Immortal is too strong

Chapter 401 Saving People

Chapter 401 Saving People (1)

The water dungeon of the Dan Fuzong is an important place, and its defense level is second only to the forbidden area and the Treasure Pavilion.If Jiang Shuiyan wanted to force his way in, he would have been killed without even seeing Yunqi.

After all, this place is full of the cultivation essence of talisman cultivation and alchemy power in the past dynasties. In two generations, Jiang Shuiyan only heard of one person who broke through the water prison of the alchemy sect and walked out, and that person was Yunqi.

In fact, with the memory of her previous life, she could not care about Yunqi's life and death, but Yunqi was dying because of her poison pill, so she was really worried.

why?Perhaps although she had never loved Yunqi, such a man who dared to love and hate was warm in her memory.

With Yin Luosheng's orders, it would not be difficult for Jiang Shuiyan to go to the depths of the dungeon.

Yun Qi is only a young disciple now, not enough for Dan Fuzong to use the strongest cage to imprison him.So in the shallow part of the water prison, she saw Yunqi.

The water in the water prison comes from the melting of thousands of years of ice. Every once in a while, it will slowly fill up the water prison, and it will subside after a long time.

Those locked in the deepest part of the water dungeon have to endure the pain of cold ice and suffocation all year round. Although monks will not die easily, this kind of torture is absolutely uncomfortable.

When Jiang Shuiyan saw Yunqi, his lower half|body was still soaking in the water, his eyes were closed tightly, and his complexion was pale.The shoulders are all wet.

Now that she is full of spiritual energy, when she goes into the water, she puts a cover on herself, so that the cold water does not soak her.

In addition, she is a water spirit root, and she will not be hurt by the water, but Yunqi may not.

He was already poisoned, and now his body has been ruined like this... Jiang Shuiyan slowly floated to his side, staring at his face in a daze.

Seeing that Jiang Shuiyan was so focused, Qing Mochen enlarged her body, especially her belly, which was bulging, and flew in front of Jiang Shuiyan, blocking her view.

Jiang Shuiyan pushed him away helplessly, thinking that the Dragon Clan is not the most proud, why is she fighting for favor all day long?
Thinking of Bai Yu again, she also released him from the spirit world.

During the month that Bai Yu was in Ran Qing, he was raised well. The hair on his head had grown, and it was smoother and softer than before. In addition, his body was round, like a white fur ball.

As soon as he flew out, he chirped, "Master, it's so cold here!"

Jiang Shuiyan let out an "um" and let him nestle in her arms, warming him with spiritual energy.

Xiao Jinlong saw it, and refused to agree, and followed Bai Yu to squeeze into Jiang Shuiyan's arms.

Jiang Shuiyan poked Xiao Jinlong's head with a tender finger: "You are not afraid of the cold, why come here?"

Qing Mochen let out a snort, anyway, he just stayed in her arms and refused to leave.

Bai Yu was very excited in front of Jiang Shuiyan, and he was afraid that she would blame him for running around, so he flattered her and said, "Master is really the most powerful, I knew that no one else could be your opponent!"

Jiang Shuiyan couldn't help laughing. In fact, after a month, she was no longer angry.

"Don't run around next time, and if you don't have a long memory, I'll shave off all the hair on your body."

Bai Yu groaned, hugged her body tightly with her two wings, and looked at Jiang Shuiyan in horror.

He tried to divert his attention: "Master, this man is dying."

Jiang Shuiyan fed Yunqi a nourishing qi pill, and after all the water dissipated, he dried his clothes and the entire suspended cell, quietly waiting for him to wake up.

Her nourishing qi pill had a miraculous effect, not long after, Yunqi opened his eyes, and he snorted in pain when he didn't realize that there was someone beside him.

 Add another chapter, more support will add more~~
(End of this chapter)

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