Immortal is too strong

Chapter 360 Wanting White Feather

Chapter 360 Wanting White Feather (2)

Jiang Shuiyan walked up to Bai Yu at this moment, seeing that he was staring at Ran Qing behind him with his black eyes open, and rubbed his bald head mercilessly: "What are you looking at?"

Bai Yu felt that half of the silk scarf on his head had fallen off, so he raised his feathers reflexively, and screamed: "Master, what are you going to do!"

Jiang Shuiyan laughed. It was a normal scene between master and servant, but in Ran Qing's eyes, everything changed.

Why is this monk so rude, touching Bai Jiujiu with so much force, it frightens him.

Seeing how he dared to be angry but didn't speak up, Ran Qing felt very distressed.

Also, did he have no hair on his head, or was he shaved off?Ran Qing has not been deeply involved in the world, so she judges everything with her own eyes, which strengthens her determination to rescue Bai Yu.

Gritting her teeth and stomping her feet, she rushed forward and stopped Jiang Shuiyan.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shuiyan frowned, and said to himself, are all the monks of Dan Fuzong so unreasonable?
Just when she thought that Ran Qing was going to find fault with her, Ran Qing pointed at the bird on her shoulder: "Sell him to me, please make a price."

Jiang Shuiyan: "??" This person is right in his head.

This is the first time in this life that I have seen someone wanting to snatch one's own spirit treasure, seeing someone who simply dislikes oneself, or wanting to steal a spirit beast.

Seeing Jiang Shuiyan's silence, Ran Qing thought that her words had a deterrent effect, and said more righteously: "Looking at how poor you are, he must suffer with you, why don't you leave it to me to take care of you."

Jiang Shuiyan folded his arms and looked at her leisurely: "Do you know what kind of bird he is?"

Ran Qing shook her head: "It is probably some kind of bird that is highly ornamental. You are a big man, and it is not appropriate to raise such a cute bird."

Jiang Shuiyan sneered: "I just like raising this kind of bird, can you control it? Get out of the way."

Ran Qing opened her hands, but refused to let go: "Have you heard of Guiyuan Pill? I'll give you fifty medium-grade ones, and you give it to me."

Jiang Shuiyan looked at Ran Qing more like she was mentally retarded.Does she know that if she wants to refine it, she can produce five top-grade ones?

Mid-grade Guiyuan Pill, do you have the nerve to take it out?

Ran Qing is quite proud, although she is not as good as her senior brothers and sisters in alchemy, but the middle-grade Guiyuan pill she refined, Yao Lao said it was good.

Trading fifty life-saving pills for a not-so-useful bird was a sure-fire deal no matter how you looked at it.

It's a pity that Jiang Shiyan still smiled indifferently, and answered her word by word: "No, sell."

Ran Qing's eyes widened, she felt that the price she had asked was already high enough.Xingyan stared at Jiang Shiyan for a long time, and she laughed first.

Nodding vigorously: "Okay, I'll increase the price. Have you ever heard of the Golden Elixir? It's a high-quality auxiliary pill that was used when hitting the Golden Core stage. I can give you one."

Jiang Shuiyan took a second look at her, this Ran Qing is worthy of being a retreat disciple, indeed favored by Yao Lao, and even has golden elixir.

This elixir is not easy to practice, because it is different from ordinary elixir that only releases spirit grass. The golden knot pill contains the blood of spirit beasts and inner alchemy. If the fusion is not good, it will become a waste pill.

It's a pity, Jiang Shiyan still doesn't need it.

She spread her hands, and said to Ran Qing as if she had nothing on her body: "Look at my current cultivation, I still can't use this golden pill."

Ran Qing wanted to speak, but Jiang Shuiyan said impatiently: "Don't think about it, no matter how much you benefit me, I will not give him up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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