Immortal is too strong

Chapter 424 Killing Jade 9

Chapter 424 Killing Yujiu (4)

After making up her mind, she let go decisively and said to Lu Jue, "Let's go!"

She pinched the light escape talisman in her right hand, and her left hand grabbed Lu Jue's wrist, and she was about to pinch the talisman with a thought.

Seeing that she was about to leave, the others knew that the Light Escape Talisman was too fast and landed erratically, so they would not be able to catch up with him.

Who knows, the accident happened at this moment.

Lu Jue, who had been silent all this time, raised his sword and stabbed hard into Yu Jiu's heart.

Yu Jiu trusted him too much, she was defenseless, and the breath of life continued to drain along the blood gushing from the wound.

"Why... I ask myself how well I treat you..." Tears welled up in Yu Jiu's eyes, she was sad and desperate.

She doesn't know if she loves Lu Jue, but she only knows that a person like her is not worthy of love.

Putting Lu Jue by her side, letting him serve her like other male pets, but never touching him, she took this as her last stick to Lu Jue.

Obviously, he also cares about himself. When there is danger, he always stands in front of him.Whatever he wants, he will give.

Now that she has failed, she never forgets to bring him along to make a comeback.

But what did he give himself in return?It turned out to be a sword in the chest!
Jiang Shuiyan stopped in mid-air because of Yu Jiu's sudden withdrawal. She was not surprised by Lu Jue's actions, but she looked at Yu Jiu in a daze.

That question was like a small hammer hitting Jiang Shuiyan's heart.

Everyone has a different definition of love. Some people pursue undivided attention, while others pursue staying together forever.

Yujiu may have had countless men, but she treats love purely and transparently.She guarded Lu Jue in her own way, but she never thought that Lu Jue approached her with a purpose from the very beginning.

Now that she is about to die, it's not that I hate you, but why.

Lu Jue's eyes were as gray as ever. From there, Jiang Shuiyan could only see desolation, not a trace of love.

He doesn't love Yu Jiu.This realization made Jiang Shiyan's heart ache.

Much like Qing Mochen, in order to obey his oracle, he could treat himself coldly for 700 years, slaughter children, and lay down killers.

Yu Jiu is just like her former self, a silly woman.

Since Lu Jue didn't love her, he naturally wouldn't give Yu Jiu any explanation. He just turned his wrist indifferently, and twisted hard with the sword stuck in Yu Jiu's heart.

Yu Jiu spat out a mouthful of blood in pain, fell heavily from the sky, and ended up the same as those men who were sucked dry by her.

Jiang Shuiyan didn't look at the tragic condition of her corpse, but just looked up at Lu Jue.

Through Lu Jue's face, what she thought of was Yu Jiu's bright smile when she took the medicine she gave her.

Lu Jue, so this is the way you want to go.

Jiang Shiyan took two deep breaths, holding back his tears.She didn't sympathize with Yu Jiu, but she thought of her fate in the previous life.

Qing Mochen didn't know yet, but because of Lu Jue's actions, Jiang Shuiyan pushed him away again in his heart.

Now that Yu Jiu is dead, Feng Xiaoran's goal has been achieved, he said coldly: "Starting today, I am the third Demon Lord..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Jue asked him coldly: "Do I agree?"

Feng Xiaoran laughed sinisterly: "What kind of thing are you? You are just a male favorite raised by Yu Jiu, and you still want to compete with this deity?"

Jiang Shiyan adjusted his mood, and silently lit a candle for Feng Xiaoran in his heart.

Sure enough, it was this moment that Lu Jue was waiting for. Feng Xiaoran saw a black bright line flashing by, and his neck was already firmly pinched by Lu Jue.

 Happy New Year's Day dears!Happy new year, happy every day! !

(End of this chapter)

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