Immortal is too strong

Chapter 310 Leaving the sect

Chapter 310 Leaving the sect (3)

Sure enough, after searching for a long time in the ice and snow, I found it.She used the formula to change into the men's clothes, and then used the thousand-faced paper to change her appearance and figure.

The last step is to hide all the breath.

When she stood up, Qing Mochen carefully looked at her several times, except for those beautiful eyes, there was no resemblance to her original appearance.

In particular, her appearance was too dazzling before, but now she is so ordinary that she cannot be found among the crowd.

Jiang Shuiyan took two steps, and realized that her walk was too feminine now, and thought about how men walk, and soon, she looked good.

After all the preparations were done, Jiang Shuiyan patted Qing Mochen's head and said with a smile, "Let's go and have a look outside."

Because of the knot, Jiang Shiyan's whereabouts are not restricted, anyway, no matter where she goes, Mei Ran will know.

It's just that after Wan Jianzong came out, her position will not be too accurate.

Mei Ran was in seclusion. There were three stone walls in front of her. One was the scoreboard, the other was the task list, and the other was a huge map.

This map is the epitome of the Magnolia Realm, and the little red dots on the map are the locations of Dingkang Cliff disciples.

After she found out that Jiang Shuiyan had left Wan Jianzong, she opened her eyes suddenly and sent a letter to Ban Yanran.

Ban Yanran has ignored Mu Jin for a long time, every day when Mu Jin handles his own affairs, he will wait outside her room.

But Ban Yanran never softened her heart and never talked to him.

This day, after reading Mei Ran's letter, Ban Yanran smiled triumphantly.

In Wanjianzong, it was inconvenient for her to attack Jiang Shuiyan, but Jiang Shuiyan left the sect without fear of death.

The Magnolia Realm is so big, if something unexpected happened to her while she was doing the task...haha, then I can't blame her.

Thinking of this, Ban Yanran packed her luggage and was about to leave Wan Jianzong.

As soon as she opened the door, Mu Jin noticed that the steady man looked at her infatuatedly, and said happily: "Yan Ran, you are finally willing to talk to me."

Ban Yanran didn't want to talk to Mu Jin at first, but she felt a little soft-hearted when she thought of him staying here these days regardless of the weather.

In addition, if she leaves the sect alone, her father must be worried, and she also needs someone to protect her.

As for Mu Jin, he is the elder brother of Wan Jianzong, with strong swordsmanship and high cultivation, so it is very suitable to choose him as a companion.

After Ban Yanran thought it through, she ran out and took his hand, Mu Jin's face turned red.

He looked down at Ban Yanran and him acting coquettishly: "Brother, I think Wan Jianzong is boring, let's go out and practice!"

When Mu Jin heard this, he somewhat disagreed. "Didn't you just come back from the secret realm not long ago? What Master means is to let you retreat well and reach the middle stage of Golden Core as soon as possible."

Ban Yanran pouted dissatisfiedly: "That secret realm was prepared for foundation-building disciples. I went there once, and I got a lot of trouble, but I didn't get anything. Oh, brother, just promise me, it's too late to retreat all day long." It’s boring, I need actual combat too!”

She resorted to her trump card: "Anyway, if you don't agree, I'll leave secretly. Daddy will send you to find me then."

Mu Jin had no choice but to say: "Then I'll go and ask Master for instructions, and deal with the matter at hand by the way."

Although Ban Yanran was very anxious, afraid of losing Jiang Shiyan, but knowing that Mu Jin had made a big concession, she could only nod: "Then you have to hurry up."

Three days later, Mu Jin took Ban Yanran away under Ban Yanming's instructions.

Mei Ran told Ban Yanran the location of Jiang Shuiyan, and she secretly read the summoning talisman, planning to take Mu Jin to chase after her.

 Update~~~~Don't forget today's recommendation ticket and message~~~

(End of this chapter)

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