Immortal is too strong

Chapter 381 Capture Bai Yu

Chapter 381 Capture Bai Yu (1)

Gong Song pointed at her, expressing that she was very kind and said, "I like you as a disciple! Tomorrow is the Dan Fu Grand Competition, and you stand behind me."

Jiang Shuiyan looked distressed: "...I'm afraid it won't work."


"Because I want to participate in the Danfu competition."

"Ah, you said you want... no, what do you want?" Gong Song's eyes widened. The man who used to be rude now looks a little cute. Who is so bold, so it's you?"

The more he talked, the more angry he became. He wanted to knock Jiang Shiyan's head open to see, what was he thinking?

"If you lose the game, you don't have to go back to Wanjianzong! You like alchemy, don't you? Join Danfuzong! But I can't tell if they will accept you!" After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly and shook his head. Pull up your sleeves and go.

Jiang Shuiyan made way for him silently, muttering in his heart: Just because of his violent temper, he still needs to accept himself as a disciple, and he will never think about it in his next life.

Back at the residence, she sent a voice transmission to Bai Yu: "Remember to come back early when you're done playing, I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's big competition, so I won't go looking for you."

Bai Yu quickly replied: "Master, I know!"

Flying around, he soon got carried away and chased a beautiful butterfly away from here.


After putting away all the medicinal herbs, it was already night, Jiang Shuiyan sent a voice transmission to Bai Yu: "Why haven't you come back?"

After waiting for a long time, nothing came to light.

Jiang Shuiyan's complexion changed suddenly, Bai Yu was very sensible, even if he came back late, he would definitely tell her.

The first thing she thought of was that Ban Yanran was going to attack Bai Yu.Rushing out, looking for Ban Yanran's residence.

But as soon as he left the yard, he saw Ran Qing standing outside the door.She was dressed very formally today, smiling sweetly at Jiang Shuiyan, looking very proud.

Jiang Shuiyan said coldly: "Get out of the way."

While talking, he kept sending messages to Bai Yu in his heart: where are you?why do not you answer me?
Originally, because of the soul contract, she and Bai Yu could sense each other's position, as long as the distance was not too far.

But now, she had no idea where Bai Yu was!He can't teleport thousands of miles away, can he?

Ran Qing stopped the anxious Jiang Shuiyan, her eyes brightened: "I know what you are looking for, he is with me."

Jiang Shui looked at her sullenly, and asked fiercely, "What did you do to him?"

Ran Qing swallowed, a little frightened, and forced her courage again: "You don't have to attack me, I, I'm not afraid of you!"

"I asked you what happened to Bai Yu?" Jiang Shuiyan had already walked in front of her quickly, and Qing Mochen felt her anger.

At this moment, there is billowing magma in Jiang Shuiyan's heart, burning her internal organs. She knows that Ran Qing is willful and reckless, and Jiang Shuiyan didn't take it to her heart no matter how she found fault before, but it doesn't mean that she can tolerate Ran Qing hurting her companion.

Ran Qing was not as tall as Jiang Shuiyan now. She tried her best to tiptoe and raised her voice: "I just left him in a very hidden place. Without my instructions, he couldn't come out! I didn't hurt him!"

"Give me back the white feather." Jiang Shuiyan's churning killing intent was almost out of control.

Ran Qing's teeth were trembling at first, but when she thought of Bai Yu's cute sleeping face, she suddenly gained courage: "It's fine if I give it back to you. You have to prove to me that you are the more suitable master for him!"

 I beg the little fairies to vote for recommendations and leave more messages~~~Thank you~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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