Immortal is too strong

Chapter 418: Life is on the line

Chapter 418

Jiang Shuiyan's last words moved Lu Jue, and he put down the sword in his hand: "Well, it sounds good."

She breathed a sigh of relief, her life was temporarily saved.

"Do you regret coming back with me?"

Jiang Shuiyan nodded blankly: "I regret it a lot."

Lu Jue couldn't help but smiled.This disciple of Wan Jianzong is very interesting.

Jiang Shuiyan also smirked, and was pressed on the face by Qing Mochen's paw, he said in dragon language: "What are you laughing at, do you think he is prettier than Qing Mochen?"

She suddenly put away her smile, and said disgustedly: "The ugliest person in the Magnolia world is ten thousand times more beautiful than Qing Mochen."

Qing Mochen was depressed and let out a low growl.

During the confrontation, the sleeping spirit world woke up, and the first sentence was: "Why does this person have Wen Jiuming's breath?"

Jiang Shuiyan was asked abruptly by him, and subconsciously replied: "Are you sure?"

Lu Jue sat down slowly and heard a voice, "Huh?"

Jiang Shuiyan smiled dryly: "I'm talking to myself."


The spirit world was about to jump up: "Sure!"

Jiang Shuiyan thought in his mind that there were several people who could smell Jiuming's breath.Qing Mochen, Yin Luosheng, and now there is one more Lu Jue.

These people have either already become famous, or will become the overlord of the Magnolia world in the future.If she keeps looking according to this rule, will there be more people with Wen Jiuming's aura?

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things, how to save my life is the real business.

Lu Jue asked Jiang Shuiyan, "Do you know why I wanted to kill you?"

Jiang Shuiyan shook her head in bewilderment, if only she knew.

"Because I put the poison on my body by myself." Lu Jue stared at her darkly, "No one has noticed it so far except you."

Jiang Shiyan froze and almost gasped.God, she really got into trouble, why did she discover her secret!
"But you said you can detoxify me. I'm still a little curious. How do you detoxify me?"


"I am a poison, alchemy alone is not enough."

Jiang Shiyan didn't delve into what other conditions were needed, and always felt that it was not a good thing.

Lu Jue admired her a little now, with a quick mind and knowledge of current affairs, he said: "If you look better, you will be the person Yu Jiu loves the most."

Jiang Shuiyan had goose bumps all over her body, she didn't want to be doted on by a woman. "Hey, ugly, safe."

Lu Jue laughed again.A voice in his body spoke: "The number of times you laugh today is more than the sum of the next five years."

He didn't respond, just looked at Jiang Shuiyan and thought, maybe he met someone interesting.

"You don't need to worry about my poison, you can concentrate on refining your poison pill." Lu Jue got up to leave, and really let her go.

But Jiang Shuiyan stopped him: "The strong man stay!"

Lu Jue turned around lightly: "?"

Jiang Shuiyan was very embarrassed: "What I want from Yujiu is the spiritual grass for refining detoxification pills. Can you help me find a copy of detoxification pills?"

Lu Jue wanted to laugh again.Is this person naive or stupid?Playing tricks with Yu Jiu, do you want to die?It's just a poison pill, Yu Jiu may not be rare.

"My actions are being monitored by Yu Jiu, you can figure out a way for yourself." Lu Jue didn't help in the end.

Jiang Shuiyan slowly closed the door, feeling worried.Poison Dan is absolutely impossible to refine, how about changing it?

What can the spirit grass in the hand be refined?Jiang Shuiyan thought for a while, then his eyes lit up: "Yes!"

Hehe, Venerable Yujiu, let me help you entertain.

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(End of this chapter)

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