Immortal is too strong

Chapter 416: Life is on the line

Chapter 416

Qing Mochen also noticed that there are men without clothes everywhere, and the air pressure is very low. He is Jiang Shuiyan's Taoist companion, so he can show it to her. The things of these people are superfluous, so find a chance to chop them off !

The male favorites who were serving Yu Jiu suddenly felt a chill down their lower body... Looking around vigilantly, there was only a very weak strange man.

"Very weak." Jiang Shuiyan lowered her head, even though she was a man now, she really didn't want to see them.She's still a girl at heart...

Yu Jiu was scolding Feng Xiaoran at the moment: "I don't know what kind of magic art he practiced, and his cultivation level has soared, otherwise how could I not be his opponent! Lu Jue, go and pick ten male favorites for me! Feng Xiaoran gave me revenge, I will definitely avenge it!"

"Your subordinate obeys." Lu Jue turned around after saluting, Jiang Shuiyan subconsciously glanced at him, just staring at the two bronze balls... Cough cough, it's better not to look.

Qing Mochen was completely angry, grabbed the inner alchemy and wanted to eat it.He wants to become stronger and kill all these hot-eyed people!
Fortunately, Jiang Shuiyan realized what he was going to do and stopped him quickly.

At this moment, she was still wandering, thinking to herself, no wonder Lu Jue wanted to kill Yu Jiu in his last life. He was seen by others, and he used it countless times. It was indeed humiliating.

And Yu Jiu, who had ten men to serve her at once, tsk tsk, amazing.

She also felt miserable for herself, alas, she saw Lu Jue in such a miserable state, and when Lu Jue came to power, wouldn't she also be chased and killed by him?

Is it too late to say that she is blind?

After taking the medicine, Yu Jiu felt much better, and looked up at Jiang Shuiyan: "What are you doing with your head down? This deity is not too hungry to be hungry. You are so ugly."

Jiang Shuiyan smiled apologetically and said, "I'm really sorry for dirtying His Holiness' eyes."

Yu Jiu and Jiang Shuiyan looked at each other, and suddenly felt that her eyes were quite beautiful.

"What pill did you make for Feng Xiaoran?"

"Poison pill." Jiang Shuiyan replied.

"This thing still needs to be watched by you?" Yu Jiu noticed her Wan Jianzong's clothes, and suddenly thought of something, "Are you Jiang Li?"

Jiang Shuiyan wiped the sweat in his heart, he has become famous in the devil world.

"It's the disciple."

Yu Jiu laughed: "I heard that your poisonous pill is very useful, so refine a hundred of it for me! Whatever herbs you need, feel free to mention them!"

Jiang Shuiyan mentioned a bunch of medicinal herbs, and Yu Jiu asked the people around him to write them down, and Jiang Shuiyan prepared them all.

What she didn't know was that it was not the formula of poison pill.

When Jiang Shuiyan had just started talking to Lu Jue, he secretly performed the Biqing Jue, and a blade of grass stuck to the soles of Lu Jue's feet.

Although she was not sure yet, she suspected that Lu Jue had been poisoned, and it was likely that Yu Jiu had given him the poison to control him.

So she chose a few herbs and wanted to try to refine the detoxification pill.She didn't hold out too much hope, if Yu Jiu's poison was cured so easily, Lu Jue wouldn't be under control for so long.

Not long after, Lu Jue came over with his male pet, Yu Jiu smiled and asked Jiang Shuiyan: "Why, do you still want to stay and watch?"

Jiang Shuiyan shook his head hurriedly, it's better not to watch such a grand scene, it's easy to get needle eyes.

"Haha, then let Lu Jue arrange a place for you." After she finished speaking, she waved her hand to make the two of them retreat.

Lu Jue walked out with Jiang Shuiyan expressionless, out of Yu Jiu's sight, and he quickly got dressed.

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(End of this chapter)

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