Immortal is too strong

Chapter 333 Ning Po

Chapter 333 Ning Po (5)

Although Ban Yanran was not reconciled, she could only sigh: "Forget it, such a good-looking merman is destined not to be mine."

She dragged Mu Jin back to the auction: "I think Jiang Shuiyan took out Gui Yuan Pill, please keep an eye on her and don't let her run away."

Jiang Shuiyan: "..." You just passed me by.

Jiang Shuiyan is not planning to go back to this auction.Mainly she was still worried about Ning Po, so she chased after him.

The opponent's flying magic weapon was so fast that Jiang Shuiyan couldn't even catch his whereabouts.But she knew that the lady was from a prominent family in the north, so she flew all the way north.

Suddenly, Qing Mochen reminded her: "There are other people approaching behind you."

Jiang Shuiyan hurriedly landed, concealed his whereabouts, and after they left, he asked Qing Mochen in a low voice: "Or those people who followed me?"

Qing Mochen judged through their aura: "They are all demon cultivators."

"Feng Xiaoran." Jiang Shuiyan guessed his identity, so he fell behind more slowly.

At this moment, the buyer of Ning Po had already released Ning Po, and a chain made of black iron was locked on Ning Po's wrist. Not long after, bruises appeared on his fair skin.

Qin Wanyin softened her heart and asked Ning Po gently: "Are you in pain?"

Ning Po smiled, but her eyes were full of coldness: "It doesn't hurt."

"I was afraid that if you untie the black iron, you would run away." Qin Wanyin said with a slightly flushed cheek, while reaching out her hand, stroking Ning Po's chest obsessively.

She stared at his face again, holding his cheeks with both hands: "Look at your eyes, they are more beautiful than the most precious gems in the world."

Ning Po smiled: "Thank you."

She stroked his tail again, it was smooth and smooth, and it felt great in her hand: "You really don't need sea water?"

"Temporary dehydration is fine." Seeing that it was almost time, Ning Po flicked her tail.

There was an ice-blue barrier spreading from the tail, but Qin Wanyin didn't notice it.

She was saying to Ning Po: "I bought you back, not because I want you to be my contract beast, but I want you to be my husband..."

"Oh?" Ning Po held her hand and kneaded it twice, "Are you sure?"


"Will you give me anything?"

Qin Wanyin was so excited that she was shaking when she spoke: "Yes..."

"Then I won't be polite." Ning Po laughed, colorful, and the world turned pale.

Qin Wanyin heard him singing from his throat, it was just a few simple scales, and she couldn't move.

Deeply entangled by the net he wove, she felt the pain, and when she lowered her head, a big hole was cut in her chest, and her bloody heart was still beating in Ning Po's hand.

She should have been in pain, but she couldn't scream, the soul supported her body, and she spoke in a soft tone: "With Xuantie here, how can you..."

Ning Po waved his wrist: "You mean this?" With a snap, the black iron shattered.

He smiled disdainfully: "This kind of pediatric thing still wants to catch me."

Not long after, Qin Wanyin completely died.Even her highly cultivated guards were all killed.

Ning Po felt bored and was about to leave when he suddenly noticed Moxiu approaching behind him.

It was almost dawn, and the first ray of morning glow shone on Ning Po's beautiful face, coating his smile with a fiery red color.

Ning Po waved his hand, and the black air on the flying magic weapon scattered, and he turned around again, leaving only a few wisps of blue fine sand where he was standing, and Ning Po's figure was already thousands of miles away.

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(End of this chapter)

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