Immortal is too strong

Chapter 385 The Big Competition Begins

Chapter 385 The Big Competition Begins (3)

He learned from Baili Yunhan that Jiang Shuiyan didn't want to participate in the Danfu Grand Competition at first, but was threatened by them.

There is no way to change the matter of her going to the competition, but if she loses, she will be left to the people of Dan Fuzong, and will they take Wan Jianzong seriously?

But Gong Song didn't tell Baili Yunhan what he thought, he just said with disgust: "You should stay away from me, a good man, he dresses himself up like this, and he smells like powder all over his body."

Baili Yunhan's delicate eyebrows twitched, and he gave Gong Song an aggrieved look, but it was a pity that Gong Song couldn't feel any pity for him at all.

Yao Lao brought his disciples to the venue, and Jiang Shuiyan watched from a distance as Ran Qing stood at the end of the line.

Afterwards, Yao Lao separated from these disciples, and Ran Qing's brothers and sisters also saw Jiang Shuiyan.

"This is the person who wants to challenge you? It doesn't look very good."

"Little Junior Sister has worked hard to win the competition this time."

"Senior brothers and sisters are optimistic about you, but if you lose... don't go back to the master's school and lose face."

Ran Qing lowered her head and responded one by one: "I will definitely defeat her."

These senior brothers and sisters may not have cared much for her, it's just that they have been proud children on the alchemy journey since they were young, and they are full of arrogance and can't see failure.

After them, there is the head of Dan Fuzong, and other elders.

When Yin Luosheng also appeared above the competition field, people from other sects got off the flying magic weapon and saluted Yin Luosheng.

"Participate in Pill God!" This is the most admirable figure in the Magnolia world, and I didn't expect to see him today!
After Yu Yanghong brought the people around him to salute, He Xuefei asked expectantly: "Pill God also appeared? Didn't it mean that he has been in seclusion for many years?"

"Yeah, the news of him leaving customs has not been spread at all!" Yu Yanghong looked at Yu Yuanfan, "The Alchemy God has never accepted disciples. After the Danfu Competition starts, if you perform well, you may be able to be seen by the Alchemy God." In it!"

Yu Yuanfan also wanted to find himself a backing master, but he didn't participate in the competition, how did he behave?Dad said it easily, but he couldn't even give himself a chance to meet Dan Shen.

He Xuefei also encouraged Yu Yuanfan: "Young master, the suzerain is right, opportunities can always be created! Thinking about the environment of the Dan Fu sect, it is really exciting!"

Yu Yuanfan was praised for a few words, and he thought that he was omnipotent in the sky and on the earth. While promoting himself, he also belittled Jiang Shuiyan: "Compared with the disciple of Wan Jianzong who played the field, I believe that the god of alchemy will definitely like me more. This kind of low-key and introverted! Hehe, don't practice swords well, come to make some pills, wait to make a fool of yourself!"

The other spectators had the same thoughts as Yu Yuanfan, but they didn't say it out loud, even if it was a discussion, they only whispered it to the disciples in the sect.

"That Ten Thousand Sword Sect disciple is called Jiang Li? She doesn't even have a decent magic weapon. What can she make?"

"The few disciples who watched Yao Lao are more imposing than each other. I heard that the younger disciples are very favored and have received the true inheritance of Yao Lao."

"Wan Jianzong will definitely lose face this time!"

Jiang Shuiyan didn't need to look any further to know that the majority of people were gloating and waiting to see her jokes.When she turned around, her back burned, it was Yin Luosheng's gaze.

Xiao Jinlong felt his coveted gaze, and opened his eyes suddenly.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't want to make extra troubles, so he pressed Xiao Jinlong on her wrist again, "Don't worry about it."

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(End of this chapter)

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