Immortal is too strong

Chapter 398 Her Request

Chapter 398 Her Request (1)

Jiang Shuiyan's face is quite peaceful. If this happened in her previous life, she would wake up laughing in her dreams in the middle of the night. After all, she came from a small sect like the Bell Bottle Sect.

But now, she just said indifferently: "Then I'm afraid I will disappoint God Alchemy's kindness."

As soon as these words came out, everyone gasped.

"Jiang Li, do you know who you rejected!" The disciples of the Pill Talisman Sect were very unbalanced. He didn't accept them even if they wanted to join the sect of the Pill God!Jiang Shiyan is so arrogant?
"You don't want such a good opportunity, are you stupid!"

"Hehe, I thought that if I could refine a poison pill, I would be invincible in the world, but I don't know that in front of the pill god, it's just a child's play."

"Wan Jianzong, don't bully people too much!"

In Yin Luosheng's view, these disciples whose bones were only a few hundred years old were children.

Although Jiang Shuiyan rejected him, he was not annoyed, and he was very patient with those who admired him.

"Why do you reject the deity?"

Jiang Shuiyan slowly drew out his own sword. It was not a magical weapon like the Wuwang Sword. Those with a slightly higher level of cultivation knew that this sword could only be regarded as ordinary.

Qing Mochen was already very angry, but the moment he saw Jiang Shuiyan's sword, he understood what Jiang Shuiyan was going to do.

So Jiang Shuiyan waved his sword casually, and Qing Mochen's thoughts moved, merging his sword intent with Jiang Shuiyan's.

The moment Jiang Shuiyan made a move, he realized that something was wrong. This suggestion was extremely surging, just like Qing Mochen's.

She didn't know that it was Xiao Jinlong playing tricks, she just thought that Qing Mochen had too much influence on her.

Moreover, Jiang Shuiyan's original intention was to show Yin Luosheng her sword intent.

Can be enhanced, of course she is very happy to see it.

The sword was swung down, and the sword intent was like a raging ocean, or like a sharp leaf. With a bang, it smashed a hundred-foot-deep crack on the stage.

Because the power has not disappeared for a long time, the ground is shaking in a radius of hundreds of miles, and those people standing on the ground exclaimed:

"what happened!"

"Because she just swung a sword?"

It only took a moment to pretend, Jiang Shuiyan withdrew his sword under the astonished gazes of everyone.

Her face was still so calm, as if that earth-shattering sword was not swung by her.

In fact, she was also quite shocked, if it wasn't for herself who was wielding the sword, she would have thought it was Qing Mochen who had come.

Someone is already shouting: "Is it Mochen Immortal?"

"I just said how this sword intent is so powerful! It's frightening!"

"Mochen Immortal Venerable didn't come, it was this disciple named Jiang Li who swung the sword!"

"What? Such a powerful sword intent at such a young foundation establishment stage? Wan Jianzong is amazing!"

"Congratulations to Wan Jianzong in advance, and the second Mochen Immortal Venerable will be born soon!"

Jiang Shuiyan looked at Yin Luosheng indifferently, and said, "My talent in swordsmanship is stronger than alchemy, so I won't worship you as a teacher."

Yin Luosheng's complexion finally turned a little ugly.The face with silver hair and black eyes in memory filled his mind, making him a little irritable.

Qing Mochen, even if you are missing, you still have to fight against this deity everywhere!
Jiang Shuiyan's actions strongly proved himself, and completely swept away the face of the entire Danfu sect.

The disciple lost face, the elder lost face, the head master lost face?It doesn't matter, don't you still have a god of alchemy, I will let the god of alchemy come to accompany you.

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(End of this chapter)

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