Immortal is too strong

Chapter 274 Leave Alchemy

Chapter 274 Leave Alchemy (2)

Asking him to ask those old stubborn people of Dan Fuzong for advice, he couldn't bear this face.Study it yourself, many disciples were injured in the explosion, so he had to issue a mission to ask the disciples on Dingkang Cliff to do these chores for him.

Because the effect of the medicine was far from what he thought, Gong Song was of course embarrassed to say that he was refining Guiyuan Pill, but Jiang Shuiyan guessed it.

And Jiang Shuiyan found that when she said the word Guiyuan Pill, neither Su Wangan nor Mo Bingyou had a strong reaction.

Could it be that...they already knew what Gong Song wanted to practice?
That's it, Dingkang Qijie has no reason to take such a task, but if he can know the training method of Guiyuan Dan, it will be different.

The medicinal herbs for refining Guiyuan Dan are not rare (of course Jiang Shiyan is a poor man and cannot afford a single plant), but Dingkang Qijie has a lot of resources. If they can refine medicine by themselves, they will walk in the Magnolia world in the future. There is a guarantee.

Jiang Shuiyan took a deep look at Su Wangan, and he smiled shyly at Jiang Shuiyan.

"Elder Gong Song, you want to refine Gui Yuan Dan, and I want to complete the task, how about our cooperation?"

After Jiang Shuiyan finished speaking, Gong Song was expressionless, but Ning Chumo, who was following behind him, laughed loudly: "Only by you? A disciple in the Qi refining stage can still refine Guiyuan pill? A low-grade pill I can practice too, I don’t need you.”

Gong Song also felt that Jiang Shuiyan was joking: "Well, you guys go back, although this mission failed, but because of your courage, you don't have to accept punishment."

Jiang Shuiyan took a firm step forward: "Elder, how do you know that I don't know how to practice?"

Gong Song asked helplessly: "Then tell me, how do you practice?"

Jiang Shiyan said naturally: "I don't know yet, I need to test it."

"Pfft..." Ning Chumo laughed again, and stuck out his tongue at Jiang Shuiyan, "Don't talk big, leave quickly."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't speak, and Mo Bingyou stood beside her. "If you add me? Will the credibility be higher?"

Su Wang'an also clenched his fists: "Yes, and me! We will cooperate with Jiang Shiyan to refine Guiyuan Pill!"

Jiang Shuiyan looked at the two people on the left and the right, a little confused why they wanted to help him.

Gong Song saw that these three people could not drive away, and he and Mei Ran still had some friendship, so he could only sigh helplessly: "Okay, then I will give each of you a chance. If you fail, you will go down the mountain immediately."

Mo Bing smiled sinisterly: "Hey, for mine, just give it to Jiang Shisha."

Su Wang'an echoed: "Yes, mine is also given to Jiang Shisha."

Ning Chumo was stunned for a while, then said in shock: "Do you know what you are talking about? Your cultivation base is much stronger than her, and you actually want to give her a precious opportunity?"

Su Wang'an stammered and didn't dare to make a sound, Mo Bingyou said disdainfully: "Anyway, I don't know how to make this kind of pill." If she is asked to improve the blasting pill, maybe there is still some chance.

Ning Chumo thinks these people are crazy: "We have been learning from our master since we were young, and in terms of alchemy skills, we are definitely one of the best in Wanjianzong. Even we can't make high-grade pills. Can a disciple of Jiqi practice it? Her primordial spirit simply cannot support her to go so far!"

"You don't have to worry about that." Jiang Shuiyan looked at Gong Song, "I have one more condition."

(End of this chapter)

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