Immortal is too strong

Chapter 388 Refining 2 Furnace Pills

Chapter 388 Refining Two Furnaces of Pills (3)

Jiang Gufeng was also shocked at the moment when he made the medicine, he had never made such a high-quality middle-grade medicine pill.

Obviously, the herbs are the same as the previous steps, so is it true that his primordial spirit is stronger?

Yin Luosheng saw all kinds of wonders at a glance.It was not because of Jiang Gufeng that he was able to get such a good quality medicine, but because Jiang Shuiyan drew a formation on his alchemy furnace.

Even if Jiang Gufeng could not win the first place in the Danfu Grand Competition, he was favored by many sects present. "This disciple is not bad. The elixir he made is not only of good quality, but also very practical. After the Danfu Grand Competition is over, let's negotiate with the Danfu Sect to see if we can win him into our sect for two years."

"Hurry up and write down this disciple! I never expected that a disciple who is not an elder's disciple can have such a high achievement!"

When Jiang Gufeng stepped off the stage with his elixir, he was still flustered.Decades later, this time achieved the highest achievement!What a joy!

In the next few days, the great alchemists also left the customs one after another.Ran Qing's mid-grade Baiwu Pill has also been made, she is full of confidence.

Yao Lao judged her elixir, and now her ranking is still ahead of Jiang Gufeng, second only to several senior brothers and sisters.

She also knew what kind of elixir her senior brothers and sisters were refining, including the rare painting blood elixir, the exquisite spiritual qi elixir, the high-level detoxification elixir, and the extremely high-quality refining alchemy.

The effects of the elixir are similar, they can help monks detoxify, nourish Qi, and advance.This kind of elixir has always been in short supply in the magnolia world.

As soon as their elixir was announced, there was an uproar in the stands.

"It's the first time I've seen such a high-quality middle-grade painted blood pill! Hurry up and meet Yao Lao with me. In the future, the painted blood pill refined by this disciple will be reserved by our sect!"

"Spiritual Alchemy is also quite good. Our sect is in the depths of the swamp gas, so we will inevitably have to deal with demon cultivators. Collect more Divine Alchemy to be prepared."

"The white mist pill made by that little girl Ran Qing is also good. Didn't you try it just now? Only one pill is needed, and a third-level spirit beast can be advanced to a fourth-level spirit beast! In this case, the evolution of fourth- and fifth-level spirit beasts It's not difficult! Our Beastmaster Sect needs such talents!"

The alchemy competition has been going on for a month, and now is the busiest time, the disciples are working hard to refine alchemy, for this moment to be recognized and appreciated by others.

Holding the pill, Ran Qing was very happy for herself.She looked at Jiang Shuiyan's alchemy room, where the door was locked.

It is said that in the first ten days of alchemy, her smell was normal, but it became more and more smelly after that, and it was the Alchemy God who took the initiative to control the situation.

Now that she is out of customs and she hasn't, is she trying to remedy something?
Ran Qing raised the corner of her mouth uncontrollably, and said to herself, Bai Yu, you are mine now.

Finally, it was No. 30 days, and all eyes were on Jiang Shuiyan's alchemy room, because she was the only one who did not come out.

The people of Dan Fuzong have already counted the time, if she still does not show up after another hour, her grades will be voided.

Baili Yunhan was so anxious that he asked anxiously, "What kind of elixir is she refining? Her grades will be cancelled!"

He was the most aggrieved one. The other disciples got higher and higher points in the Dingkang Cliff competition. If Jiang Li lost, he would have wasted a month here!
An hour was about to pass, and just when the people from the Danfu Sect were about to announce that Jiang Shuiyan had failed in the competition, the door opened with a bang, and Jiang Shuiyan, who was wearing the uniform of a Wanjian Sect disciple, walked out without slowing down.

(End of this chapter)

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