Immortal is too strong

Chapter 358 Medicine Field

Chapter 358 Medicine Field
After resting with the two spirit beasts for a while, Jiang Shuiyan decided to take them out for a walk as well.

This Pill Talisman sect is very special, the large area of ​​vegetation is planted with elixir.Jiang Shuiyan had searched for spirit stones from the Qin family before, and was going to see if he could buy a batch at a low price.

As Jiang Gufeng said, there are many people in the Pill Talisman Sect who specialize in spirit beasts and elixir, and she also wants to buy some for the two spirit beasts.

Before going out, Qing Mochen ran to Jiang Shuiyan's chest|chest, she grabbed it out and wrapped it around her wrist.

She said seriously: "You didn't see that I have a flat chest now, and there is an extra thing on my chest, how strange it is."

Qing Mochen turned his head unhappily.He still likes his previous body, which is soft.

Bai Yu has made a meritorious service, Jiang Shuiyan wanted him to rest in the spirit world, but he refused, insisting on seeing what the Danfu sect is like.

But he was afraid that he would be ridiculed for being bald, so he was very entangled.

Finally, Jiang Shuiyan found a silk handkerchief and tied it on Bai Yu's small head.

As soon as it was fastened, Jiang Shuiyan couldn't help laughing.White Feather is a very handsome bird, but a bit chubby.

And it's not because he has too much hair, he is really fat.

After plucking, her face and head are round, her eyes are black and she wears a silk scarf, which is very cute.

Bai Yu covered her head with her wings and said aggrievedly, "Master, what are you laughing at?"

Jiang Shuiyan praised him: "You look so pretty when you laugh."

Bai Yu: "Hee hee." The master praised me again, very flattered.

As soon as Jiang Shiyan took them out, he smelled a faint medicine box.In the previous life, Dan Fuzong was not far behind, and she also came to take advantage of the fire to rob.

So I am very familiar with the location of their medicine field.With so many cultivated spiritual herbs, it would be great if she could have all of them in her pocket.

Nowadays, the monks who come to Dan Fuzong basically communicate with each other in front of the mountain. They talk about cultivation base, sect, secret treasures, etc. Jiang Shuiyan doesn't even bother to listen.

She went straight to the back yam field, climbed to the highest point and looked down, so happy that she wanted to shout twice.

Suddenly, a girl behind her scolded her: "Who are you, why did you come to the medicine field? This is an important place, except for the disciples of the Pill Talisman Sect, no one else can enter!"

Jiang Shuiyan turned her head and saw that she had a small round face, apricot eyes, a colorful dress and treasures, and a high-grade medicine cauldron hanging on her waist. Standing there, she looked pretty and pretty.

This person looked a little familiar, and Jiang Shuiyan couldn't remember where he had seen her in the last life.

She stood where she was, and said calmly: "Dare to ask you, have I stepped into the medicine field?" She just stood on the edge.

A slight embarrassment appeared on Ran Qing's face, and she became angry from embarrassment and refused to give in: "If I didn't stop you, you would have rushed into the medicine field long ago! Seeing that you are still wearing Wan Jianzong's clothes, the behavior of this villain is really disgusting to Wan Wan. Shame on Jianzong!"

Jiang Shuiyan said leisurely: "I know that there is a protective barrier outside your medicine field, but you still rush into it foolishly?"

Ran Qing was dumbfounded by her words for a long time before she raised her voice: "You are making too much sense!"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't bother to talk to her, and walked around the medicine field.

Ran Qing, who was ignored, was very angry, thinking that she was also Yao Lao's closed-door disciple, and was always respected in the Danfu sect.

She shouted behind Jiang Shuiyan: "Do you know who I am? I am Ran Qing!"

When Jiang Shuiyan heard the name, oh, I remembered.Yao Lao's closed-door disciple, unfortunately, is not very talented in refining medicine, and it took many years before he discovered that he was very talented in cultivating medicinal herbs.

(End of this chapter)

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