she didn't want those things before.He comforted Jiang Shuiyan with a good temper: "Sister, don't be disappointed, these ten boxes are a surprise for us, and it doesn't matter what you get out of."

Jiang Shuiyan sighed: "Well, although they are all useless things, they are better than bad luck."

After finishing the words, she froze the box casually, and then saw that it was still empty.

She subconsciously checked the knot, thinking she should give her ten points, but what did she see?Just now she had a score of 470, but now she has a score of 420!In other words, this broken box can bring bad luck!

Jiang Shuiyan was so angry that she threw the box away, thinking silently, could it be that her luck is so bad because she was born again?God must be too against her!

There are two boxes left, open or not?Jiang Shiyan hesitated for a moment.

If you open it, how about losing points?She worked so hard to accumulate points, just to save up to five hundred and exchange them for spirit stones for Xiao Jinlong.

As a result, a box was opened, and she almost returned to before liberation.

Don't open it, these two boxes are here, and her hands are itchy again.

It has to be said that Wan Jianzong's selection of Dingkang Seven Masters was the most interesting event she had participated in in two lifetimes.

In the process of earning points, there are surprises and frights everywhere.

After thinking about it, she was still going to open the rest of the boxes, but not by herself.

She pushed one box to Qing Mochen and the other to Bai Yu, and said to them: "You are also my people, open it."

Just as Qing Mochen was about to stretch out his claws, he realized something and silently pushed the box to Bai Yu.

 It's updated!

(End of this chapter)

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