Immortal is too strong

Chapter 278 Anger

Chapter 278 Anger (3)

Like most of the disciples of Wan Jianzong, he didn't believe that the ancestor would be killed by the demon so easily.

The support behind Jiang Shiyan is Qing Mochen, could it be given by him?
So Gong Song sent someone to inquire, and learned that before Qing Mochen left, he didn't give Jiang Shuiyan anything at all!Where did this medicine tripod come from?
Thinking that this woman might be a villain who stole their sect's treasures, Gong Song's eyes lit up with raging anger.

Ning Chumo couldn't think of other possibilities.She pointed to the medicinal materials beside Jiang Shuiyan again: "And she's not refining Guiyuan pill at all! Master, what is she refining now, is it poisonous pill?"

There are countless monks in the Magnolia Realm, and even a powerful person like Qing Mochen can't do anything to him even if it is highly poisonous.

But monks with lower cultivation bases will find it difficult to resist those strange poisons.Jiang Shuiyan can use such a good medicine cauldron to make alchemy, which shows that she must attach great importance to this elixir.

Ning Chumo said coldly: "Master, we have to be wary of this woman. We must stop her alchemy now and find out where she stole her medicine cauldron!"

Gong Song hesitated for a moment, and just about to agree with Ning Chumo, Su Wangan stopped them: "Jiang Shuiyan just didn't use the medicinal materials you gave, how do you know what's in her alchemy furnace?"

Just such a sentence has exhausted all his courage, and when Gong Song glanced at him, his shoulders trembled again.

Holding the pitiful piece of dead wood, he tried his best to reason with these two people: "We have an agreement, you can't go back on your word!"

Ning Chumo smiled coldly, and just about to pull out her whip, she suddenly felt a cold breath behind her, and she was too frightened to move.

I don't know when Mo Bingyou came and how long he has been listening here.When she was speaking, Ning Chumo could clearly feel the cold breath blowing over the back of her neck.

Mo Bingyou: "Although we are doing a mission, you Songfeng is not too bullying. If Jiang Shuiyan is refining Guiyuan Pill, and at a critical moment, you interrupt her alchemy process, this liability compensation Can you afford it?"

She obviously didn't restrain Ning Chumo, but Ning Chumo felt that her lifeblood was being squeezed by Mo Bingyou's hands, she didn't dare to move, she could only look at Gong Song for help.

Gong Song gave Mo Bingyou a warning look, she slowly backed away, and stood beside Su Wangan, looking very disgusted.

Su Wangan lowered his head without making a sound, and occasionally glanced cautiously at Gong Song.

As the master of a peak, Gong Song really couldn't do what he said in front of Dingkangya's disciples.

Before he left with a flick of his sleeves, he said angrily: "If Jiang Shuiyan is refining some kind of poisonous pill, no matter how you stop it, no matter how the ancestors explain it, I will definitely let her explain it to Wan Jianzong!"

Ning Chumo hid behind Gao Song, and said arrogantly: "That's right! And how did her medicine cauldron come from? You have to explain to us clearly! How can the treasure of my Wanjianzong fall on an outsider's hands?" hand!"

After finishing speaking, she trotted away with Gong Song.

Gong Song retreated after returning, and told Ning Chumo to watch the situation on Jiang Shuiyan's side. When the 81st day came, he would be notified immediately, and Jiang Shuiyan's alchemy room was broken, and she was arrested.

Ning Chumo looked at Gong Song with great vigor, and if his master took action, Jiang Shiyan must have suffered a lot!

"The disciple understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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