Immortal is too strong

Chapter 368 Famous

Chapter 368 Famous (1)

Alas, if possible, she would also like to wave her hand and say proudly: "I'll buy as many spiritual herbs as you have!" It's a pity that she is poor!

Li Yong's eyes lit up after hearing Jiang Shuiyan's words. "Any questions are okay?"

"That's not true. All I can solve are small problems, such as sick herbs, low yield, and poor quality..."

The more Li Yong listened, the wider his mouth opened. Is this still a small problem?So what is the big problem?
Can't wait to interrupt her: "Then you go and help me solve the soil problem first!"

After Jiang Shuiyan agreed, he sent a voice transmission to several other big cultivators and asked them to come and visit.

These few people seldom get together, and they look down upon each other.Seeing the two disciples of Wan Jianzong, they also arrogantly did not say hello.

But facing Ran Qing, he was respectful.

Ran Qing didn't bother to talk to them, she stared at Jiang Shuiyan curiously: "How can you make this medicine field recover nutrients as soon as possible? Do you apply medicine?"

Jiang Shuiyan saw that her attitude of speaking was quite normal today, and her indifferent face eased: "You can't always rely on applying medicine. After you have learned so many spells, don't you think about it more?"

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Shuiyan opened his hands, closed his eyes, and felt carefully: "Listen, the Magnolia world is so big, and all kinds of nutrients are talking to you."

Ran Qing still didn't understand, and saw Jiang Shuiyan slowly raised his hand, and grabbed it from the air with his slender fingers. The next moment, something bright green was thrown into the medicine field.

Then Jiang Shuiyan caught it again, and something light-colored was also thrown in.

She grabbed it a dozen times like this, and the various halos changed.By the way, Jiang Shiyan stood by the medicine field, tapped here and there, and it seemed to smooth out those uneven nutrients.

After stopping, she patted her sleeves casually, smiled and said to Li Yong, "Okay."

Li Yong asked in disbelief, "Is this all right? Is it too soon?"

"Then how long do you think it will take?" Jiang Shuiyan asked back.

The few monks called by him were stunned for a moment, and then mocked Li Yong: "Where did you find this liar, can't you use the name of Wan Jianzong to fool you? Just grab him casually like this." After a few strokes, the nutrients were thrown in? How did he do it?"

While talking, he used his spiritual sense to explore the medicine field, and he froze as soon as he touched the soil.

what happened?Why did the soil become so fertile?He has been planting medicinal herbs for decades longer than Li Yong. According to experience, medicinal herbs will grow very strong in such a medicinal field!
A few other people obviously noticed this too, and all of a sudden, their gazes towards Jiang Shuiyan changed.

Ran Qing also opened her mouth wide, unable to speak a that a lie?Actually did it?
Yesterday she was still stubborn, but today she is really curious, how did Jiang Shuiyan do it?

She didn't ask, but the others couldn't sit still. Li Yong owns such a fertile land, and planting another crop of Jiudingcao will surely drive them away by a large margin!

So they rushed to Jiang Shuiyan, the previous arrogance disappeared, and now they all asked in a friendly and urgent manner: "Jiang Daoyou, can you give me some pointers?"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't forget how they laughed at him just now, he smiled warmly, and spoke clearly: "Exclusive technique, refuse to spread it outside."

Well, if they don't learn this technique, they will delve into it by themselves in the future, so can they ask Jiang Shiyan to cast spells on their medicine fields?

(End of this chapter)

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