Immortal is too strong

Chapter 343 Joining forces

Chapter 343 Joining forces (3)

Jiang Shuiyan spread his hands: "You didn't hide it on purpose, did you?"

Baili Yunhan thought of Baili Yehan's disgusting gaze, if his gender was exposed, these people in the Danfu Sect would definitely hate him very much.

So he looked at Jiang Shuiyan angrily: "Are you threatening me?"

Jiang Shuiyan admitted without hesitation: "That's right. Will Senior Brother Baili accept my threat?"

Can he not accept it?Even if you get angry, you have to endure it!After cursing in my heart for a while, I said, "Okay, I allow you to follow us."

Jiang Shiyan let out a "hmm".If it wasn't for her lack of strength, she actually didn't want to join forces with these people.

After the discussion, Yun Han made his decision.Jiang Gufeng was puzzled, what happened?
Yun Han was wearing a beautiful skirt, standing coquettishly: "Oh, brother, you just promise us, I can't leave my fellow disciples behind."

Jiang Gufeng and Xin Ran looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Everything is ready, just wait for it to get dark again, and the trap will start.


Meanwhile, a new batch of puppets was ready.Feng Xiaoran was sitting on a dark red chair, his clothes were half open, and he was holding a small porcelain cup in his hand, the wine inside was rippling bright red, sticky like blood.

He looked at this group of puppets, and there were two of them, who he sent to watch Jiang Shiyan outside Wanjianzong.

A few days ago in Pingliang City, when he saw the Qi Yang Pill, he felt that Jiang Shuiyan had left Wan Jianzong.It took some effort to find out, and it was true.

The two disciples guarding outside Wanjianzong were scared out of their wits when they heard the news.They didn't dare to slack off day and night, why didn't they notice that Jiang Shiyan had left?

Feng Xiaoran didn't bother to listen to their begging for mercy, so he executed them directly.As for the Batian dog, he hasn't freed up his hands to clean it up yet.

Among this batch of puppets, several of them wore the clothes of Dan Fuzong, and Feng Xiaoran looked quite satisfied: "Not bad."

A compliment made those who served him smile with lingering fear.

At this moment, Ba Tiangou was being stomped under Feng Xiaoran's feet obediently, whimpering from time to time.

Feng Xiaoran threw the bottle at Batiangou's nose, it was a bottle full of Qi Yang Pills.

After it smelled it, it barked loudly.

Feng Xiaoran understood: "Is this made by Jiang Shiyan?"

The Decepticon barked even louder.

Feng Xiaoran kicked it away: "It seems that there is still some use in keeping you."

The Batian dog hit the wall directly, and two of its bones were broken, but it didn't dare to cry out in pain. After getting up, it still begged for mercy at Feng Xiao.

Feng Xiaoran glanced at it, turned and left.As his back moved away, the puppets also disappeared.


After nightfall, two people also approached Quanshu Town.

Mu Jin felt more and more that he didn't understand Ban Yanran, and asked suspiciously: "Are you sure you want to stay here? You will be wronged."

Ban Yanran was only thinking about finding Jiang Shiyan. Although she didn't like such a simple environment, she could only endure it.She also smiled and said to Mu Jin: "Senior brother, how can I be so delicate? Cultivation is full of difficulties. I can still bear this bit of hardship."

Mu Jin looked at her with relief, it seemed that Yan Ran had really grown up.

Then when will she know his intentions?

To be on the safe side, they did not enter the town at night, but practiced outside.

Because of their high cultivation, both of them could hear the faint voices coming from inside the town.Ban Yanran also said: "It looks like this town is quite lively."

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(End of this chapter)

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