Immortal is too strong

Chapter 422 Killing Jade 9

Chapter 422 Killing Yujiu (2)

Cracks appeared in Jiang Shuiyan's defensive barrier little by little, and she continued to inject spiritual energy into it with a solemn face.

Bai Yu had already woken up, and after smelling the fragrance, he was drowsy and dreamed about having sex for two days, which made him feel very ashamed, and he didn't speak much these two days.

But now he was a frightened bird, chirping and asking Jiang Shiyan: "Master, what do you need me to do? Let me help you block this hurricane!"

Jiang Shuiyan said coldly: "Don't move, Yu Jiu and Feng Xiaoran are going to die forever."

It had been decades since there had been such a majestic fighting scene in the Demon Realm, and the voice startled all the other venerables in the Demon Realm.

They came out of their caves one after another, stopped far away in the sky, and watched all this silently.

Some chose to remain indifferent, while others loudly persuaded them to fight: "Feng Xiaoran, Yu Jiu, we have worked together for so many years, you really want to decide life and death today? Why bother?"

"Stop, if this continues, the entire Demon City will be destroyed by you!"

It's a pity that the two people who have already killed their red eyes don't care what they say.

They want each other to die!

Feng Xiaoran's army of puppets keeps growing. They don't feel any pain, even if their arms and legs are cut off, they can still move.

And they are very lethal, Yu Jiu's subordinates are gradually no longer their opponents.

But Yu Jiu's cultivation base has improved, and she doesn't pay much attention to these puppets.

When she was under siege, she grabbed the ground with both hands, and Jiang Shuiyan saw more than a dozen men pulled out by her.

She crushed the medicine bottle that Jiang Shiyan had given her, and a dozen pills of pills fell from it and flew straight into the mouths of those men.

When the pill appeared in mid-air, Feng Xiaoran had a sense of familiarity, but Yu Jiu used it too quickly, and he didn't have time to recall what it was.

Soon, blushes appeared on the men's bodies, and they kept struggling and moaning.

Yu Jiu's eyes turned red, and she frantically absorbed their energy at this moment. After a while, these dozen or so people turned into mummies, and fell heavily to the ground, torn apart.

But Yu Jiu's cultivation base soared in a short period of time, and Feng Xiaoran's eyes became more serious.

What kind of medicine did she give those male pets?There is no such thing in the information!
But Feng Xiaoran is not afraid of her, he still has a backup.

Two people are like trapped wild animals. There is only one food in the cage, that is the other party. Only by killing the other can they survive.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't dare to release the Yuanshen after that, and it might be smashed to pieces at any time. She just cast Biqingjue and listened intently to the movement outside.

Now she was buried more than ten feet underground. After Feng Xiaoran and Yu Jiu took action, she also quietly observed the other ten Demon Lords.

The aggrieved state is that she can only remember their appearance and gender.

Yu Jiu and Feng Xiaoran became evenly matched again, and Jiang Shuiyan gradually weakened his aura, reducing his sense of presence.

They fought for nearly ten days, and the entire demon capital was destroyed. The common demon cultivators all looked up at the sky in shock this time, thinking that after this battle, the number of demon masters would change from twelve to ten. It's eleven.

Yu Jiu's stamina was not as good as Feng Xiaoran's, and the energy she absorbed was gradually wasted by her.

Feng Xiaoran's beloved puppet was ruined a lot by Yu Jiu, and he was even more furious, and all his moves were deadly.

Yu Jiu decided to fight for the last time, if she couldn't beat Feng Xiaoran, she would run away, and she absolutely couldn't send her life here.

 It's the last day of 2017, please support me dearly!Come to a recommendation ticket and leave a message~~~Be sure to remember to collect it~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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