Immortal is too strong

Chapter 282 Top Grade Washing Marrow Pill

Chapter 282 Top Grade Washing Marrow Pill (1)

If it was the previous Su Wangan, Ning Chumo would still have the strength to fight, but just by looking at him now, she lost all her courage.

He is a single wood spirit root, with extraordinary talent, which is reflected to the extreme in his swordsmanship at this moment.With every step, the ground is trembling and crackling, that is the sound of rocks breaking.

This is not the scariest thing, the most frightening thing is Su Wangan's expression now.The whole person seemed to have fallen into raging rage, the dark blue disciple's uniform was rattling, the air around him was burning, and thunder flashed.

Ning Chumo didn't understand, why did his temperament change in an instant?

The vigilance of the danger told her that Su Wangan is extremely dangerous now, he broke her magic weapon with one move, and he is definitely not her opponent!

Not only her, but the disciples on Pine Peak have been corrupted by the easy life, they can't beat Dingkangya disciples who have been running and competing all the time.

It took a long time for Ning Yimo to squeeze out a few words from her throat in fear: "I admit defeat..." Although it was embarrassing, she didn't want to take her life here!

Su Wangan's eyes were piercing. Before the name was named, his eyes were downcast, delicate and shrunken, like a weak dodder flower, but now, from his face, there is no trace of retreat.

His voice also turned cold, and he drew his sword and pointed at Ning Yimo's face, the sharp sword aura cut a wound on her face.

"I'm not trash." Su Wang'an's voice was not loud, but every word was forceful, hitting Ning Yimo's heart heavily.

Ning Yimo complained so much that she almost cried. She understood how Su Wangan felt when he whipped him earlier.

But it's useless to regret, she is doomed to pay for her provocation.

"I know you're not trash...forgive me..." Ning Yimo pleaded, "as long as you forgive me, I will practice for you whatever you need in the future..."

Su Wang'an laughed when he heard it, and looked at Ning Yimo: "What's the point of admitting defeat so quickly? The way of the sword is not dying! Let's fight!"

He raised the sword high and slashed down with a bang. If Ning Yimo hadn't dodged quickly, his body would have been split in two by now.

"What are you hiding? Fight me! You haven't seen blood yet, how can you have fun!"

Su Wang'an went crazy, his breath was overwhelming.Obviously, he is not going to let Ning Yimo go now.

The other disciples on Songfeng, including Gong Song, were all stunned.Now they came to their senses and rushed to rescue Ning Yimo: "Let go of Junior Sister!"

Someone brought Ning Yimo to a safe place, Su Wangan saw that there were a lot of people blocking the way ahead, bloodthirsty excitement appeared on his face.

He swung his sword very fast, no matter whether he faced his seniors or juniors, he never showed timidity.

And his swordsmanship has also changed a lot from what everyone has seen in this period of time.The moves are fierce, and they are about to die.

The sword light interweaves into a net, Su Wangan is worthy of being one of the Seven Heroes of Dingkang, he can dance the complete Ten Thousand Swords Guiyi swordsmanship by himself!

Swiping, swishing, the blade of the sword danced, and the light of the sword did not disperse.In such a pressing time, the disciples couldn't tell where the sword was and where the light was!
They may be stronger than Su Wangan in terms of realm, but they don't have Su Wangan's obsession with swordsmanship.

He who holds the sword is a lunatic!

(End of this chapter)

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