Immortal is too strong

Chapter 408 Magic City

Chapter 408 Magic City (2)

Farther away, there was a lifeless silence. Jiang Shuiyan frowned, realizing that something was wrong.

"What?" You Moxiu muttered suspiciously.

There is sound!Just when she was about to go deeper, Xiao Jinlong's voice sounded: "Come back!"

Jiang Shiyan withdrew his soul in an instant, opened his eyes, and there was nervous sweat streaming down his forehead.

Fortunately, Xiao Jinlong reminded her in time, she was almost discovered just now.The sound of that person's footsteps seemed to still be echoing in her ears.

Qing Mochen changed back to the appearance of the little golden dragon, and sat beside Jiang Shuiyan: "Have you been noticed?"

Jiang Shuiyan shook his head: "Nearly. I don't know where I found it... There is no sign of life, but someone is guarding..."

Qing Mochen said lightly: "The land of puppets."

Jiang Shuiyan suddenly realized: "Let me just say, it's outrageously weird there." Feng Xiaoran is good at controlling corpses and making puppets, so he must have a place to put these puppets.

As for the sea of ​​consciousness?The puppet who recognizes the master can naturally be released, but Feng Xiaoran, a man who pursues beauty like this, will tolerate ugly corpses in his sea of ​​consciousness?Even thinking about it is impossible.

"Anyway, it's good if you don't get discovered. Let's explore here today, and continue tomorrow."

On the other side, in the puppet land, the guard found a few small grasses by his feet, and he crushed them as soon as he lifted his feet, and said indifferently: "It's been too long since I cleaned it up, and it's all grown grass."

Now that Jiang Shuiyan is in a cage, he only has three days to think about how to escape Feng Xiaoran's control.

Two spirit beasts?Bai Yu is a sixth-level opponent, not Feng Xiaoran's opponent; Xiao Jinlong has no decent skills except for being a bit more coercive.

Her formation and elixir can be used, but after leaving the palace, she doesn't have a light escape talisman, so she still can't get out of the demon world.

If Feng Xiaoran was annoyed, he might chase her all over the Yulan world.

Divine Pesticide Cauldron and Spirit World?These two things are usually asleep, and there is no way to help her.

Jiang Shuiyan sighed and turned the knot helplessly.She now has more than 5000 points, if only she could find two high-scoring tasks in the Demon Realm.

Looking through the knots, there are really all kinds of tasks about the devil world.

Those with low scores, such as bringing back spiritual herbs and magic weapons from the demon world, and those with high scores, such as investigating the characteristics of the twelve gods of the demon world, drawing the defense map of the demon capital, etc.

Jiang Shuiyan gave up on the task of investigating the twelve gods in the demon world without even thinking about it.

Even Feng Xiaoran can't handle it, and let her find eleven other people?Why not let her go directly to Mozun.

Oh no, now that the Demon Realm is facing internal and external troubles, it seems that the Demon Lord has not taken over yet.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shuiyan's eyes lit up.yes!The Demon Lord has not succeeded in seizing power yet!If she helps Mozun, will Feng Xiaoran not dare to touch him?
Just go there to find the trace of the Demon Lord?At this time in the previous life, she was still suffering in the Bell Bottle Sect, and she never paid attention to the movement of the Demon World.

It seems that the matter of finding the Demon Lord has to be considered in the long run.

After thinking clearly, Jiang Shuiyan closed the knot and concentrated on practicing.

Just like the realm of human cultivation, there will also be demonic energy, but compared with spiritual energy, it is quite thin.

There is also a thin aura in the devil world, for a reason.

Jiang Shiyan originally wanted to absorb spiritual energy, but after practicing for a day, it had little effect.If this continues, she may not be able to form alchemy after 50 years of practice.

When she was practicing, Qing Mochen and Bai Yu were also meditating. Seeing her open her eyes, Bai Yu chirped and asked: "Master, I feel that your cultivation is not advanced."

 There will be another chapter, please continue to support!Be sure to collect and vote!

(End of this chapter)

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