Immortal is too strong

Chapter 412 Demon Venerable Lu Jue

Chapter 412 Demon Venerable Lu Jue
He could even tell the loopholes in Jiang Shuiyan's words.

But he didn't correct her coldly, but looked at her like a novel little girl, with sparkling eyes when speaking, as if sharing her treasure with him.

Qing Mochen closed his mouth and became a listener.

After the team had walked for a long time, Qing Mochen suddenly said: "If Feng Xiaoran can take you out a few more times, your deployment plan will be completed."

In Wan Jianzong's mission, there was no requirement for how detailed the defense map should be. After all, this is the secret of the devil's capital, and they didn't make it difficult for the disciples.

Qing Mochen's suggestion made Jiang Shuiyan's eyes brighter: "That's right! Why didn't I think of that! Now that I have the chance to come out, I can indeed complete the deployment map!"

She happily held Qing Mochen in her arms, and kissed him sideways: "You are so smart!"

Qing Mochen was kissed by her unexpectedly, her limp body became stiff.He seemed not to believe what happened just now, he stared at Jiang Shuiyan with wide eyes.

She laughed and rubbed the place where she was kissed: "Why, you were molested by me, aren't you happy?"

Qing Mochen rushed over and pecked her lips.He didn't know why he did this, and when he realized it, he had already moved.

Anyway, he is a dragon now, and Jiang Shuiyan couldn't see his astonished expression, so Qing Mochen said dutifully: "You kissed me, then I will kiss you back," and added self-righteously, "The Taoist couple Every room is like this."

Jiang Shuiyan didn't refute him either: "Okay, what you said is right."

Along the way, Qing Mochen was very happy, and even hoped that the atmosphere would never be destroyed.

It's a pity that someone just came to spoil the scenery, and Zhang Yang's female voice sounded from the front of the team: "I didn't expect to meet you here, Feng Xiaoran."

Jiang Shuiyan looked from the plane in the alchemy room, compared to Feng Xiaoran's team, the woman only brought two people, but Jiang Shuiyan couldn't help rubbing her eyes.

Lu Jue, the previous Demon Lord, was among those two!Although he was wearing a hood and only half of his face was exposed, it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Shuiyan to forget!After all, she has dealt with Lu Jue too many times.

As for the people around him, Jiang Shuiyan had no impression. Jiang Shuiyan was sure that he had never seen the sexy woman standing in front of him.

Qing Mochen also recognized Lu Jue, and blinked his eyes in disdain.Looking at Jiang Shuiyan's astonished appearance, he felt uncomfortable.

Isn't he just a defeated player, why is the reaction so big?
If Jiang Shuiyan knew what he was thinking, he would definitely complain about him crazily.You are No.1 in the Magnolia world, so of course you feel that everyone else is not so good.

She was secretly looking at Lu Jue at this moment, and her face was a little more youthful than when she met in the last life.But her naturally pale face, thin lips, and lifeless eyes did not change much.

As for when his eyes fell on the sexy woman, Jiang Shuiyan touched his chest subconsciously.

It's so big, it doesn't feel heavy, and it's inconvenient to move around...

Compared with the sexy women in Renxiu, she has a bit more seductive and lustful aura. When looking at people, her eyes are always blurred, as if she just got off some man's bed.

Compared with Lu Jue's pale face, Jiang Shuiyan suddenly had an idea.

Pfft... Lu must not have been recruited too much, right?
If Feng Xiaoran is very cruel, then Lu Jue is more than [-]%. Jiang Shuiyan guessed that the reason why she didn't know that sexy woman was because she was killed by Lu Jue early.

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(End of this chapter)

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