Immortal is too strong

Chapter 301 Origin

Chapter 301 Origin (2)

Jiang Shuiyan sneered, "Okay, I can tell you about the origin of this medicine cauldron. But how can I be sure, after I tell you, will you trouble me again?"

Ban Yanran said: "If what you said is true, not only will I not hold you, but I will also apologize to you."

The smile on her face became brighter and brighter, and she said to herself, Jiang Shuiyan, even if you look calm, you must have panicked already, right?In front of so many people, I see what else you can say.

Jiang Shuiyan slowly turned her head and looked at Mu Jin behind Ban Yanran: "Do you remember that a few days ago, I received ten boxes from the Treasure Pavilion, or did you give them to me?"

Mu Jin nodded.Ban Yanran had an ominous premonition in her heart, she asked Mu Jin: "What kind of box, why don't I know?"

Mu Jin said: "It's a special reward for the Dingkang Cliff trials."

"What?" Ban Yanran became exasperated, why didn't anyone tell her about this?
In fact, the person she sent out to investigate was going to tell her about the box, but was interrupted by Ban Yanran.

Jiang Shuiyan's words after that were like a chisel, pounding on Ban Yanran's heart: "My Shuiyun Medicine Cauldron was opened from a treasure chest. If you don't believe me, you can check the list of the Treasure Pavilion. There should be Shuiyun on it." The whereabouts of the medicine cauldron."

Ban Yanran has no authority to check.She could only stare at Mu Jin, but Mu Jin did not say a word, clearly admitting that Jiang Shuiyan's words were true.

With a rumble in her head, Ban Yanran thought unwillingly, should she apologize to Jiang Shiyan?It might as well kill her!

So she can only pin her hope on Mu Jin: "What she said is false!"

Not a question, but an order.

Mu Jin looked at Jiang Shiyan with struggling eyes.In fact, when Jiang Shuiyan said those words, everyone believed her.

There's no need for her to lie about something like this.Ban Yanran looks aggressive, but in fact she has long since lost the wind.

Even the elder brother who always doted on her refused to speak for her, Ban Yanran almost became a joke.

"Senior brother, answer me, what she said must not be true. What kind of extra reward can let her get the Shuiyun Medicine Cauldron? The things given by the Treasure Pavilion are too precious!"

Mu Jin sighed softly, Ban Yanran always got into trouble, he was willing to help her clean up the mess, but this time there was no way to repeat the old trick.

He whispered to Ban Yanran, "What Jiang Shuiyan said is true, you..."

Ban Yanran stiffened her neck, her eyes were red, she was obviously very disappointed in Mu Jin.She found out that since Jiang Shiyan appeared, her status has been getting worse day by day.

The Immortal Venerable doesn't accept her as an apprentice, and still favors Jiang Shiyan everywhere, and the elder brother doesn't spoil her anymore!

"I don't believe it! I want to investigate by myself! You guys just joined forces to lie to me!" After speaking, Ban Yanran flew away with Yu Jian.

Jiang Shuiyan knew that Ban Yanran's cultivation was higher than hers, and it was almost impossible for her to obediently fulfill her promise of apologizing.

If she was half as cute as Lin Kexin, Jiang Shuiyan wouldn't confront her everywhere.

Seeing her fly away, Jiang Shuiyan yelled loudly: "After the senior sister investigates clearly, don't forget to come and apologize to me! I'll be waiting for you at Fuqu Cave Mansion!"

Ban Yanran Yujian's posture was unstable and she almost fell off the sword.

The bastard Jiang Shiyan!Ban Yanran was furious. One day, she would kill Jiang Shuiyan!
Mu Jin was worried about Ban Yanran, so he chased after her.Jiang Shuiyan didn't care what happened between the two of them.

 Happy Saturday, please recommend tickets and leave a message~

(End of this chapter)

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